Agenda item


The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.


          A)Land South of 155 Humberstone Drive

Planning Application 20230942


Construction of 6 semi-detached dwellinghouses (6 x 3 bed) (Class C3); associated access, parking and landscaping.


The Panel felt the design of the proposed dwellings was mediocre and did not reflect the specific context of the Conservation Area. Members had some concerns about the proposed height of the development and the sloping topography of the site. They questioned whether the buildings would be placed at the highest point within the site, compounding issues surrounding their scale and creating an overbearing impact on the surrounding built form. Particular concern was raised for the setting of the outbuilding at No 3 Main Street, which is listed as part of the historic curtilage of the main building. Members felt that due to the proximity of the units, views of this outbuilding from Main Street will be negatively affected by the tall, blank gable which abuts the boundary.


While the panel were comfortable with the principal of developing the site for housing, they felt the current proposal would not preserve or enhance the significance of the Old Humberstone Conservation Area. They also objected to the use of modern materials, such as uPVC windows, which are inappropriate in heritage settings such as this one.





B) 36 & 38 Market Place, Odeon Arcade

Planning Application 20230712


Demolition of most of Odeon Arcade; retention of facade to Market Place; construction of five storey (to Market Place) and six storey (to Cank Street) building (with basement) behind retained facade to Market Place to create: a gym for residents in the basement; 10 retail units (Class E) in the basement and on the ground floor; 53 flats (6 x studio, 30 x 1bed & 17 x 2bed) (Class C3) on the first, second, third, fourth & fifth floors, and a rooftop garden for residents adjacent to Cank Street


The Panel were generally supportive of the idea to redevelop the site for housing; however, they did have some concerns about the proposed design principally in respect to its scale and elevation treatment. Members felt the elevation fronting Cank Street was too high and should be brought down by a storey. They also felt it was unarresting and bulky, with missed opportunities to reactivate the ground floor level. They noted that this was a building with two “fronts” and Cank Street should not be treated as a “rear facade”.

Some members felt the upwards extension to Market Place elevation was very visually abrupt, and in contrast to the retained façade. They suggested a slight set back could help introduce some visual breathing space. Other members were comfortable with this element, and felt it would not have a negative impact on Market Place.


In general, the Panel were supportive of the principal of development and façade retention; however, they agreed the current scheme would be too tall and lacked character in a historically sensitive location.






C) 4 Knighton Park Road, The Scotlands

Planning Application 20230745


Demolition of existing garage and outbuilding; construction of two detached dwellings for student accommodation (2 x 2 bed) (Sui Generis)


The panel expressed regret that the previously approved scheme has not been developed, considering it to be high quality and carefully designed.


The panel considered that the current proposal represented an overdevelopment of the site and that the most forward of the two proposed units would be too prominent within the street scene, something which would be detrimental to its character. The panel noted the grand character of Knighton Park Road and that the spaces between properties were important to provide setting to the neighbouring buildings and allowed space for greenery and that this proposal would diminish its open quality.


The panel did consider the design of the proposed units was well considered and that a single unit may sit more comfortably within this context.





D) 48 Little Holme Street

Planning Application 20221898


Demolition of factory (Class B2); construction of a 6 and 7 storey building containing student accommodation (Sui Generis), 2 storey building housing plant and cycle/bin storage, with associated ancillary works and landscaping (as amended)


The Panel felt the revised proposal was a significant improvement on the previous scheme. The reduced scale of the building and revised design, notably the curved elements, represented a positive design development and addressed the previous harm identified to surrounding heritage assets.


Upon a more detailed examination, the Panel noted the quality of the existing building and felt it was a good example of a late 20th century factory which can be attributed to a notable architectural firm. They requested that a building recording survey take place prior to demolition.





