Agenda and minutes

Rushey Mead Community Meeting - Tuesday, 10 March 2020 6:30 pm

Venue: Rushey Mead Recreation Centre, Gleneagles Avenue, Leicester LE4 7YJ

Contact: Punum Patel. Ward Community Engagement Officer 0116 454 6575. Email:  Ayleena Thomas, Democratic Support Officer: 0116 4546369. Email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


Any apologies for absence will be noted.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors Code of Conduct.


Councillor Patel as Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and made introductions.


No declarations were made.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Clair, The City Warden, and Environmental Ranger Kim Venables of Parks and Open Spaces.



The Action Log of the meeting held on 22 October 2019 is attached  for information and discussion.


The Action Log of the previous meeting held 22 October 2019 was agreed as a correct record.



Rushey Mead Ward Councillors will provide an update on ward information.


Councillor Willmott thanked the residents for working together as a community in order to help get the library and recreation centre refurbished and expressed gratitude that the Library and Recreation Centre were not merging.  Councillor Patel informed those present that Councillors’ Surgeries would be held at Rushey mead Recreation Centre.


An enquiry was made about how Ward Community Meetings were publicised.  Councillor Willmott requested that posters be put up with the dates for the Ward Community Meetings for the whole municipal year once they are arranged.  Action: Democratic Support Officer to arrange meetings for the next municipal year and give to Community Engagement Officer to publicise.



A Police Officer will be at the meeting to provide an update on local policing issues in the Ward.


No Police representatives were present at the meeting.  Apologies were not received.  However, Councillors acknowledged that Police were often called away unexpectedly due to the nature of their job.



The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward.


Apologies were received from the City Warden.  A written report was circulated (attached).


In addition to the report, the Community Engagement Officer, on behalf of the City Warden, informed those present that:


·         With regards to the planting of trees on the corner of Magnus Road and Harrison Road – this had been forwarded to the correct department and they were making enquiries with the school. Updates would be given once a decision had been reached.

·         With regards to liaising with the public regarding bird feeding and signs on Rushey Fields – The City Warden had contacted Parks and Open Spaces and informed them. They would not be installing any more signs at this time, although they had cleared up the food and would continue to do so. They were aware of the problems.


Councillor Patel reported that the City Warden had received complaints about rodents around Jacklin Drive.   She reported that the City Warden believed it was due to people leaving food for birds and this needed to be discouraged.  The City Warden was liaising with residents and with Environmental Services about how best to tackle the issue.


A report was made of people also feeding birds around Watermead Park.  The Community Engagement Officer gave out the contact details of the City Warden so that reports could be made.  The City Warden could be contacted through: or through the Council Website.  Their address was given as:


City Wardens,

Phoenix House

1 King Street






There will be an update on highways and transport work within the Rushey Mead Ward.


Highways Officer Robert Bateman gave an update on highways issues in the Ward.  Points included:


·         The installation of bollards on Melton Road was under consideration. 

·         The parking scheme for Harrison Road was still in the design stage but would eventually be advanced.

·         Timings for the traffic lights around the junction between Troon Way and Gleneagles Avenue when turning right were being considered as people had said there was not enough time to turn. However, Mr Bateman said that it was important to note that it needed careful consideration as time would be lost from another turn as a result of any change.

·         The plans for disabled parking bays had been suspended pending government advice.

·         Requests for one-way streets needed careful consideration as one-way streets often increased the speeds of traffic as drivers did not anticipate oncoming vehicles.

·         New bollards had been installed around the school on Leire Street junction.

·         Leaflets would be distributed by schools showing how far it was possible to walk from a certain school in a certain time.  The idea was to encourage people to walk to and from school to reduce congestion and problem-parking around schools.


Paul Gobey of Neighbourhood Services reported that the ‘Beat the Street’ initiative would be happening again around the whole city.


A resident enquired as to whether a camera that had been knocked down in an accident outside the Indigo restaurant on Melton Road would be replaced.  Robert Bateman responded that it was very likely to be replaced as there was a maintenance budget for such issues.  Action: Robert Bateman to report back at the next meeting.


A resident asked as to whether the walking leaflets for schools could also be distributed through libraries.  Action: Robert Bateman to explore the possibility.


Speeding was reported around Harrison Road and Flax Road.  Councillor Patel noted that a one-way system was being considered in the area.  Action: Robert Bateman to investigate options.


