Agenda and minutes

Beaumont Leys Community Meeting - Wednesday, 13 July 2016 5:30 pm

Venue: Beaumont Leys Library, Beaumont Way, Leicester LE4 1DS

Contact: Laura Burt. Ward Community and Engagement Officer. Tel 454 1876.Email  Julie Harget. Democratic Services. Tel: 0116 4546357 Email:

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Waddington, Chair for the meeting, welcomed everyone and introductions were given.


No declarations of interest were made.


Councillors made the following announcements:


NHS England’s proposal to close the Children’s Heart Surgery Unit at Leicester Glenfield Hospital


Councillors expressed strong concerns at the proposal to close the Children’s Heart Surgery Unit at the Glenfield Hospital. An on-line petition had been started and the Ward Councillors would get together to plan a campaign. The community was urged to join in the campaign to save the unit.


Council Tax Consultation


A consultation relating to council tax would be starting in August, as due to the Government funding cuts, there was a need to consider making changes to the existing system. Currently people on a low income might receive a reduction in their council tax of up to 80%. People would be asked to give their views on different options for paying their council tax, which would include an option for most people of working age to pay more for towards their bill.  There would be questionnaires in Beaumont Leys Library as well as other venues and people were encouraged to complete these and ask others to do the same.




An apology for absence was received from Laura Burt.


ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The Action Log is attached for information and discussion.


The Action Log from the previous meeting held 2 March 2016 was confirmed as a correct record.


Update on Actions


Castle Hill Park Update


Attendees heard that:


·    It was hoped to have the play area installed by September; the community, including children were being consulted on what they would like there. 


·    Some trees had been removed to open up the area to make it less susceptible to anti- social behaviour.


·    The improvements were a result of a petition that had been started by Gemma, a local resident. Gemma encouraged attendees to work with the local councillors and obtain help from the relevant people if they wanted something doing. Councillors praised Gemma’s contribution to the project which they said was outstanding.


·    Councillor Westley raised concerns about security as the previous play area had been vandalised. Officers were asked to give this matter some consideration and the community was asked to get involved in this as well.


Housing Issues


Further complaints had been received relating to property owned by Sanctuary Housing and ASRA. Both organisations still had empty buildings and councillors were still waiting for a response from them as to their future plans for the properties. It was agreed to invite both housing organisations to the next meeting to talk about their plans for the empty buildings.


Action: The Community Engagement Officer


In response to a query relating to the new development on Ashton Green, attendees heard that the first stage of building was about to commence.  Councillors were mindful of the impact that the development could have on the community and had raised a number of queries, including issues relating to highways and traffic.



Lee Warner, Senior Project Manager, Neighbourhood Services will be present to provide an update on the Transforming Neighbourhood Services programme.


Members of the Community were asked to note an update on the Transforming Neighbourhood Services programme. Points raised included the following:


·      Beaumont Leys Library would be retained and there would be some renovation.  The Beaumont Leys Housing Office (amongst other offices) would re-locate to the library and that building would be marketed.


·      The room where the ward meetings were held would be available for community use and work was ongoing to make the building more useful and economical.


·      Self-service equipment would be installed at the Library.


·      Home Farm would be offered for Community Asset Transfer; some interest for this had been expressed.


·      The Chair wished good luck to everyone who was involved in the Transforming Neighbourhood Services programme.



There will be an update on the improvements being made to the Castle Hill Park.


Members of the community were asked to note an update on the improvements (other than work to the play area) that was ongoing in Castle Hill Park:


·      A community excavation on the Castle Hill earthworks would take place from 19 September 2016 for approximately two weeks. This would be led by Richard Buckley from the University of Leicester. Mini excavations were also taking place one Saturday per month from April to October.


·      Wetland improvements were planned.


·      New furniture would be put all around the park.


·      A considerable amount of work was being carried out by volunteers and there were many opportunities for people to get involved both in Castle Hill Park and other parks around the city.  Penny Brown, from Leicester City Council’s Parks and Open Spaces section was the Volunteer Coordinator. 


Councillors referred to the display boards that had been put up for attendees, with information on the improvements and archaeological events taking place and suggested that it would be useful for that information to be displayed in the nearby Tesco.


Action: Community Engagement Officer / Parks and Open Spaces Team



The meeting will receive an update on Housing issues within the Beaumont Leys Ward.


Attendees were asked to note an update from Ramila Dhobi, Team Leader, Housing. Points made by Ramila included the following:


·      Funding of £34k had been secured for improvements to Lime Grove


·      Internal improvements were planned in Portmore Close; external improvements had already been carried out.


·      Shrubs had been removed in Pankhurst Road, to open up the area.


·      There were 28 void properties in Beaumont Leys.


·      There were currently 23 live cases of anti-social behaviour (ASB); these were on the increase. There had been two evictions due to  ASB


Councillors made the following points:


·      They had attended ‘walkabouts’ with staff from the Housing Offices and were impressed with the dedication of the team. Members of the public were very welcome to join in the ‘walkabouts’, as feedback from the community was very useful.


·      Measures were being taken to stop speeding traffic in Heacham Drive.



An Officer from the Local Policing Unit will provide an update on policing issues in the Beaumont Leys Ward.


Attendees were asked to note a policing update from PC Craig Smith-Curtis.


