Issue - meetings


Meeting: 15/01/2001 - Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' (Item 91)


Councillor Patel submits a report seeking the Cabinet's approval to the main Capital Programme for 2001-02 for recommendation to Council.

Additional documents:


Councillor Patel submitted a report seeking the Cabinet's approval to the main Capital Programme 2001/2 for recommendation to Council.


It was noted that in 1999, the Council had approved a three year programme for the years 1999/2000 and 2001/02 and it was now recommended that the Council approved a one year programme for 2001/02 being the final year of the original programme.  Some minor amendments had been proposed by the Labour Group and these were detailed in the report.


It was noted that the Finance, Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting in December, had asked that every effort be made to minimise the negative strategic and revenue effects of property disposal.



(1)that the following changes to the 2001/02 Capital Programme as proposed by the Labour Group be approved:-


a)the original provision of £155,000 for the variable message signs schemes be deleted from the programme as it is not possible to carry out a viable scheme for the sum available, the scheme to be reconsidered if funds become available and the Director of Environment and Development to consider the availability of Local Transport Plan funding;


b)the cost to complete the Land and Property Gazetteer scheme of £63,500 be added to the programme to enable full use to be made of the Gazetteer;


c)the Young Women's Unit of £239,000 be deleted from the capital programme if the Director of Social Services' proposed revenue strategy which makes alternative services proposals is endorsed;


d)an increase of £400,000 to the approved cost of the Victoria Road East Extension to £1.773 million following a re-assessment of costs and taking into account advice from the construction industry about the trend in prices, this scheme to facilitate the release of significant capital receipts in future years;


e)contribution of £300,000 towards the cost of the Lewisher Road Link be added to the programme which it is anticipated will be covered by additional capital receipts;


(2)that the revised capital programme including the above and as detailed in the appendix to the report be approved for recommendation to Council;


(3)that approval be given for the inclusion of the Belgrave Public Convenience Scheme of £93,000 if the results of arbitration are in favour of the City Council;


(4)that the target for capital receipts, being the remainder of the original target of £14.86 million set in 1999 plus ringfenced receipts of £465,000 be as follows:-


For the two years 2000/02 and 2001/02 combined:-


Operational property - £3.174 million

Non-operational property - £8.649 million


(5)that every effort be made to achieve the respective targets for operational and non-operational property receipts but if there is a remaining shortfall on operational property receipts, the Director of Environment and Development be asked to advise on further sales needed to achieve the capital receipts target; and


(6)that given that the programme is essentially the existing one, the technical requirement to consult Scrutiny Committees be waived.