Agenda item


The Director of Housing submits a report which presents the new draft of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and associated action plan which has been produced following a review and in line with statutory requirements. The Commission is asked to provide feedback on the draft strategy document.


The Executive Lead Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods introduced the new draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and associated Action Plan. It was noted that the service continues to be held in high regard and the strength and importance of partnership working across the city has secured additional funding for the agile service.


The Head of Service in Housing presented the report, and it was noted that:

·         There is a legal duty to formulate and develop a Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. This is required to be reviewed and a new Strategy formulated every five years.

·         More people are presenting as homeless and seeking support as a result of the cost-of-living crisis and housing crisis amongst others whereby the service will continue to be flexible and agile.

·         The main aim of the service is to prevent homelessness, but this is not always possible. The new draft Strategy will therefore be underpinned by four overarching priorities including:
1) Prevention – to support households to retain within their existing property or identify an alternative property. This however is becoming more challenging with the lack of affordable homes.
2) Intervention – to provide temporary accommodation for families and an extensive offer to rough sleepers where homelessness cannot be prevented. 
3) Recovery – to help households recover and try and ensure they do not find themselves homeless again in future.
4) Partnership Working – a collaborative approach to support the needs of those who find themselves homeless or rough sleeping.


Action Homeless, One Roof Leicester and Inclusion Healthcare – homelessness partners – contributed to the discussion and commended the consultation in drafting the new Strategy. The importance of collaborative working to secure additional funding and support the increasing challenges people are facing and the complexity of needs when presenting to services was also noted.

In response to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:

·         The service prevented two thirds of cases presenting to them but where prevention was not possible, support was provided through intervention such as temporary accommodation. Increased risk of homelessness arose because of court proceeding recommencing following the pandemic in addition to the cost-of-living crisis and increasing rental charges.
It was agreed that more details would be provided to the commission on current homelessness figures although it was noted that this may not be an accurate account but rather a snapshot of what is known to the service.

·         The draft new Strategy is underpinned by an action plan which incorporates the importance of communication. Increasing caseload of officers has made communication difficult but managing expectations through homelessness prevention plans are important. 
It was agreed that the commission will be notified of key areas relating to communication within the Action Plan and this will be monitored by the commission as future updates are provided on the draft new strategy.

·         The service is proud in the approach of treating anyone that presents as homeless equally and that no community should be spotlighted within the draft new Strategy.

·         The Council continues to lobby the Government to increase the 28day notice period when asylum seekers are granted the right to remain to 58days.

·         Recruitment and retention of officers within homelessness services is a national issue, particularly given increasing demand. The service does however have a work plan to sustain the service, but the lack of affordable housing is a challenge to sourcing permanent solutions. The Council continues to do what it can to acquire and build social housing in addition to offering incentive schemes to support tenants secure accommodation within the private rented sector such top-up payments and guarantees.

·         The service continues to work with colleagues to ensure there are pathway plans in place to prevent care leavers facing homelessness.
It was agreed further details and the impact of the second chance scheme will be shared with the commission.

·         Services are now primarily delivered remotely but consideration could be given to attendance within the community although there are limited officers and traditionally uptake of other services within the community haven’t resulted in greater engagement.

·         The draft new Strategy has been developed in consultation with partners and those with lived experience, primarily the Hope Forum through Dear Albert and the Homeless Charter.

·         The draft new Strategy and supporting Action Plan will remain live documents over the coming years to adapt to changes and feedback. The intention is to progress to delivery as soon as possible but clarity will be sought on processes and the requirement of seeking Full Council approval.


·         The Commission notes the report.

·         Officers are asked to consider Members comments and respond to outstanding requests for information.

·         Clarity to be sought on the decision-making process for strategies and the requirement for the Homelessness Strategy to go to Full Council.

Supporting documents: