Agenda and minutes

Overview Select Committee - Monday, 1 August 2011 5:30 pm


Contact: Francis Connolly, tel: 0116 229 8812 

No. Item




Concerns had been received that the Council did not appear to be making progress towards using Prevent programme funding that was being made available by the Home Office.


Sir Peter Soulsby, City Mayor, explained the background to this funding and confirmed that he would be meeting Home Office officials in the next few days to discuss the best way that this funding could be used.  He gave an assurance that eth deadline for applying to this funding would not be missed.


In response to questions, Sir Peter Soulsby confirmed that his office was in very regular contact with the Police at both senior and operational levels.  The discussions to be held in the next few days were needed to ensure that the City Council was the most appropriate body to lead on this work, as it was not core council business.






Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Kitterick and Porter.



Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


No interests were declared.



The Select Committee is asked to consider a draft scoping document for a scrutiny review, and to refer this to the relevant Scrutiny Commission. 



Councillor Westley, Chair of the Adult Social Care and Housing Scrutiny Commission, explained that it was proposed that this review would be a full review of adult social care in the City.  For example, consideration would be given to whether service users wanted to have their own budgets and remain in their own homes.


An examination then would be needed of the implications of this decision, (for example, to ensure that staying in their own homes did not lead to isolation for service users).  This would include a review of how charges were made for these services and an examination of how care for elderly people could be improved, to ensure they all received the decent standard of care they deserved.  Those in the private sector with relevant expertise would be invited to participate.


It was stressed that this work needed to start very quickly, so that the Scrutiny Commission’s findings could be used to help the Cabinet reach a decision on whether elderly persons’ homes should remain open.  Councillor Dawood, Assistant City Mayor with responsibility for Adult Social Care and Housing, advised that the consultation on this would close on 28 September 2011 and that input from the Scrutiny Commission would be welcomed.  Following this, a report would be prepared for submission to the City Mayor and Cabinet, possibly at the end of October 2011.


In view of this timescale, it was agreed that the Scrutiny Commission’s work needed to be completed by the second week of October 2011.



1)     that the scoping document for the review of Elderly Person’s Homes be amended as indicated above;


2)     that, once amended, the scoping document for the review of Elderly Person’s Homes be referred to the Adult Social Care and Housing Scrutiny Commission for review; and


3)     that the review referred to under 2) above be completed by the second week of October 2011.



The Select Committee is asked to consider a draft scoping document for a scrutiny review, and to refer this to the relevant Scrutiny Commission. 


In response to concerns from the Committee that the significant budget reductions required needed to be examined, the Director – Planning and Commissioning explained that the proposed review would consider three key areas:-


·           The scope and financial situation of services for children, young people and their families;


·           Outcomes of the consultation process and lessons to be learned from these; and


·           Consultation on delivery options for future services for children, young people and their families.


The starting point for this would be that considerably less money would be available for these services in the future.  For example, although £500,000 initially had to be saved, additional savings would be needed in future years, as the government had advised that grants for these services would reduce.  This meant that in the next few years savings of approximately £6- 7 million in would need to be made in services for children, young people and their families.



1)     that the scoping document for the review of 21st century services for children, young people and their families be amended to include an examination of how the budgeted financial reductions will be achieved and the impact of making these savings;


2)     that, once amended, the scoping document for the review of 21st century services for children, young people and their families be referred to the Children, Young People and Schools Scrutiny Commission for review as soon as possible.



The Select Committee is asked to consider a draft scoping document for a scrutiny review, and to refer this to the relevant Scrutiny Commission.   


Chris Minter, will be in attendance to provide a verbal briefing on the current position of the ESOL service in Leicester.

Additional documents:


Councillor Waddington, Chair of the Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Scrutiny Commission, explained that government funding for courses in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) was changing, so that they would only be free for people in receipt of job seekers’ allowance.  This meant that approximately 3,000 people would no longer qualify for free access to these courses.  Changes to the scoping document to account for this therefore had been suggested.


Councillor Waddington advised the Committee that it was hoped that the proposed review of ESOL courses could be completed before the start of the Autumn term, in September 2011. 


It was recognised that the people who would no longer be eligible for free courses were not spread evenly across the City, but tended to be concentrated in certain areas.  In addition, general literacy levels in some parts of the City already were low, so the changes to government funding also could affect some of these people.  However, it was very important for people to be able to learn English to enable them to fully participate in daily life in the City.  It therefore was suggested that the review could continue in the Autumn term, to assess who the funding changes had affected and how. 


Councillor Cassidy, Assistant City Mayor with responsibility for Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, welcomed the review and explained that work already was underway with local colleges and other providers, to try to reduce the impact of the changes to funding.  Details of the key actions being taken were tabled and are attached at the end of these minutes for information.


