Agenda item


Officers from Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward.


Sergeant Simon Walters gave an update on police issues in the ward.  Points made included:


·         The new station on Norfolk Street was open between 10am-4pm Monday-Friday.  There were no set times for police to be present at the Fosse Neighbourhood Centre as it was difficult for PCs and PCSOs to remain in one place.  People were asked to either make an appointment or to go to the Hinckley Road station where a civilian member of staff would be on duty.


·         There were 3 PCSOs and 3 PCs in the ward. At any one time there were at least 2 PCs on duty.


·         Speed tests on the 4th January on Brading Road, showed the average speed of motorists was 25mph.  One person was caught speeding on this occasion.


·         Six parking tickets had been issued outside Fosse Primary School.  More visits were planned.


·         Police have been gathering evidence to get a closure order for properties on Kate Street due to drugs issues.


·         Three properties had been closed down recently due to drugs issues and there was ongoing work on the issue in Swannington Road where one family had been moved out.


·         Those present were made aware of the local police Facebook page.


With regards to the issue of speeding on Brading Road, Councillor Alfonso stated that this had been ongoing for at least three years, and it had previously been suggested that traffic calming be installed in the road and surrounding area.   She noted that average speeds could be deceptive and those speeding were going dangerously fast and that there was less speeding during rush hour due to congestion, and those factors could have affected the police operation.

Action: Sgt Walters to liaise with Traffic Management to get rumble strips to monitor speeds.


Regarding parking issues around Fosse Primary School, the possibility of getting a CCTV camera car to monitor the situation and catch perpetrators was enquired about.  Sgt Walters replied that the responsibility for parking was with Leicester City Council, not the police, and it would be council money that would pay for such a vehicle.


Concerns were also raised about school-run cars blocking the road and measures such as the zig-zags on the road were not enforced.  Action: Councillor Cassidy to pass on this information to the headteacher.


Concern was raised about parking on single and double yellow lines on Woodgate, also noting a car that was parked completely on the pavement. Sgt Walters replied that the police only had powers to address obstruction of highway (which included pavement) by issuing tickets, but cars parked on yellow lines was a council issue, not a police issue.


Concern was expressed about vehicles from City Van Hire parking around and outside their compound and a street cleaner vehicle blocking Central Road.  Sgt Walters repeated that the police had no specific powers on parking issues but suggested that if it was safe to do so to take pictures of inconsiderately parked vehicles so that the police could take them in to the company and fleet managers to try and resolve the issue.  Action: PCSO Sarah Baker who was in attendance agreed to talk to City Van Hire the next day.