Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/07/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 33)


The Organisations Working Party, at their meeting on 28 June 2001 considered reports on the new Constitution and Cabinet is recommended to note progress (to be reported) in reaching an agreed timescale for the production and adoption of the new Constitution for the Council.


The Organisations Working Party also considered reports on the Periodic Electoral Review and the Independent Panel on Members  Allowances - Scope of Review, Terms of Reference and Information Requirements. Both of these reports relate to all Members of the Council and therefore need to be considered at the next meeting of full Council, on 12 July, 2001.


To comply with the requirements of Standing Orders, Cabinet is asked to approve the submission direct to Council of these Reports, as considered at the Organisations Working Party.


The Town Clerk reported that the Organisations Working Party, at its meeting on 28 June 2001, had considered a report on the new Constitution and it was noted that good progress was being made towards all party agreement, although they were still a number of outstanding matters for further discussion.  In addition two further items that had been discussed by the Working Party; the Periodic Electoral Review and the Independent Panel on Members Allowances needed to be submitted to the Council meeting for determination and the Cabinet was asked to authorise that these reports be submitted to the Council meeting on the 12 July.



(1)that the progress on the development of the new Constitution for the Council,  be noted; and


(2)that approval be given for reports on the Periodic Electoral Review and the Independent Panel on Members Allowances to be submitted directly to Council on the 12 July 2001.