Issue - meetings

Safer Routes

Meeting: 15/01/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 104)


Councillor Osman submits a report seeking Cabinet's approval to the development of a Road Safety Strategy mainly based around the introduction of Area Safer Routes Projects which are aimed at reducing the number of casualties in the City particularly involving children.

Additional documents:


Councillor Osman submitted a report seeking the Cabinet's approval to the development of a Road Safety Strategy mainly based around the introduction of Area Safer Route Projects in order to assist in reducing the number of casualties in the City, particularly involving children.



(1) that the new targets to reduce those killed and seriously injured by 40% by 2010 and the specific target to reduce children killed and seriously injured by 50% during the same period be welcomed;


(2) that approval be given in principle that the reduction in child casualties will be achieved mainly by adopting an area wide approach to reducing road danger by implementing the following programme of area wide Safer Routes projects which is based upon crashes involving children;


2001/2002North Braunstone, Rowley Fields

2002/2003Eyres Monsell, Saffron, Aylestone,

2003/2004New Parks

2004/2005Humberstone, Thurncourt


2006/2007Westcotes, Western Park

2007/2008Stoneygate, Crown Hills,

2008/2009St Augustines

2009/2010Stadium/Anstey Lane

2010/2011Hazel Street/Holy Trinity


(3) that approval be given that in addition to those areas listed in recommendation 3.2, that Safer Routes projects will be developed in conjunction with Single Regeneration Budget schemes, including Beaumont Leys during 2001/2002 and Greater Humberstone during 2002/2003, the New Deal for Communities in Braunstone and for individual schools outside the Safer Route Areas as part of area wide traffic calming schemes where practicable;


(4) that the Director of Environment and Development be authorised to alter the order for implementing the Safer Routes schemes in the light of changes in the pattern of Child Casualties or when alternative sources of funding become available and report any changes to the priority order to Highways & Transportation Scrutiny Committee at the same time as the priority order for traffic calming is reviewed;


(5) that the actions outlined in Appendix 2 of the report which the City Council will need to undertake as part of a road safety strategy be noted, and that a further report be submitted outlining a Road Safety Strategy for the City in due course;


(6) that it be noted that a speed management strategy for the Central Leicestershire Area, including the provision of speed cameras  is being drawn up through the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Road Safety Partnership, and that prior to public consultation members will be requested to approve it;


(7) that it be confirmed that the priority lists for traffic calming in the city previously agreed by Urban Management Sub-Committee will continue to be used to prepare programmes to introduce traffic calming in the city, prior to a full review of priorities in early 2002 which will be considered by Highways and Transportation Scrutiny Committee.