Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item '14-19 PLAN AND MACHINERY OF GOVERNMENT CHANGES'
- Councillor Abdul Razak Osman - Personal - Councillor Osman declared a personal interest in Item 6, “14-19 Plan and Machinery of Government Changes,” in that he worked for Leicester College.
- Councillor Mohammed Dawood - Personal - Councillor Dawood declared a personal interest in Item 6, “14-19 Plan and Machinery of Government Changes,” in that he worked for Connexions.
- Councillor Rory Palmer - Personal - Councillor Palmer declared a personal interest in Item 6, “14-19 Plan and Machinery of Government Changes,” in that he was a governor of a Sixth Form College.
- Councillor Sarah Russell - Personal - Councillor Russell declared a personal interest in Item 6, “14-19 Plan and Machinery of Government Changes,” in that she was a Council-appointed governor at Fullhurst College.