Agenda and minutes

Conservation Advisory Panel - Wednesday, 14 March 2007 5:15 pm

No. Item




Apologies were received from C. Sawday.



Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed.


Councillor Garrity declared that she was a member of the Planning and Development Control Committee and therefore to give no opinions on any of the business on the agenda for the meeting.


K. Chhapi declared an interest in Appendix C, Item G, 3-5 Knighton Park Road.



The minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2007 are attached and the Panel is asked to confirm them as a correct record.



that the minutes of the Panel held on 14 February 2007 be confirmed as a correct record.




There were no matters arising from the minutes.



The Service Director, Planning and Policy submits a report on decisions made by the Planning and Development Control Committee on planning applications previously considered by the Panel.


The Service Director, Planning and Policy submitted a report on the decisions made by Leicester City Council on planning applications previously considered by the Panel.



that the report be noted.



The Service Director, Planning and Policy submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.


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DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. RECORD OF LAST MEETING The record of the meeting held on 23 November 2006 was agreed as a correct record. A Member of the Public felt that there was a matter of accuracy with the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2006. He explained that he suggested that the Area Committee should have a budget of £1,000,000. It was agreed that this suggestion should be inserted in the minutes. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RAISED AT THE LAST MEETING Question 160 – Health Centre Further information was sought around the transport plan that was attached to the Health Centre when it was built. There was concern that public consultation around travel was only gained from those who lived closely to the Centre and not with those users who lived further away. Irene Kszyk agreed to investigate whether a travel plan and consultation was included as part of the planning consent for the Health Centre, and would also write to Leicester City Primary Care Trust. Members also asked Irene to inform them of how much it would cost to expand the consultation to cover those users who were not included in the initial consultation. Question 161 – Andrews Street A Member of the public informed the meeting that the parking bays had now been remarked. Question 162 – playground lighting Jerry Connolly reported that he had spoken about this issue with an officer at the Council and would report further progress at the next meeting. Question 164 – traffic orders It was pointed out that it was requested for a traffic order to be placed on Briton Street, and not Pattern Street as stated in the minutes. Question 165 – Catesby Street Parking Councillor Connelly asked if it could be found out whether the traffic wardens have visited Catesby Street since 2 January 2007. Question 166 – litter signage A Member of the Public explained that the question was asked specifically around the locations of the ‘Don’t Drop Litter’ signs. Question 167 – Illegal parking outside schools Councillor Blackmore stated that a parents’ group had been established at Dovelands Primary School in response to the increasing problems with parking outside the school. He acknowledged that this was a problem with many school and encouraged similar groups to be set up at other schools in conjunction with the traffic wardens and police. Question 168 – Removal of Grafitti Councillor A. Vincent suggested that the removal of graffiti programme be extended from it’s current locations to other areas of need within the Area Committee boundary. PARK AND RIDE NEW TRAFFIC REGULATIONS It was noted that the City Council became responsible for enforcing all parking and loading restrictions in Leicester on 2 January 2007. The Chair reported that a full item on new traffic regulations would be coming to the meeting on 22 March 2007, and that an officer from the Parking Team would be in attendance to answer any questions about the enforcement operation and to listen to reports as to how people in the area felt it was going. A Member of the Public asked what the ratio of staff of the new City Council wardens was compared to those who enforced parking and loading and restrictions prior to 2 January 2007. The Chair stated that a response to this question would be given at the next meeting. BRAUNSTONE HALL Diarmuid Cullinane, Regeneration Officer, was in attendance and informed the Committee of Braunstone Hall’s current position. He stated that in 1998, the City Council declared that the hall was no longer required as a City Council managed property and sought to market it for disposal. The Braunstone Community Association (BCA) requested that the hall be transferred to them and that happened in 2002 following extensive negotiations, on the terms of a 125-year lease. One condition imposed was that the BCA would find a long-term sustainable future for the hall. Diarmuid explained that a number of initial options explored could not go ahead due to a failure to obtain the necessary funding. He then explained that the City Council had negotiated with the Heritage Lottery Fund to support landscape works for the hall, but this bid collapsed as the hall had no anchor tenant. Diarmuid stated that the current position was that the BCA was currently exploring further options, but that no long-term sustainable future had been identified. He pointed out that due to its heritage status, the building could not be demolished. Furthermore, Diarmuid reported that the Cabinet, in September 2006, with agreement from the BCA, decided to bring the lease arrangement with the BCA to a close. Consequently, the City Council was now preparing to market the building for development, and bring the building back into use to show that it is an asset to the heritage community. Diarmuid informed the meeting that the City Council and the BCA had agreed a protocol for the process of marketing the hall and stated that expressions of interest would be requested between March and May of this year. Furthermore, it was explained that the City Council was running a feasibility study to investigate the possibility of establishing a community based training and employment centre. The study will include looking at options for a centre in Braunstone, with the hall being one possible option. Members stated that they would strongly welcome the opening of a community based training and employment centre in the area. They also felt that ‘testing the market’ could be of huge benefit to the future of Braunstone Hall. One Member stated that it was crucial that a suitable