·      There were problem solving plans to address issues with youths gathering in Upper Temple Walk, and also issues with people riding motor bikes on Castle Hill Park. Pc Smith-Curtis explained that the Police might not always be able to respond immediately, but he encouraged residents to continue to contact them if they witnessed problems there. Just recently the Police had been able to confiscate a motor bike from a perpetrator.


·      A member of the community expressed concerns relating to the frequency and speed of cars in the vicinity of the park. Pc Smith-Curtis  asked for the resident to meet with him after the meeting had finished so that he could obtain further details.  


·      The Police held regular Beat Surgeries where people could come and talk to local officers.


·      Pc Smith-Curtis thanked the Councillors for approving the funding application to hold a Community and Public Services Day in October. The event was free to attend.


·      Councillor Rae Bhatia thanked the Police for the extra services they provided in the community, such as a trip they had financed to enable young people to visit the Houses of Parliament.



The City Warden will be present to provide an update on environmental issues relating to the Beaumont Leys Ward.


Matthew Davinson, City Warden provided an update on the issues he had been dealing with since the previous meeting.


·      70 complaints had been received; 21 through the ‘Love Leicester’ app.


·      A query was raised relating to abandoned road signs; some for example had been left for approximately eight months on Peregrine Road.  Matthew responded that Highways needed to be contacted to arrange their removal.


Action: Community Engagement Officer.


·      Harvey Roberts was now the new City Warden in Beaumont Leys. Matthew would be working in a different area and the Ward Councillors thanked him for his work, adding that he would be missed.



Previous applicants who have received funding through the Community Ward Budget will be present to provide feedback on their projects.


Attendees were asked to note the feedback from previous recipients of funding from the community meeting budget, as follows:


Project: Women of Peace Initiative

Restorative Justice Initiative Midlands CIC had received £1698 to help with mediation, improve community relations and reduce offending and re-offending.


Community Advice and Law Services

A further update was given on the £1500 funding that had previously been awarded to the service.


Tanglewood Youth and  Support Group

The group had received £381.25 for a project to establish youth work in Beaumont Leys.


Ur Choice Young People’s Project

£500 had been received for funding for a community café project.


All recipients reported on the success of their project and thanked the meeting for the funding received.



Councillors are reminded that under the Councillors’ Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on applications for funding from the Ward Community Meeting budget. Details of applications submitted are attached in Appendix B.



Attendees received an update on the Beaumont Leys Community Meeting budget. A number of funding applications had been previously approved by Councillors under the fast track procedure:


The 12th Heathley Park Residents’ Association Gathering / Party: submitted by the Heathley Park Residents’ Association - £500 requested and agreed.


Community Café: submitted by Ur Choice Young People’s Project. £500 requested and agreed. (The applicant’s feedback on this funding was reported earlier in the meeting).


Bicycle Maintenance Project and a BMX Event at Beaumont Park: submitted by the Cooke E-Learning Foundation. £500 requested and agreed.


Seaside Trip: submitted by Ndi igbo Leicestershire. £750 requested, £300 agreed.


The Queen’s Birthday Street Party: submitted by Bradgate Heights Residents’ Association. £300 requested and agreed.


Community and Public Services Day: submitted by the Beaumont Leys Policing Team.   A joint bid was submitted to the Abbey and Beaumont Leys Wards with a total of £1385 requested. The Beaumont Leys Councillors recommended that the bid be supported to the value of £885.


BMX Event: submitted by the Leicestershire Police. A joint bid to Abbey and Beaumont Leys Wards was submitted with a total of £595 requested. Beaumont Leys Councillors supported the bid to the value of £400.



The Community Engagement Officer presented the following applications, after which the Councillors withdrew from the meeting to consider further before announcing their decision.


Fashion Show: submitted by Yonnel Fashion UK.  This was a joint bid to Western, Fosse and Beaumont Leys with £1000 requested from each Ward. This was not supported as the Councillors were not convinced that anyone from Beaumont Leys would benefit and no one was present from the organisation to make their case.


Health and Safety Improvements: submitted by Bradgate Heights Association – this was deferred at the request of the applicant.


Minibus: submitted by Forward in Faith. This was a joint bid to three Wards of £5000.  This was not supported by Beaumont Leys or the other two Wards.


Community Fun Day: submitted by Cornerstone PCC. This application was withdrawn by the applicant.


Home Farm Festival: submitted by Ur Choice Young Peoples’ Project. £1650 requested; £1300 supported – less than requested because the applicant had already received funding from the community meeting budget.


A local resident stated that he had submitted a funding application for £500 for gravel and building materials for use on paths around the fishing lakes in Bennion Park, to make them more accessible for people in wheelchairs. The application appeared to have gone astray, but Councillors indicated they would be happy to support the bid once they had sight of the details.




Councillors explained that the City Mayor met with Ward Councillors on a quarterly basis and asked them for their top three priorities for their Ward. The Beaumont Leys Councillors’ focus was mainly on improvements in the area; these had included parking related improvements. Residents were asked to let the Councillors know if they had suggestions for issues that should be included in those top three priorities.




Attendees were asked to note that future meetings of the Beaumont Leys Ward Community Meeting would be held as follows:


Wednesday 26 October 2016 at 6.00pm

Wednesday 8 March 2017 at 6.00 pm..


The meetings were scheduled to be held in the Beaumont Leys Library, but there was a possibility that an alternative venue might be sought for the October meeting, if the refurbishments were not completed.  




The meeting closed at 7 .35 pm