Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/04/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 214)


Councillor Patel submits a report which identifies the effect of an adjustment that has been made to property budgets following revisions to capital receipts expectations and considers requests to identify additional sources of funding for Bradgate Park and to strengthen communications.  The Cabinet is asked to note the saving of £134,600 arising from a reduction in the amount needed to compensate Environment and Development Department for loss of property income and approve that the majority of this is set aside until there is clarity regarding the pay award and also to consider how it wished to fund any contribution to Bradgate Park or to strengthen communications.


Councillor Patel submitted a report which identified the effect of an adjustment that had been made to property budgets following revisions to capital receipts expectations and asked the Cabinet to consider requests to identify additional sources of funding for Bradgate Park and to strengthen the communications unit.


It was noted that Bradgate Park’s funding was being reconsidered in the light of the serious loss of income due to foot and mouth disease precautions. The original reduction in funding was made on the basis of increased income from car parking and other commercial activities.


Councillor Getliffe, as a trustee of Bradgate Park thanked colleagues for the action taken on the Park and the support of the public during the foot and mouth crisis.



(1)that the saving of £134, 600 arising from a reduction in the amount needed to compensate Environment and Development Department for loss of property income be noted;


(2)that £15,000 of this saving be used to provide funding for the additional half post in the Communications Unit and the balance be retained centrally until there is certainty over the pay award; and


(3)that in the light of their difficulties, a one-off grant of £20,000 be given to Bradgate Park, to be funded from underspending in the Chief Executive’s Office in 2000/2001, if there are sufficient funds after meeting budgetary commitments towards Best Value, and utilising property savings if this is not possible.