use for the hall was found to add to the heritage value of Braunstone Park. RESOLVED: That Members welcomed the continued exploration of future uses for Braunstone Hall. AREA COMMITTEE BUDGET The Chair reported that Friends of Highway Spinney had submitted a budget proposal to the Area Committee. The proposal would enhance and improve local environment of green space, while attracting help and co-operation of the wider community and widening the eco-system. The Committee agreed that the requested sum of £2,000 be granted to the group. Members discussed proposals that were looked at during the previous meeting: Planters Jerry Connolly reported that a proposal for planters on Bede Park would be brought back to the next meeting of the Committee. The Chair stated that this work was needed to take place as soon as possible. VAS Speed Camera Jerry reported that since the last meeting, he had contacted manufacturers and suppliers of these systems. He stated that the City Council was looking into the possibility of obtaining a number of these, and one proposed testing site was on Glenfield Road. He added that the cost of a camera would be £2,000, and that it would cost £750 to move it to a different location. Members supported the purchase of one of these cameras, and Jerry agreed to provide a further update at the next meeting. Dulverton Road Traffic Management Scheme Jerry confirmed that the Area Committee had pledged £3,000 towards this scheme. He explained that the total cost for a watered-down scheme was calculated at £9,000, and explained that the Area Committee could fund the remainder of this. Members were not fully aware of what the watered-down scheme would entail, and asked for a full breakdown of proposed costs before making any further decision on this. Junior Calorie Killers Project Councillor A. Vincent asked for an update on how the money given to this project by the Area Committee had been spent. PUBLIC QUESTIONS The following questions were either asked at the meeting or submitted on question forms during the meeting. Discussions that took place about these questions are outlined alongside the questions below. It was explained that any questions that could not be answered in full at the meeting would be submitted to the relevant departments for response at the next meeting of the Committee. 170) This question was raised at A S W Leicester Community Association meeting. There is a problem with Biffa and their rubbish collection. Some families are struggling with their small bins and are finding it difficult to get larger bins, so consequently excess rubbish is being left on the side of roads. Is there a way to stop motorists driving across paving slabs to park in front and at the side of the Merry Monach Public House. This makes life difficult for local residents and visitors to the health centre. This is dangerous as pedestrians are not expecting cars to cross the pavement, which also has uneven slabs and so could cause a trip hazard. Councillor Connelly stated that this was a highways issue but that it could be resolved by purchasing bollards with the Area Committee budget. Councillor A Vincent asked that a costing be brought back to the Area Committee to be approved for funding. 172) Is the pedestrian crossing that was originally planned to be by the Tesco Express Service Station on Rowley Fields Road still going ahead? This would help pedestrians as there is a build up of traffic on Narborough Road. Councillor A Vincent stated that if this crossing was in the original planning application then to not provide this would be a breach of planning law. 173) We were told the springer toys in Westcotes Gardens were temporary. We now have 5 of the swings but no equipment to challenge children’s physical abilities. Is there a specific number the public can ring with regards to problems with pedestrian crossings? These are regularly turned around and / or damaged in the area and this would be useful (or do we ring 101?) 175) Is the pavement cleaning programme that has currently gone as far as Upperton Road, going to be extended and if so, where to? PETITIONS It was reported that no petitions had been received. INFORMATION SHARING/COMMUNITY NEWS It was reported that the Friends of Highway Spinney were holding an open day on 19 February 2007. The aim of the day was said to be to allow local people to give their views on the spinney, and to join the spinneys mailing list. PC Andy Goadby informed the meeting that the general duties office at Braunstone LPU was to close, and officers previously based there would now be located at either Hinckley Road or Blaby Local Policing Units. PC Goadby explained that despite the closure, there would be no effect on the policing of the area. Councillor A. Vincent announced that there had been a proposal for a 20 miles-per-hour zone Outside Queensmead Infants School. He saw this as being an effective traffic-calming measure. A Member of the Public informed the meeting that a let-night coffee bar has recently been set up at Robert Hall Baptist Church. SUGGESTED ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS Councillor Connelly suggested that Sheila Lock, Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services, be invited to a future meeting of the Area Committee to talk about the performance of the local secondary schools, and to give ideas around how she sees the performance of the schools improving. DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Thursday 22 March 2007 at Manor House Neighbourhood Centre, Haddenham Road. CLOSE OF MEETING The meeting closed at 9.03pm trailer section QUOTE “FIELD_TITLE” \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_TITLE  QUOTE "FIELD_SUMMARY" \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_SUMMARY QUOTE “FIELD_TITLE” \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_TITLE  QUOTE “FIELD_TITLE” \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_TITLE  QUOTE “FIELD_TITLE” \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_TITLE  QUOTE "FIELD_SUMMARY" \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_SUMMARY  QUOTE "FIELD_SUMMARY" \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_SUMMARY  QUOTE “FIELD_TITLE” \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_TITLE  QUOTE "FIELD_SUMMARY" \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_SUMMARY QUOTE “FIELD_TITLE” \* MERGEFORMAT FIELD_TITLE  PAGE 3 /0z{˜™ÂÃÜÝáâ()*QRklvw«¬–—™¢ÍÎáâçèþÿXY[gh‚ƒª«­¹ºÑÒÓD E G úôêôêôêôæÝæÝæÝæÝæÝæôæ×ÓÊÓÊÓÊÓÊÓÊÓÊÓ×ÓÆ¿»³±ª¥¥ª»³±ª¥¥ª»³±ª¥¥ªnH tH  aJnH tH 5<aJnH tH <^JCJ5CJ>*CJjCJU\CJ\ >*CJ\j5CJU5CJj5>*CJU 5>*CJ jUA|}()uv˜™¢£¤ÍÎâèúúõõõõúèúúúúúúúúúúúúúæÑú$ ÆРp„„^„`„a$ $„ „`ú^„ `„`úa$$a$$a$p8}888ýýýýèÿYZ[bh‚ƒ«¬­´ºÒÓ&'E F G N T ‡ ÷õðõõçðßõðõõçð×õðððõõçðÏ$ & FAa$$ & F@a$$ & F?a$ Æ ŽÞ'$a$$ & F>a$G S T † ‡ ˆ ¥ . 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The meeting closed at 7.00pm.