From these actions, it was noted that:-


·           All ESOL courses planned for September would continue, but uptake would be monitored;


·           No feedback had been received about the possibility of introducing a student loan / credit system to help more learners find ways of funding ESOL courses.  Members suggested that this should be added to the scope of the review, as there was concern that not having such a facility could penalise those who could not afford to access ESOL courses.  Consideration also needed to be given to where the funding for such a scheme would come from;


·           A learning partnership that covered informal adult learning would be established.  It was suggested that it would be beneficial to consider this as part of the review, so it should be added to the scoping document. 


The proposed wider scope of the review was welcomed, as this would enable evidence to be taken from a range of stakeholders and a full examination to be made of the financial impact of the funding changes.  However, although this was an emergency situation, sustainable arrangements needed to be made for the future.


The collaborative working with local colleges and other providers also was welcomed, as all providers had limited resources with which to operate ESOL courses.  This collaboration also could help achieve the most efficient use of these resources, (for example, by ensuring that the best use of premises was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



In light of the City Mayor’s programme of pledges for his first 100 days of office, the Select Committee are asked to consider how the delivery of the pledges will be monitored.


Councillor Palmer, Deputy City Mayor, advised that 58 of the 100 pledges contained in the 100 Days Programme had been completed.  A further 38 should be completed within the 100 days, but some delay had been experienced with three pledges.  Only one was at risk of not being achieved within the time scale, this being a decision about future use of the Council’s offices at New Walk Centre, (pledge 51).


The three pledges experiencing delay were numbers 8, 56 and 99.  Number 8 would be discussed at the meeting of the Forum for Older People being held on 9 August and meetings had taken place with interested parties to discuss number 56.  Work was ongoing to set up a meeting with all parties to discuss pledge 99 and, although problems had been encountered in finding a date that was acceptable to all concerned, it was felt that this pledge would be completed on time.


The following points were made in discussion:-


·           Although pledges covering particular themes were not always grouped together in the programme, there were integrated policies behind them;


·           Pledges relating to housing were being reviewed following recent government announcements about house building;


·           A small amount of investment in some areas could greatly increase the confidence of businesses in those areas and be a starting point for further regeneration;


·           The establishment of the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) had been progressed following the ending of the East Midlands Development Agency (emda).  Prospect Leicestershire, (for which emda had been one of the main partners and funders), also had been discontinued.  A few members of staff remained from Prospect Leicestershire on generous salaries, so had been brought in to the City Council to ensure that value for money was received from these members of staff;


·           A number of meetings had been held in relation to the pledges relating to older people and these pledges were included on the agenda for the meeting of the Forum for Older People to be held on 9 August 2011.  It would be useful for this work to be available before the scrutiny review on elderly person’s care, (agreed above), was undertaken, (see minute 4);


·           It was recognised that many of the pledges were to start processes.  Assessment of the success of these would be subjective, but a lot had already had an impact on the way that services were delivered; and


·           Issues incorporated in the Pledges covered the majority of the issues included in the City Mayor’s election manifesto.


During discussion on individual pledges, the following updates were given:-


Pledge No.



This Council had led the establishment of the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LLEP). 

A paper would be presented to the Cabinet in the near future explaining the current position.


A letter had been sent to high level government officials about the need to have stronger powers similar to those held by the Mayor of London and regular debates were held with relevant parties on this  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



Colin Sharpe, Chief Finance Officer, will be in attendance to discuss with the Select Committee the  arrangements for the Committee to monitor the significant savings decisions included in the 2011/12 General Fund Revenue Budget.


The Chair reminded the Committee that quarterly budget monitoring reports would be received by the Committee, but the monitoring under consideration would identify whether the ambitious savings targets included in the last budget would be realised.


Members noted the savings that had been identified in the budget and progress made in achieving them:-


a)    Actions and Reports with Savings from the General Fund Revenue Budget Report approved by Council




Review of the scheme of Members’ allowances

The budget assumed a £100,000 saving.

Divisional Directors to review the support provided to the voluntary sector

No savings had been identified in the budget, but a target had been set of a 5% reduction.  Work on this had started on certain areas.

Chief Executive to review budgets for new furniture acquisition, conference attendance, IT and policy support

The budget assumed a £300,000 saving on conferences and seminars.

New control procedures were in place, which had seen a reduction in activity in these areas.  The tight procedural controls currently in place were not seen as a long-term situation, but were considered necessary in the interim to encourage savings to be made and ensure equity in approach, ahead of delegation of the savings to Directors.

Commission a further report from the Director of Children’s Services on Early Intervention services, following a more detailed review, identifying how the Council can respond to reduced specific grant on a recurrent basis

This had been included due to uncertainties over some government funding streams when the budget was set.  It was fully expected that the £1 million target would be delivered, but this was not included in the budget.


