Issue - meetings


Meeting: 18/09/2000 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 14)


Councillor Willmott


The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed Members to the second meeting of the Cabinet. 


Fuel Shortages


The Chair asked the Chief Executive to brief the Cabinet on the current situation with regard to fuel shortages.


The Chief Executive circulated a paper and updated the Cabinet on measures put in hand in line with the Business Continuity Plan within the Council to address the fuel shortages over the last week. Thanks were expressed to staff for their rapid responses to secure fuel supplies and reprioritise operations in the interests of the community.


The current situation was noted.


Council Tax - Direct Debits


The Chair reported that additional Council Tax deductions had been made in error by direct debit from 3000 residents. Council offices had been opened over the weekend to offer advice and assistance to the public.


The Chair apologised to all affected residents for the problems this had caused. The situation had now  been rectified and compensation would be paid to those who had been affected. Systems were also being reviewed to investigate how the error had occurred and to ensure that similar problems did not happen in future.