Issue - meetings


Meeting: 05/11/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 117)



a)         Urban Renaissance Task Force


Councillor Willmott referred to a meeting which he and the Chief Executive had attended in London as part of the Urban Renaissance Task Force headed up by Lord Falconer. The aim of the meeting, which involved 24 towns and cities was to take forward consultation on the progressing of social and physical regeneration of towns and cities and focusing on a vision for the next 10-20 years.


b)            Cohesive Communities Review


Councillor Willmott requested that Councillor Osman brief the Cabinet on the recent part played by the City Council in the above review. Councillor Osman reported that he had chaired a meeting of community representatives in Leicester, details of which were forwarded to the Cabinet Office in London and which had received favourable responses.  It was noted that Leicester had been chosen to take part in the review because of its multicultural status and it’s record of good community relations.