Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/06/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 19)


Councillor Kavia submits a report detailing the latest position with regard to the production of the Local Plan, contained within the report are details of consultations done on the plan so far. The Cabinet is asked to approve the Replacement City of Leicester Local Plan for public consultation and request that the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services move to place the Plan on deposit. The Cabinet is also asked to delegate authority to the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Strategic Planning and Regeneration, to make amendments to the plan as necessary during the course of its preparation for deposit.


Councillor Kavia submitted a report seeking approval for the contents of the draft Replacement City of Leicester Local Plan and agreement to place the Plan formally "on deposit".  It was noted that the City Council as the Local Planning Authority had a statutory duty to prepare and keep up to date a Local Plan which covered its administrative area.  The replacement City of Leicester Local Plan was considered by the Cabinet on 9 April and had since been considered by Development Control Sub-Committee, the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee and at a specially convened Members Steering Group.  The Plan had also been considered by the Leicester City Regeneration Company whose principal concern related to the timetable which they felt would not allow them sufficient time to play as full a part as they would like in the plan making process.  In response to this therefore it was proposed that instead of placing the Plan on public deposit on 10 September as originally indicated, the Plan should now be deposited on 15 October and the timetable revised accordingly.



(1)that the Replacement City of Leicester Local Plan be approved for consultation purposes and that the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services place the Plan on deposit in accordance with the timetable set out in the background papers to the report; and


(2)that the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services be authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Strategic Planning and Regeneration, to make updates, corrections and minor alterations as necessary to the Plan during the course of its preparation for deposit.