The Acting Director of Finance was requested to include evidence of plans, targets, timescales and alternatives where needed in the savings monitoring reports and the quarterly budget monitoring reports to this Committee as appropriate.


b)    Key Transformational Projects & Programmes and Other Corporate Efficiency Activities & Controls




The ODI programme (Support Services Transformation and Procurement)

£5.9 million budget saving.

Work was continuing on reviews of property services, finance, ICT and procurement.

A key risk was the loss of work being experienced by property services due to the reduction in capital funding.  It was possible that this would mean that the saving could not be achieved in full.  £1.4 million had been identified as a saving for this service for the current year and £2.2 million for next year.

The review of finance services was almost complete and it was expected that the expected savings would be delivered.

The administration and business support review was ongoing.

The review of ICT would start soon and was expected to deliver savings.

Capita had been appointed in April 2011 to work with the Council to identify savings in procurement.  Work was underway on this.

Human Resources Policy / Terms and Conditions changes

A reduction of £3.3 million had been assumed.  A large part of this was the proposed reduction in the working week.  Discussions were ongoing about how this could be delivered,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



The Select Committee is asked to consider a handbook for scrutiny.



1)     that the adoption of a Scrutiny Handbook to support the work of Scrutiny be agreed in principle;


2)     that the Democratic and Civic Support Manager be requested to circulate a draft Scrutiny Handbook for comment; and


3)     that the draft Scrutiny Handbook be brought back to the Overview Select Committee for consideration and in principle approval and recommendation to Council for inclusion in the Council’s Constitution.



The Select Committee will be asked to consider the process for dealing with petitions submitted to the Council. 


The Democratic and Civic Support Manager advised the Committee that the proposed procedure for monitoring petitions was similar to that used by the former Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.  The role of the Overview Select Committee within this process would be to ensure that the process was followed properly.


The following points were made during discussion on this item:-


·           Resources currently were not available to make more than a basic verification check of the people who had signed the petition.  This was being reviewed, to see how the situation could be improved;


·           The City Mayor’s office asked that it be ensured that early notification was given to Assistant City Mayors when a petition was received affecting their area(s) of responsibility; and


·           The proposed process could be kept under regular review, to ensure that it remained appropriate.



1)    that the process for monitoring petitions be agreed, subject to it being ensured that Assistant City Mayors know earlier in the process when a petition is received affecting their area(s) of responsibility;


2)    that the Democratic and Civic Support Manager be asked to send a flowchart showing the overall process for petitions to all Members; and


3)    that the process agreed above be used for 6 months and then reviewed.



The Committee will initially discuss their work programme for the 2011/12 municipal year.


The Chair stated that he expected all Scrutiny Commissions to be working on reviews by September. 



            that the following outline work programme be agreed and reviewed as necessary:-


Adults Social Care & Housing

·           Review of Elderly Person's Homes (see minute 4 above)

·           Fairer Charging Policy

·           Travellers' Sites (to be an in-depth review)


Children, Young People & Schools

·           21st Century Services (see item 5 above)

·           Schools Admission Process

·           Summer Play Schemes (Youth Services)

·           Capital investment to support and improve Adventure Playgrounds (Pledge 33)


Economic Development, Culture & Tourism

·           Review of Access to English for Speakers of Other Languages (see item 6 above)

·           Economic growth and employment - the role of the City Council in, for example, employment creation, and what can be done in times of high rates of unemployment, (especially for the younger and older working populations)

plus: other issues to be identified following consultation with the members of the Scrutiny Commission, when appointed


Health & Community Involvement

·           The broad issues around the forthcoming changes to the NHS

·           Public Health Work by the City Council

·           Revisit the Review of Adult Mental Health Services done last year

·           Value of continuing the current joint health scrutiny arrangements with Leicestershire and Rutland

plus: a public meeting to be held in the autumn, at which people will be invited to put forward their own concerns / ideas for reviews and last year's rolling work programme to be revisited and possibly "repopulated"


Heritage, Leisure & Sport

To be advised


Neighbourhood Services

·           How information on services provided by the Council is / can be accessed.  Including, when there are changes to services, who is this agreed by, why and how is information on the changes disseminated

·           Community Policing: the likely impact of cuts in Police budgets on this aspect of Police work



To be advised



The Select Committee are asked to confirm dates of future meetings during 2011/12.




            that meetings of the Overview Select Committee to be held at 5.30 pm on:-


Thursday, 1 September 2011

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Monday, 28 November 2011

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Monday, 2 April 2012

Thursday, 26 April 2012




The meeting closed at 8.10 pm