Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/07/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 25)



a)            Councillor Willmott reported that the City Council had been successful in obtaining £1.3 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund for the restoration of New Walk .  The money would be spent on a range of improvements, including the restoration of railings and new tree planting .


He noted that at a former Cabinet meeting, he had asked the Cabinet Lead Member to investigate the possibility of  constructing a similar walkway elsewhere in the City.  Councillor Roberts, as the former Cabinet Lead Member for Strategic Planning and Regeneration, reported that he had discussed the request with officers in the Department of  Environment, Development and Commercial Services and that it was hoped to try and work with developers in other areas of the City to try and achieve this, possibly in the St George’s Area development or between the National Space Centre and the City.


b)            Councillor Willmott reported that the first meeting of the Leicester Strategic Partnership had taken place.  It was noted that the Partnership involved a large number of varied organisations working towards a common goal broader than any one interest group.


c)            Councillor Willmott congratulated Councillor Westley on becoming the Vice-President of the Association of Market Authorities