Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/07/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 68)


Cllr Holden submits a report seeking approval to site new toilet facilities on a site located on Belgrave Road adjacent to the corner of Dorset Street and to develop the joint operational partnership for toilets sited at Beaumont Leys Market. The Cabinet is recommended to approve the variation to the project allocation to increase the provision to £116,300 in total and to approve the additional expenditure of £16, 300 from the Environment and Development Capital Programme budget.


Councillor Holden submitted a report informing the Cabinet that following arbitration, agreement had now been reached with the St. Mark's Estate Management Board regarding the provision of new toilet facilities on Belgrave Road adjacent to the corner of Dorset Street.  It was noted that the scheme was now estimated to cost £116,300, which was £16,300 above the current Capital Programme provision.  The additional expenditure represented additional works required following formal arbitration and annual inflationary increases since original tendering.  It was noted that there was an anticipated saving of £31,000 within the Environment and Development Department's Capital Programme and it was recommended that part of that saving be vired to fund the additional costs of the above scheme.


It was noted that preliminary discussions had taken place with the management at Beaumont Leys Shopping Centre, to develop a joint operational partnership for the toilets situated at the Shopping Centre.  If this proved successful, a similar partnership might be possible for the management of the public conveniences in the Haymarket Centre Bus Station.  The Cabinet welcomed this and Councillor Holden agreed to write to the management of the Haymarket Bus Station suggesting  that preliminary discussions start on this issue.



that approval be given to increase the expenditure allocation for the above scheme to £116,300 in total and to approve the additional expenditure from the Environment and Development Capital Programme Budget.