Agenda and minutes

Spinney Hills Community Meeting - Thursday, 5 July 2018 6:00 pm

Venue: Pakistan Youth and Community Association, 58 Earl Howe Street, Leicester LE2 0DF

Contact: Angela Martin, Ward Community Engagement Officer (tel: 0116 454 6571 email: )  Jason Tyler, Democratic Support Officer (tel: 0116 454 6359 e-mail: )

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any necessary

declarations as required by the Councillor’s Code of Conduct.


Councillor Dr Chowdhury, in the Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

No interests were declared.






ACTION LOG pdf icon PDF 75 KB

The Action Log of the meeting held on 19 April 2018 is attached for

information and discussion.


Agreed as correct




All to note that the remaining agenda items were taken in a different order to that given on the agenda.



There will be an update on traffic highways issues in the Ward.


a)     School Run Parking

All to note:

·           Works have been undertaken outside Spinney Hill Primary School to reduce the impact of school run parking, including road resurfacing and painting double yellow lines;

·           It is proposed to install 20mph advisory signage near Spinney Hill Primary School by the end of the year.  This will operate during school-run times;

·           As part of the review of one way traffic, (see below), a possible circulatory route along Ventnor Street and Orson Street is being considered;

·           Similar work has already been completed at Mayflower Primary School, Coleman Primary School and Crown Hills Community College; and

·           The Sustrans charity has done some work on school run parking with Madani Boys School and Madani Girls School.  Council officers will be visiting both schools at the end of 2019 to review this further.


b)     One Way Traffic Proposals

All to note that the possibility of changing traffic flows on Mere Road and part of Park Vale Road to one way is being considered.  Stage 1 consultation with bodies such as the fire service, Police, Councillors and internal Council departments has been completed.  When the full proposals have been drawn up, residents fronting the roads affected will be contacted and invited to comment.


c)     Spinney Hill Park

All to note that, following vandalism, the cricket pitch carpet is being replaced by the Council.


d)     Highway Maintenance Work

All to note the following planned highway maintenance work:

·           Road hump repairs in Donnington Street and at the junction of Mere Road and Worthington Street;

·           Carriageway patching in Dorothy Road and Park Vale Road; and

·           Removal of tree roots by Severn Trent Water in the Shelbourne Street depression and reinstatement of the carriageway there by the Council.


e)     Other Matters

Highways Officers to:

i)       Establish if the one-way traffic proposals for Bradbourne Road previously consulted on are to be introduced;

ii)     Investigate reports of damage to parked vehicles in Dorothy Road caused by other vehicles having difficulty in passing along that road due to congestion and to consider if traffic flow in that area can be improved;

iii)    Review the impact on on-street parking of recent extensions of double yellow lines at the corners of roads; and

iv)    Investigate the problems created by the on-street parking of vehicles from a workshop in Bonsall Street.




The meeting adjourned at 6.40 pm, due to a disturbance outside the meeting, and reconvened at 6.45 pm



The City Warden will provide an update on environmental and enforcement

issues in the Ward.


No update was given as the City Warden was not present.

Ward Community and Engagement Officer to advise City Warden that attendance is required at the next meeting.



Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they

may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget


All to note:

·           £1,244 was carried over from last year’s budget, making an opening balance of £19,244 for the 2018/19 budget.  Of this, £11,944 currently remained;

·           Help in completing applications for funding can be given by the Ward and Community Engagement Officer;

·           Applications need to show how the funding requested will benefit residents of the Ward;

·           All recipients of funding are required to provide feedback on how grants are used; and

·           Assistance in addressing issues also may be available from other Council services, (for example, the City Warden), or other organisations, including the Police.



The Police will give an update on activities in the Ward.


All to note:

·           A beat consultation has been done regarding anti-social behaviour (ASB) on the St Peter’s estate to identify previous actions taken.  This showed a reduction in ASB when activities such as Police patrols increased.  Work with the Council to address this is ongoing;

·           Someone from Lincoln has been arrested in relation to letters sent between April and June calling for “Punish a Muslim Day”.  Since the person has been remanded in prison awaiting trial, no further letters have been sent;

·           There has been some increase in ASB relating to specific addresses;

·           Due to an increase in ASB on Spinney Hill Park, more signs advising of the Public Space Protection Order in place for the Park will be put up;

·           It is difficult to use CCTV cameras in Spinney Hill Park, due to the number of trees there, but the mobile camera is used when a specific location needs monitoring;

·           Some arrests for robbery were made at the end of June;

·           Interest in World Cup football matches has caused a rise in street drinking, but mainly in the city centre.  Additional Police officers are on duty across the city on days when matches involving England or the countries for communities in the city are being played, but no specific risk has been identified for the east Leicester area or this Ward;

·           It can be difficult to safely pursue motorbikes being ridden on footpaths, but monitoring of this is done as part of Police patrols and motorbikes are seized where appropriate and identifiable.  Anyone witnessing motorbikes being ridden on footpaths is encouraged to report locations, the registration and/or description of the bike(s), the rider(s)’ clothing and whether they wore a helmet;

·           It is very hard to quantify whether issues with drugs in the area are improving.  Regular arrests are made and the Police know who many of the dealers are, but illegal activity has to be proved; and

·           Neighbourhood Policing across the county is changing in line with national developments, some of which Leicestershire is leading on.  These changes are in Police processes, so there will be no change in the number of officers seen in the area, or in the work they do.




a)     Use of Pavement for Displaying Shop Produce

The Ward and Community Engagement Officer to ask the City Warden to take appropriate action regarding the use of pavements outside shops, and in particular the convenience store on the corner Dronfield Street and Mere Road, to display goods for sale and the leaving of rotten fruit and vegetables there.


b)     Healthwatch Leicester and Leicestershire

All to note:

·           Healthwatch is an independent body that champion’s the consumer interests of those using health and social care services across the city and county and helps them receive the best possible health services;

·           The small team of staff works in the community to identify issues of concern, but is unable to deal with individual complaints.  However, it can signpost people to advocacy services; and

·           Healthwatch’s work includes dental health.  For example, through its work four urgent care dental centres have been established.




The meeting closed at 7.15 pm