Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/02/2006 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 224)


a)         Health Scrutiny Committee - 4 January 2006


Public Health Annual Report

The above Committee agreed as follows at its meeting on 4 January:-




(1)       That the Chair and Spokespersons of the Health Scrutiny Committee consider how the issues raised in the report could be addressed in the Committee’s work programme


(2)       that the report and the comments of the Health Scrutiny Committee be referred to Cabinet for consideration and relevant Scrutiny Committees be recommended to look at issues from this discussion which are pertinent to them.


The full Minute Extract is attached at Appendix A.


Councillor Gill to respond.



b)            Aylestone, Eyres Monsell and Freemen Area Committee - 18 January 2006


            Saffron Out of School and Saffron Community Enterprises

The above Committee agreed as follows at its meeting on 18 January:-




that the Area Committee recommends to Cabinet that the means be found to ensure that Unit 9 Linwood Workshops remains open to community groups.


The full Minute Extract and officer response is attached at Appendix A.


Councillor Farmer to respond.

Additional documents:


a)         Health Scrutiny Committee - 4 January 2006


Public Health Annual Report

The Committee resolved:


(1)       That the Chair and Spokespersons of the Health Scrutiny Committee consider how the issues raised in the report could be addressed in the Committee’s work programme


(2)       that the report and the comments of the Health Scrutiny Committee be referred to Cabinet for consideration and relevant Scrutiny Committees be recommended to look at issues from this discussion which are pertinent to them.


In response, Councillor Gill noted that the annual report presented many challenges in order to make a real difference to the health and well being of the people of Leicester.  He went on to outline some of the actions currently being undertaken in response and reported that the City Council was also working with the Director of Public Health to produce a strategy for public health for Leicester.  It was intended to bring a further report to a future meeting of Cabinet outlining in more detail the programme of health improvement for the City.



b)            Aylestone, Eyres Monsell and Freemen Area Committee - 18 January 2006


            Saffron Out of School and Saffron Community Enterprises

            The Committee resolved:-


that the Area Committee recommends to Cabinet that the means be found to ensure that Unit 9 Linwood Workshops remains open to community groups.


Councillor Farmer submitted a report in response which detailed the current position with regard to a location for the Saffron Out of School and Saffron Community Enterprises.  It was noted that the groups' preference was to refurbish the vicarage located on the corner of Marriot Road and Whitwell Row for their use instead of Unit 9 of the Linwood Workshops.   Pending a move to this new premise, the Economic Development section of the Council would continue to fund the rent on Unit 9 up to the end of March 2006 and would support the rental costs of the vicarage.  It was estimated that this would save £3,500 in reduced rental fees and bring the vicarage back into use.  Unit 9 would be marketed by Property Services.


c)            Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee - 15 February 2006


Petition - Refugee And Asylum Seekers Advice Project (RASAP)

The Committee resolved


that Cabinet be requested to consider a request for interim funding for RASAP of £30,000, from corporate resources or underspends, with an emphasis on the Housing Department, to fund the project which has found itself in an unusual situation


In response Councillor Farmer noted that the Home Office had made a decision to end its funding to the above project.  However, the City Council funding of £20,000 would continue.  Councillor Farmer had sent a letter to the Home Office making representations for the reinstatement of this Group's funding and would report back to Cabinet when a response was received.  In response to a suggestion from Councillor Gill,  Councillor Farmer agreed to participate in a delegation to the Home Office to make the Cabinet's views known.