Issue - meetings


Meeting: 12/02/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 139)



a)            Beacon Council Status


The Leader announced that the City Council had achieved Beacon Council Status for 'Maintaining a Quality Environment'.  This was the second City Council success in the scheme and made the Council one of only nine local authorities to have won two.  It was noted that, as well as acknowledging excellence in a particular area, the award of Beacon Council status also represented endorsement of the rest of the Council's services as a certain standard had to be reached throughout the Council in addition to excellence in one area.


b)            Charter Marks


It was also noted that the Council had achieved two Charter Marks, one for Consumer Protection and one for the Domestic Noise Control Service.


c)            Director of Environment and Development


The Leader announced that Peter Webster, the Director of Environment and Development was leaving the Council on Thursday 15 February.  It was noted that Peter had been Director of Environment and Development at the City Council since March 1993 as well as Deputy Chief Executive since 1997.  The Leader expressed his appreciation on behalf of the Cabinet for the significant contribution the Director had made to the work of the City Council and expressed his thanks and best wishes for the future.


Councillor Osman, the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation echoed the Leader's remarks and indicated that Peter would be missed by both officers and members.