Issue - meetings

New Walk Conservation Area - Detailed Proposals

Meeting: 04/09/2000 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 3)


Councillor Roberts

To consider proposed scheme


Councillor Roberts, the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Regeneration, presented a report of the Director of Environment and Development which outlined progress with the New Walk Restoration Scheme, the bidding process for funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and recent public response to the proposals, particularly those relating to trees.


The Director of Environment and Development displayed at the meeting plans of an alternative scheme and gave a presentation on these amended proposals.


Further to the presentation, the Chair also put forward an additional proposal, “that Councillor Roberts works with officers to bring forward a vision for a new pedestrian walk, with trees, plants and other green spaces for our City.  This will form both a link to the past achievement of New Walk, and a clear and bold statement of the Council’s future vision”.



(1) that, in the light of comments received from consultation, the planning application for the New Walk Restoration Scheme, as submitted by the Director of Commercial Services, be amended to reflect the amended proposals for De Montfort Square displayed at the meeting; and


(2) that Councillor Roberts works with officers to bring forward a vision for a new pedestrian walk, with trees, plants and other green spaces for our City.