Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/11/2000 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 33)


Councillor Getliffe


The report advises the Cabinet of the latest radical changes being introduced by the Government aimed at improving the health of the nation.  It is recommended that an officer be identified as the corporate lead on Health issues and that this be the Director of Social Services.  The Cabinet is also asked to confirm proposals for representation from the City Council on the Health Partnerships Policy Board.

Additional documents:


Councillor Getliffe, the Cabinet Member for Social Services and Personal Health submitted a report advising the Cabinet of the latest radical changes being introduced by the Government aimed at improving the health of the nation.  The report recommended that an officer be identified as the corporate lead on health issues for the City Council and that this be the Director of Social Services.  The Cabinet was also asked to confirm proposals for representation from the City Council on the Health Partnerships Policy Board.  Councillor Getliffe emphasised the importance of joint working between the Social Services Department and health providers.



(1)that there be a corporate lead officer on health and that this responsibility be given to the Director of Social Services;


(2)that further work into common evaluation and consultation processes for Leicester be supported;


(3)that the implications of the National Plan and the Comprehensive Spending Review and, in particular, the issue of a Care Trust for Leicester, be noted;


(4)that the implications of the Government's response to the Royal Commission on Long Term Care, be noted;


(5)that the implications of the Health Authority's Public Health Development Plan and the proposed Leicester City Council Action Plan, be noted;


(6)that the Terms of Reference for the Health Partnerships Policy Board and the Health Partnerships Executive, be noted;


(7)that representation from the City Council on the Health Partnerships Policy Board be Councillor Getliffe, Councillor Draycott, one Liberal Democrat member, one Conservative member and the Leader of the Council as an ex-officio member;


(8)that the need for corporate resources to support the programme of work be noted; and


(9)that further progress reports be received.