The panel made no comments on the following:

337 Narborough Road

Planning Application 20230816

Retrospective application for construction of single storey extension at rear of house (Class C3)

335 Narborough Road

Planning Application 20230766

Retrospective application for construction of single storey extension at rear of house (Class C3)

12 Pendene Road

Planning Application 20230732

Replacement of existing timber frame for conservatory with UPVC (Class C3)

1 Foxon Street, Black Horse

Planning Application 20230769

Installation of rendering and redecoration to Public house (Class A4)

6 Castle View

Planning Application 20230832

Change of use from offices (Class E) to dwellinghouse (1x2 bed) (Class C3)

2-6 Gallowtree Gate

Planning Application 20230814

Installation of five internally illuminated ATM fascia signs (Class E)

2-6 Gallowtree Gate

Planning Application 20230813

Removal of one existing ATM machine; replacement of five ATM Machine with new model ATM machine (Class E)

15 Halford Street

Planning Application 20230823

Installation of one externally illuminated fascia sign to shopfront (Class E)

19 De Montfort Street

Planning Application 20230943

Change of use of ground, first and second floors from offices (Class E) to five flats (4 x studios - Flats 1, 3, 4 & 5) (1 x 2 bed - Flat 7) (Class C3)

Narborough Road

Planning Application 20231124

Installation of 15m telecommunications monopole; ancillary cabinets

Abbey Court, Pioneer Park, Wallingford Road / Exploration Drive / Corporation Road

Planning Application 20231046

Outline application for demolition of buildings and construction of serviced employment building(s) with up to 6,000 m2 floorspace (Class E(g)); access to be considered; all other matters reserved

Fosse Road South (at junction with Cherryleas Drive)

Planning Application 20231147

Installation of 16m telecommunications monopole; ancillary cabinets

13 Franche Road

Planning Application 20230891

Construction of rooflight to front roofslope; hip to gable side roof extension; & dormer extension at rear of house (Class C3)

19 Elms Road, land at rear

Planning Application 20230923

Construction of two storey dwellinghouse (4-bed); associated access, parking and landscaping (Class C3)

15 Main Street Humberstone

Planning Application 20231073

Change of use of the ground floor from a public house/ restaurant (Sui generis) to a community centre (Class F2); reconfiguration of the car park; and cycle store at rear

16 East Park Road

Planning Application 20230987

Construction of single storey extension at side of industrial building (Class B2)

Granville Road, De Montfort Hall

Planning Application 20230850

Internal alterations to grade II listed building

36 Millstone Lane

Planning Application 20230975

Variation of condition 18 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 20201470 (Change of use from light industrial (Class B1(c)) to 26 student flats (Sui Generis); removal of rear basement doorway and existing skylights, installation of lightwell at rear, installation of new windows and roof lights and installation of solar photovoltaics to roof. (Amended Plans)(S106 Agreement)) for the relocation of PV panels and installation of rooflight to front.

69-73 Regent Road, Howard House

Planning Application 20231032

Installation of PVC windows to replace existing windows at Hostel (Class C2)

325 Narborough Road

Planning Application 20230946

Retrospective application for the construction of single storey extension at front of house (Class C3)

Infirmary Square, Leicester Royal Infirmary

Planning Application 20230999

Retrospective application for installation of temporary building with access ramps for use as emergency ambulance hub

122 Granby Street, Ground Floor Shop

Planning Application 20231063

Installation of one externally illuminated fascia sign to shopfront (Class E)

122 Granby Street, Ground Floor Shop

Planning Application 20231064

Installation of new shopfront and Shutter (Class E)

81-83 Clarendon Park Road

Planning Application 20230805

Construction of hardsurfacing and steps across both properties; installation of 1m high handrail at front boundary between the properties; new glazing to the front door at 81 Clarendon Park Road

22 & 24 Market Street

Planning Application 20231042

External alterations to front elevation painting; refurbishment of existing windows

18A Scott Street, Millgate School

Planning Application 20230965

Retrospective application for construction of single storey detached classroom building at school (Class F1); associated steps and access

15 Halford Street

Planning Application 20231182

Installation of shopfront; new entrance door for 1st and 2nd floor access; 5 skylights to existing rear extension; alterations (Class E)

55 Granby Street

Planning Application 20231118

Installation of three non illuminated fascia signs and two non illuminated projecting signs to hot food takeaway (Sui Generis)

Hazel Community Primary School

Planning Application 20231315

Installation of replacement playground surface


NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 16th August 2023


Meeting Ended – 19:00


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