Agenda and minutes

Eyres Monsell Community Meeting - Wednesday, 9 September 2009 6:00 pm

No. Item



7.00 – 7.20pm


On 1 June 2009, the meeting agreed to provide funding to the Act Up Young People’s Theatre Group. There will be a presentation of an excerpt of the recent production.


Prior to the formal part of the meeting, Jenny Hoole, from the Act Up Young People’s Theatre Group introduced an excerpt from a performance by the group. The performance was inspired by “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” and was created, written and performed by members of the group.


The meeting congratulated the young people on the performance and Councillor Palmer thanked them for attending and performing for the meeting.



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


Councillor Palmer was appointed as Chair for the meeting.




Apologies were received from Councillor Blower.  Joan Garrity also wished for her apologies to be recorded.



The first main item on the programme is Declaration of Interest where Councillors have to say if there is anything in the programme they have a personal interest in. For example if a meeting was due to discuss a budget application put forward by a community group and one of the Councillors was a member of that group, they would not be able to take part in the decision on that budget application.


Councillors are asked to declare any interest they may have in the business on the agenda, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Councillor Palmer was asked to declare any interests he had in the business on the agenda and/or declare if Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applied. No such declarations were made.



The record of the meeting on 1 June 2009 is attached and Councillors are asked to agree that the record is correct.


The record of the Eyres Monsell Community Meeting, held on 1 June 2009 was agreed as correct.





A presentation will be given showing an update on progress by a local freerunning group to gain funding to set up a “Parkour Park” youth facility in the area.


Members of Leicester Parkour gave the meeting an update of progress in their work to establish a Parkour Park in Eyres Monsell. They explained the background to Parkour and Freerunning, and their work to train other young people in the necessary skills. They also explained the benefits of this activity, as it improved strength, fitness and confidence, and was a good way of giving young people something to do.


The members of the group stated that they had all carried out first aid training and were undertaking youth work training, including the Level 2 NVQ. They had put on shows in various places, including the Samworth Academy, Phoenix, Athena and Walkers Stadium.


They explained that they wanted to set up the Parkour Park, as it would attract more people to take it up; they anticipated that they would attract interest from far afield, as it would be the first of its kind in the UK. They had already found the funding for the park. They also had a website,, which showed demonstrations and had details of upcoming events.


In response to questions, they stated that work would start as soon as possible on consultation and obtaining any relevant permissions, and the site would be near the BMX track on the park. There would be a porous rubber flooring to minmise risk, and the equipment would be graffiti-proof. It would be fully visible. It was hoped that younger members could be attracted and trained.


The meeting suggested that the group could try to get publicity for the excellent work they had done, and explain what they did. They also asked if the group could promote the fact that they were from Eyres Monsell. The meeting expressed its full support for the group and congratulated them in their achievements. Councillor Palmer stated that this was the best youth-led project on the estate, and noted that it had been led and managed by the group themselves, having come up with a professional business plan. It was a credit to them and the estate. He hoped that it would receive a lot of publicity, as it would be the first in the UK. He asked that they give a display to the next Community Meeting and thanked them for their tremendous work.



6.40 – 7.00pm


Ian Stapleton, Neighbourhood Housing Manager will introduce and explain the Probation Service “Released on Temporary Licence” scheme that has been set up with Glen Parva Young Offenders’ Institute. There will also be a short DVD presentation called “Justice Seen, Justice Done.”


Ian Stapleton, Neighbourhood Housing Manager, gave a presentation on community justice. He gave further details about several aspects of the issue. Thee included:

  • “Released on Temporary Licence:” (ROTL) projects in conjunction with Glen Parva Young Offenders’ Institute. Local residents volunteered as sponsors. Work done on Benscliffe Gardens, among other sites.
  • Probation – Community Payback Orders – garden on Hillsborough Road transformed.
  • Reparation Group – looked at suitable projects for young offenders to carry out.


Ian stated that he welcomed any suggestions for suitable projects. He also introduced the term, “Community Crime Fighters,” which encompassed anyone who helped to make their area safer and more pleasant. This included those who had volunteered to supervise the ROTL scheme. Ian highlighted work done on Hillsborough Close as a success, noting how organisations had worked together to tackle issues and improve the area.


Ian showed a film called “Justice Seen, Justice Done,” which summarised the organisations and projects that were involved in community justice. He pointed out that several of the examples used in the film came from Eyres Monsell, which showed how much was being done on the estate. He invited people to get involved in the estate’s Big Tidy Up on 28 September, which would target specific areas to clean up as a community.


