Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/05/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 240)


Councillor Holden submits a report advising Members on the procurement options for the design and construction of the proposed new leisure facility in Braunstone.  The Cabinet is asked to note the likely choice of an alternative procurement method for this scheme and in the event of the project specific partnership arrangement being chosen, to agree that Standing Orders 84.85 and 86 be waived in so far as it is necessary to comply with the partnership process and to allow acceptance of the most economically advantageous method overall.  The Cabinet is also asked to delegate authority to the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services, in consultation with the Director of Arts and Leisure, Head of Legal Services and Chief Financial Officer, to determine all matters in relation to the choice of procurement method and the tendering of the design and construction up to, but not including, the appointment of the successful design and construction organisation.


Councillor Holden submitted a report advising the Cabinet of the procurement options for the design and construction of the proposed new leisure facility in Braunstone.   It was noted that  in order to enable the project to be implemented as quickly as possible, two alternative options to the ‘normal’ tendering process were also being considered.  These needed to be considered both in the context of achieving the project as soon as possible, given the closure of alternative facilities and taking all other relevant factors into account.


It was noted that in the event of the ‘project specific partnership’ option being pursued, a waiver of Standing Orders would be required to enable the choice of contractor to be based not necessarily on the cheapest option.


Councillor Holden also asked that the relevant Members be consulted on the decision as to which procurement option should be pursued.



(1) that the likely choice of an alternative procurement method for this scheme be noted;


(2)that in the event of the project specific partnership being chosen, Standing Orders 84, 85 and 86 be waived in so far as it is necessary to comply with the partnership process and to allow acceptance of the most economically advantageous tender overall; and


(3)that the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services, be authorised, in consultation with the Director of Arts and Leisure, the Head of Legal Services, the Chief Financial Officer, the Leader and the Cabinet Lead Member for Arts, Leisure and the Environment, to determine all matters in relation to the choice of procurement method and the tendering of both the design and construction up to, but not including, the appointment of the successful design and construction organisations.