A complaint was made about cars parking on grass verges and creating mud.  It was asked if the verges could be paved.  Councillor Willmott explained that paving verges could in fact encourage more cars to park on them and suggested installing a hard surface that grass could grow through.  Action: Robert Bateman to consider options.


A resident raised concern that there was not enough time to turn right at the junction between Checketts Road, Melton Road and Marfitt Street.  Action: Robert Bateman to feed back to Highways team.





An Officer will be present to provide information about volunteering work with the Parks team.

Additional documents:


Apologies were received from Environmental Ranger Kim Venables of Parks and Open Spaces.


A leaflet and poster about volunteering with Parks was circulated (attached).


The Community Engagement Officer read out an email from Kim Venables.  Points included:


·         Leicester Environmental Volunteers were a department within Leicester City Council Parks and Open Spaces.

·         They worked with a range of volunteers, from school groups to corporate groups.

·         They were active across the whole city, but on Monday there was a local group that worked at Watermead, Appleton Park and Oakland Nature Reserve.

·         They worked to maintain and improve the quality of these open spaces and bring communities together.  This meant working on a wide range of jobs including:

o   Pushing back scrub which is burying crocuses.

o   Pushing back brambles and blackthorn from taking over valuable wild flower meadows.

o   Coppicing Hazel – which clears glades for wildlife, and opens up the woodland, making the area feel safe for the people who come to the park.

o   Creating paths through woodlands to reduce antisocial behaviour, as well as making the woodland accessible for the local community.

o   Litter picking which means that, again, the local communities can really feel safe, and appreciate the green space.

o   Painting benches, creating steps, and pathways.

o   Opening paths of vegetation during summer months


The group welcomed new members.  Details on how to enrol were on the poster circulated (attached).


Councillors reported on further works that Parks and Open spaces were undertaking in Rushey Fields.  Points included:


·         The manufacturing and installation of knee-rails to secure some areas was being awaited.  Once this was completed, a new seating area with picnic benches and bins would be installed.

·         Highways had been unable to complete the line marking and speed restriction hump due to the recent weather.  They were aware that this work was still outstanding.

·         The Property department had been contacted regarding a power outage at the Pavilion that feeds the lights.  This would be investigated, and the future of the separate power source was being considered due to funding.

·         The Rushey Fields Residents Group had reported that they were happy with the work being done.  A meeting between them and Parks Officers was to be arranged to discuss the landscape work.


A request was made to install bins around Melton Road and Harrison Road.  Action: Councillors to consider options.







Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget.


Successful applicants will be also be given the opportunity to feedback at the meeting.


The Community Engagement Officer gave an update on the Ward Community Budget.


Since the last Ward meeting the following applications had been supported:


·         The Gujarati Comedy Group- £225

·         Rushey Mead Ward Councillors for Appleton Park Outdoor Gym- £3000

·         Belgrave ASC Lunch Club for ingredients- £300

·         Leicester Holi Event- £500

·         Mindful Warriors- Yoga and mindfulness in schools- £500

·         Elderly Men’s Exercise Club- £500

·         Liga Orlovsva for May Half term activities at Rushey Mead library- £700


There was a remaining balance of £397 that would be carried over to the next budget if no other bids were received this financial year.


Feedback had been received from Rushey Mead Bhajan Sandhya on how Ward Funding had facilitated activities and events including:


·         Light exercise and yoga sessions to help members with mobility issues.

·         Educating members on cultural matters by taking them on day trips.

·         Celebrating cultural diversity with get togethers at festive times such as Christmas and Diwali.

·         Bringing together the elderly, some of whom would otherwise have limited social interaction in the community.


A resident asked whether a Tai Chi group (who had previously been supported by Ward Funding) could be moved back to the Rushey Mead Recreation Centre.


Mark Pringle of the Rushey Mead Recreation Centre said that she had received an email from the group, and that they would be returning to the centre.  Action: Community Engagement Officer to contact the group to check that they were returning, and to inform them that they could re-apply for funding in the next financial year.





Jos Johnson of Highfields Rangers announced that the club was about to celebrate their 50th anniversary and there would be many events to celebrate, including: A Gala Event at the Manor Hotel, a spoken word production about the black contribution to UK sport, a cricket match and a football match.


He encouraged those present to make use of the club as its experiences had reflected the diverse journey of Leicester.


Those present were directed to the Highfields Rangers’ pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  Action: Community Engagement Officer to take contact details to circulate.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.24pm