Issue - meetings

CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH CONSTRUCTION (NEW BUILD AND MAJOR REFURBISHMENT) - This proposes a process for adoption the BREEAM environment construction standard for application to new Council buildings & major reburbishments in preparat

Meeting: 08/03/2010 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 184)


Councillor Russell submits a report that provides an approach to ensure that during the design of new council buildings and major refurbishments the carbon dioxide emissions performance is considered to meet the One Leicester commitment to build zero carbon buildings, in addition to other corporate environmental objectives. Cabinet is asked to approve the recommendations in Paragraph 3 of the report.


A minute extract from the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, held on 4 March 2010, will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Councillor Russell submitted a report that provided an approach to ensure that during the design of new council buildings and major refurbishments the carbon dioxide emissions performance would be considered in order to meet the One Leicester commitment to build zero carbon buildings, in addition to other corporate environmental objectives. 


It was noted that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered the report at their meeting on 4 March 2010 and had supported the recommendations contained within the report.



that Cabinet recommends:


1) that all new council building and major refurbishments projects that fall within the council definition of a major project (i.e. over £1,000,000):


a.      will be expected to achieve the BREEAM (the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology) Design standard environmental rating of “excellent” on new buildings and seek funding to meet this standard as required. Major refurbishment projects are required to achieve “very good” where BREEAM is appropriate to the nature of the refurbishment;


b.. will undertake a feasibility study as paft of BREEAM to present a series of costed options for achieving different levels of carbon dioxide emissions reduction to an appropriate financial decision-making forum (e.g. Cabinet); and


c.  are subject to a Sustainability Assessment to pick up the non-environmental aspects of the council’s sustainable procurement policy.


2) that in circumstances where there are existing legal or other requirements applicable (eg. Planning policies) then these will take precedence. An example would be the refurbishment of a council-owned listed building.


3) that recommendations will be implemented through the corporate project management standards and the Gateway process.