Venue: Masjid at Taqwa, 1 Harewood St, Leicester, LE5 3LX
Contact: Ward Community Engagement Officers: Randeep Singh Mattu (tel: 0116 454 1835. email: Aqil Sarang. Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 5591, e-mail: )
No. | Item |
The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.
The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct. Minutes: Councillor Osman was elected as the Chair for the meeting and led introductions.
Apologies for absence had been received from the City Warden and the Housing Manager.
There were no declarations of interest. |
The Action Log from the meeting held on 14 November 2019 is attached and members will be asked to confirm it as an accurate record. Minutes: The action Log from the previous meeting was agreed as a correct record. |
WARD COUNCILLORS' FEEDBACK The Ward Councillors will provide an update on ward related matters. Minutes: · Concerns raised with reduction of classes at Spence Street had been resolved, classes had been reinstated.
· The Elderly Exercise Class had been reinstated and a recruitment drive was in process.
· The Swimming baths t Spence Street had new showers fitted and had been decorated.
· The demolition of garages on Beatie Avenue was planned for the near future. |
LOCAL POLICING UPDATE Officers from the Local Policing Unit will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the North Evington Ward, Minutes: PC Carl Walsh and Mark Bailey were present at the meeting and provided an update on local policing.
It was noted that after concerns with anti-social behaviour (ASB) raised at the last meeting the police had deployed dedicated officers to the Redwood area. The police had the powers to stop and search those involved in ASB.
A camera had been installed at Redwood Walk and had resulted in bringing down the number of youths gathering in the area.
The Police were working with the Licensing Enforcement Team at the Council to deal with pan spitting around businesses in the Asfordby Street and Green Lane Road areas, closure notices could be the route authorities were willing to pursue.
The CRASBu Team had suggested spit buckets but residents and Ward Councillors were not very keen on this suggestion.
Residents suggested that distribution of notices in different languages (English, Gujarati and Hindi) could be a way to keep those that use the pan shops informed on the issue. Local churches, mosques and temples could be used to display notices. ACTION: City Warden to investigate the possibility of distributing leaflets.
It was noted that pan shops should also be responsible for displaying notices that deter customers away from spitting the pan on the street outside the shop.
Concerns were raised on Oak Street by residents with the alleyway that leads towards Redwood Walk. ACTION: Police to investigate.
The Police reported that there had been a few reports of cars that had been broken into and requested that residents report crime to the police. Beat officers were deployed to areas where crimes are reported and didn’t visit the same beat every day.
Hotspots for ASB on Edward Street and Farnham Street were reported to the Police. ACTION: Police to investigate further.
HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORT An Officer from the Highways and Transport team will be at the meeting to provide an update on highways and transport issues in the ward. Minutes: The Highways and Transport officers were not present at the meeting and Councillors raised their concerns with their attendance to Ward Meetings.
The Traffic Regulation Order for a one-way system had been processed it was reported that there was one objection and it had progressed to the Planning Department. An amendment to the scheme had been suggested where Wood Hill would remain the same. The scheme should be implemented by the end of May 2019.
Harewood Street had been included in the one-way system scheme as it is part of a loop that needed to be followed. This would also be implemented by the end of May 2019. ACTION: The parking problem on Harewood Street to be raised.
It was reported that visibility whilst driving from Harewood Street onto Uppingham Road was very poor and had resulted in many accidents. Parking bays on the main road were causing the problem at the junction and residents suggested Bollards on both sides of Harewood Street leading onto Uppingham Road.
Residents reported inconsiderate and illegal parking outside the carpet shop on Uppingham Road. ACTION: The City Warden to report to Parking Enforcement Team.
HOUSING UPDATE Housing Officers will be at the meeting to provide an update on housing issues in the ward. Minutes: The Housing Manager, Marlene Blake was not at the meeting but had provided an update for the meeting.
As suggested at the last Ward Meeting, the security gates to tackle ASB on redwood Walk had been approved and the dates for installation were now to be scheduled.
Funds had been secured for planters to replace resident planters on the Merlyn Vaz side of the Charnwood Estate.
Monies had been secured to paint 3 blocks of flats on the Morton Estate off Forest Road.
It was reported that there were no concerns of nuisance or ASB about any tenant for the Housing Team to address after attending the Joint Agency Meeting, chaired by the Police.
The City Warden will give an update on issues in the ward. Minutes: The City Warden was not present at the meeting, an update was received and circulated at the meeting.
Residents from the Charnwood Estate raised concerns with minibuses that were being parked on Farnham Street making it very difficult for pedestrians and cars to pass. ACTION: City Warden to investigate.
Residents from Bramling Road raised their concerns where a recovery truck had been parked on the street for a prolonged period of time. ACTION: City Warden to investigate.
It was noted that cleaning around Sparrow Park had to be increased. A lot of visitors to the park over the weekends and the bins are not emptied regularly, resulting in overflowing bins. It was suggested that if the days the bins are emptied could be changed may be a solution to the problem. Residents suggested that the park is more frequently visited over the weekends so if bins could be cleared on Mondays and Fridays, this could see the problem resolved. ACTION: City Warden to investigate cleaning arrangements.
Concerns were raised with food being thrown on Farnham Street from local residents which had resulted in a mice issue, residents were concerned with this and requested action to be taken. ACTION: City Warden to visit Farnham Street and Investigate.
Residents from Oak Street raised their concerns with bins that were still left out on the streets. ACTION: City Warden to investigate. |
WARD COMMUNITY BUDGET Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in the budget applications.
An update on the Ward Community Budget will be provided at the meeting. Minutes: ·Since the last ward community meeting 13 Application had been made. ·11 of these applications had been supported ·£2,500 of the Ward Budget had been approved for installing bollards on East Park Road. It was noted work would commence in the near future. ·The closing balance for the North Evington Ward was £0 as all the Ward Community Budget had been allocated to a number of projects throughout the year. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS Minutes: Councillor Khote and Councillor Fonseca along with residents, thanked Councillor Osman for his contribution over the years and wished him all the best for the future. |