Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/03/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 188)


Councillor Osman submits a report for consideration of expenditure on transport schemes.  The report was referred to the Highways and Transportation Scrutiny Committee on 14 March 2001 for its views.  These will be reported to the meeting.


Councillor Osman introduced a report seeking the Cabinet's approval to spend money on various transport schemes.  The Cabinet was pleased to note that the City Council had received a substantial funding settlement for transport proposals and noted the proposals for spending.


The concerns raised by the Highways and Transportation Scrutiny Committee about the proposed workplace levy were noted and the Cabinet wished to stress that such a proposal would only be acceptable if the conditions set out in the Local Transport Plan were met.  An amendment to the recommendations was therefore proposed with regard to this particular aspect of the plan.



(1)that the variations to the 2000/2001 programme of works as set out in Appendix E to the report be approved and the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services be authorised to make further variations to the current year's programme and to make appropriate variations to future years' programmes within the terms of the Local Transport Plan settlement and the Director's action be supported in spending the Transport Fund allocation as indicated;


(2)that a further report be received on the A46/A47 overspend in due course, should this prove necessary;


(3)that the transport settlement for next year be welcomed as well as the indicative funds for future years;


(4)that the programme of works and expenditure for 2001/01 as detailed in Appendix F of the report be approved;


(5)that further reports be received on the outcome of discussions with the Government about the Leicester West Public Transport Project and the Upperton Road Viaduct;


(6)that the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services be authorised to proceed with the appointment of consultants to investigate and develop proposals relating to Work Place Parking Levy subject to:-


(a)the satisfactory outcome of discussions on the Leicester West Project and the subsequent significant investment in public transport and Park and Ride schemes;


(b)the effective enforcement of parking controls through the Decriminalisation of Parking Enforcement and Residents Parking Schemes;


(c)any scheme being developed with the local business community providing assistance with the introduction of travel plans in order to ensure a net benefit to that community;


(7)that the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services be authorised to take steps to secure the design and construction of the schemes identified in the programme; and


(8)that the Director be authorised to seek tenders under Standing Orders 82(a) and (e) for the supply of specialist services and laying of special surfacing, as detailed in Appendix G of the report.