Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/05/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 252)


Councillor Subedar submits a report setting out the progress on preparation of a viable scheme for a sports centre at Highfields Youth and Community Centre and provides a series of options and proposals for consideration by the Cabinet.


Councillor Subedar submitted a report setting out progress on the preparation of a viable scheme for a sports centre at Highfields Youth and Community Centre and providing a series of options and proposals for consideration in approving and progressing the scheme.  It was noted that both a full and reduced scheme had been prepared, the full scheme depending on the outcome of a bid for EU objective 2 funding.


It was noted that the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee had considered the report and had supported the scheme but asked to be kept informed of the development of the scheme and were also concerned to ensure that robust management arrangements were in place.



(1)that approval be given for either the full or reduced scheme, the final decision about which to pursue, to be delegated to the Director of Education in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Education and Lifelong Learning, when the outcome of the bid for EU objective 2 funding was known;


(2)that officers prepare a detailed scheme for tender;


(3)that the decision of Members last year to run the scheme as a Council project be confirmed;


(4)that the advice of officers in relation to the income projections for the sports centre be noted;


(5)that the expenditure issues that would be resolved as part of the management review and finalisation of the business plan be noted;


(6)that the support of Sport England for the scheme be noted;


(7)that the strategy adopted to reduce the Council's VAT liability and its potential budget implications for the Centre be noted;


(8)that the risks associated with this project and the steps to be taken to reduce these risks through the further development of the business plan and the conduct of the management review centre, be noted;


(9)that the views of Highfields Community Association and their support for a review of lay and professional management arrangements, be noted;


(10)that approval be given for the establishment of a joint management review by Highfields Community Association and officers of the Council to prepare recommendations for the lay and professional management of the centre;


(11)that the Director of Education submit a report following the management review setting out proposals for the strategic plan for the centre, the professional leadership of the expanded centre and the arrangements for engagement of the local community in the management of the centre;


(12)that a joint management approach between Highfields Community Association and the Education Department to the implementation of the project, be endorsed and that the appointment of a part-time project officer to support the implementation of the sports centre build, the further development of the business plan and the securing of additional revenue streams for the expanded centre, be approved.