A resident on Hillsborough Close thanked Ian, the police and residents for helping transform his street since he raised the issue. Everyone had worked together, and by continuing, problems could be beaten on the estate.


Councillor Palmer thanked Ian for his presentation.




Barbara Whitcombe, City Wardens Manager, introduced the new City Warden for Eyres Monsell, Scott Clark. He was an experienced warden and was keen to make contact with groups and individuals. He was to attend the Big Tidy Up on 28 September.


Scott highlighted a problem of dog fouling in Slade Place. He hoped to catch the offender and could issue a fixed penalty notice. Residents asked if more dog waste bins could be supplied. Scott stated that Cleansing Services would be contacted to see what could be done.


PC Mike Steer, local Beat Officer, gave an update on policing issues on the estate. He highlighted the already-mentioned Hillsborough Close improvements, which had been a success, and showed that problems could be solved when agencies worked together. Activity that had taken place recently included tackling car break-ins, dealing with mini motos, drug issues and applying for ASBOs, which were a good tool for the police. There had been a spate of burnt-out vehicles and a significant arrest and charge had been made. He also gave statistics on crimes over the past month.


PC Steer outlined the Policing Pledge which gave details of the commitments the unit made to address local issues. He also announced that there would be a community consultation at Somerfield on 24 September where residents could raise concerns.


A resident suggested that a bike-stamping scheme could be set up after Christmas. PC Steer gave a commitment to do this and to publicise it.


Concern was raised about whether action would be taken on antisocial behaviour during dark nights. PC Steer stated that the community would be consulted to identify particular problem areas; a problem-solving plan had been drawn up for the Exchange.


Councillor Palmer thanked officers for their work and said that the Exchange had improved significantly. He asked for the plan to be brought back to the next meeting. He also supported the bike stamping suggestion.



7.20 – 7.40pm


Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer, submits a summary of the Community Meeting funding and introduces the following applications that have been received:


1) Saffron Resource Centre - Disability / Mobility Scooter Scheme; £2,000

2) Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd – Wednesday Specials, Consultancy; £750

3) Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd – Wednesday Specials, Running Costs; £1872

Additional documents:


Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer, introduced budget applications that had been received.


The applications were dealt with as follows:


Application 1. Disability/Mobility Scooter Scheme

It was noted that the meeting was being asked to joint fund the scheme, along with the Freemen Community Meeting. Neil Hodgkin from Saffron Resource Centre explained the scheme, stating that it offered mobility scooters for short periods for people who were temporarily disabled or wanted to try one before purchasing their own. Suitable clients were identified through benefits advice workers. Wider advertising would mean that demand outstripped the availability of the scooters. A resident said that he had received tremendous support from the advice workers and the Centre, and was very grateful. Councillor Palmer also acknowledged the good work of the centre. He suggested that the funding could be split across the budget ‘pots’ and it was agreed that the meeting supported the funding of £2000, on the agreement that the split across funds be considered following the meeting.

(Following the meeting it was agreed that the meeting recommend a split of £1000 from each of the Ward Action Plan and Community Fund budgets.)


Application 2. Wednesday Specials (consultancy)

It was noted that this application was for funding to provide expertise to prepare a bid for three years’ running costs from other sources. Previous sources of funding had been withdrawn. The group catered for people with mental disability needs. The bid had also been submitted to the Freemen Community meeting for funding on a joint basis of £375 each. Discussion took place regarding the request to fund a consultant and it was felt that further investigation was required into the issue before the meeting agreed to support it. The meeting, however, acknowledged the good work that the project carried out.


Application 3. Wednesday Specials running costs

It was noted that this application had been withdrawn.


Jerry explained that an application had been received that was urgent. This was to provide refreshments for volunteers for the environmental tidy-up event on 28 September. It was agreed that the meeting would support the funding of £250 from the Community Cohesion Fund.


The meeting also noted that applications were to be submitted for the provision of gardening tools for the environmental clean-up day and some funding for environmental improvements, such as a community orchard.




Councillor Palmer said that this year’s Horticultural and Craft Show had been a great success and thanked the team involved.


Naveen Chauhan, Youth Worker, reported that the Magpie Youth Centre was undergoing refurbishment and was shortly to re-open. A grand opening was to be held in November. Funding had been acquired to run extra sessions on Friday and Saturday nights. It was agreed that there would be an item on the next meeting agenda about the work of the centre.


It was noted that the Samworth Academy had produced a two-year report and copies of this were available.




The meeting closed at 7.55pm.