Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/07/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 62)


Councillor Kavia submits a report seeking approval for delegated authority in respect of the invitation to tender and acceptance of tenders of works required to secure the relocation of the Abbey Meadows depot within the timescales agreed with the East Midlands Development Agency. Delegated authority is also sought to consider and agree to, if appropriate, any requests requiring the temporary relocation of the depot offices and car park to secure early development of this part of the site, subject to identifying sources of finance in advance of the delegation being carried out.  The Cabinet is also asked to note the circumstances surrounding the electrical supply available within Beaumont Leys and the effect this may have on the relocation of the depot to Leycroft Road.


Councillor Kavia submitted a report updating the Cabinet on issues in relation to the relocation of the Abbey Meadows Depot and seeking delegated authority for the Director to carry out various actions in connection with the relocation.



(1)that the completion of the funding package with the East Midlands Development Agency on 30 March 2001, be noted;


(2)that the Director of Environment, Development and Commercial Services be authorised, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader and the Cabinet Lead Member for Strategic Planning and Regeneration, to:-


(a)agree the detailed design of the proposed scheme at the Leycroft Road site;


(b)obtain tenders in respect of the various proposed works;


(c)accept the lowest tender, or the appropriate tender, in accordance with Standing Orders, in the event the lowest tender could not be recommended for acceptance;


(d)consider and agree to, if appropriate, any requests requiring the temporary relocation of the depot, offices and car park to secure early development of this part of the site, subject to identifying sources of funding in advance of the delegated authority being exercised;


(3)that the Head of Legal Services be authorised to enter into the various works contracts with the successful tenderers in connection with the above; and


(4)that the circumstances surrounding the electrical supply available within the Beaumont Leys area and the effect this may have on the relocation of the depot to Leycroft Road, be noted.