Agenda item


Highways Officers will be present to provide an update.


Martin Fletcher (City Highways Director) and Graham Seaton (Transport Development Officer) were present.


All to note:


·         During Summer, a programme was undertaken around all the schools in the city, tackling issues around school parking, getting people out of cars, walking and cycling, and road markings, and included works around Overdale School and Ash Close. The Council requested feedback if there were still issues.

·         Works were undertaken to tackle speeding on Welford Road, in particular at the junction with Chapel Lane where a lot of right turn incidents had happened. It was recognised that some people did not appreciate what had been done, but it had slowed down traffic, and allowed people to cross the road safely. A resident said the works had impacted on traffic leaving the city during rush hour, adding time to journeys, and people using side roads. The meeting was informed that data on any impact of the works on traffic times and pollution was being collected.


Action Point – the Chair asked that data be published to show changes in traffic volume if any, and a before and after comparison of data regarding pollution.


·         Works had been undertaken to provide safety refuges in different parts of the ward. Officers were looking at a scheme of improved road markings to highlight the danger of the bend on Chapel Lane.

·         Hatching highlighting was considered, but might push cars further into the road. As a minimum the anti-skid and road markings would be redone.

·         A programme of temporary speed signs would be considered.

·         Shanklin Drive – drawings were being developed on where the refuges might go. It was noted that refuges would not have helped with the incident on Carisbrooke Road. If someone was injured in the incident, council officers would receive information from the police.

·         A resident stated they did not believe the pavement on Welford Road was wide enough for both pedestrians and cyclists, with no demarcation of walking and cycling lanes, and asked if there was any scope to take back some of the grass for cycling.

·         Residents stated that if vehicles could park on the pavement, it would allow traffic to flow on roads. It was noted, however, that Knighton Church Road had an issue with pavement parking. A compromise would be to allow a two wheels on / off solution, which would not be an issue on Shanklin Drive which had wider pavements.

·         Shanklin Drive was a high priority road (red) due to speeding. Humps with bolt down features were easier and cheaper to install, and could be moved if necessary. It was noted though that road humps increased pollution.

·         The Council was going through the process of introducing a bylaw for parking on zig-zag lines outside of schools. It was hoped it would be in place for the new year.

·         The Chair asked for feedback on where residents believed there were issues with speeding in Knighton. There was an opportunity to use vehicle activated temporary signs to find out the average speed on roads in the area.


Action Point – The Chair asked for an update to be brought to a future meeting.