Agenda and minutes

Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields Community Meeting - Tuesday, 13 January 2015 5:00 pm

Venue: Cort Crescent Community Centre, Cort Crescent, Leicester LE3 1QJ

Contact: Anita Popper tel: 0116 4546358 Email: ( 

No. Item



The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.



The Chair, Councillor Cooke, introduced Councillors Glover and Naylor, and welcomed everyone to the meeting.




There were no apologies for absence.



The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.



There were no declarations of interest.



The Action Log for the last meeting held on Wednesday 29th October 2014 is attached and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record.


Any update on actions taken since the last meeting will be reported at the meeting.


The Action Log of the previous meeting held on 29 October 2014 was confirmed as a correct record.


The Chair updated the meeting in respect of the Braunstone Hall planning application.  The notes of issues raised by Ward Councillors, which had been submitted to the Planning Department, were appended to the Action Log.  It was confirmed that the application was yet to be determined.


Elaine Halford updated the meeting on the activities of the Braunstone Fishing Club.  The significant environmental improvements to the lakes and the surrounding local area were welcomed by the meeting and the Club were thanked and congratulated on their hard work.




A Senior Planner in the Planning, Transportation and Economic Development Department will provide information and a presentation on the Local Plan, its issues and options and the public consultation.


Rob Foers and Ian Jordan (Planning Policy Team) reported on the consultation exercise to determine the new Local Plan for Leicester.


As background to the new Local Plan the following points were made:


  • Leicester was the tenth largest city in England
  • A provider of employment, shopping leisure and housing
  • A historic and green city – parks wildlife areas, conservation areas
  • Rich tradition of entrepreneurship
  • Highly acclaimed universities
  • Three major hospitals and premier sports clubs


It was reported that as Leicester was a growing city, how should this future growth be dealt with the need to find land for housing and high quality employment.


An explanation of the purpose of the plan was provided:


  • It was a statutory document that the Council must provide
  • The document would indicate where development could go in the future
  • The Plan would be used to determine planning applications on issues such as new housing, employment, shopping and green spaces.


The Plan was to be adopted in 2016 and the details of the consultation exercise were submitted.  It was noted that the draft of the plan would initially be published following the first tranche of consultation and could be updated with any major changes before submission to the Secretary of State and Planning Inspectorate.  There would be a further independent public examination before adoption by the Council.


Display materials were provided and the meeting was asked to consider a number of questions affecting the future of the city.  The document had been split into three themes:


  • A growing city (economy, housing, city centre)
  • People and spaces (neighbourhoods, spaces, heritage ,health)
  • The environment (transport, climate change, green space and sport)


Some suggested key questions were included in the hand-out for residents and community representatives to consider.


Ways in which comments could be submitted were provided, including completion of the online response forms or emailing the Planning Policy Team.


It was confirmed that separate seminars or meetings could be held with individual interest groups on request.  The Chair encouraged everyone to respond to the consultation and commented that the first part of the consultation closed on 30 January 2015.




Ellen Watts, Area Manager, Housing, will provide a briefing on the Housing Revenue Account spending review.


Ellen Watts (Area Housing Manager) updated the meeting in respect of the Housing Revenue Account Allocations of the repair programmes which were to be undertaken.


It was explained that the Housing Revenue Account was principally made up from rents received from Council tenants and was therefore utilised to update and repair the housing stock and improve the environment of the estates.


Details of the future spending allocations were noted and although savings of £2.85m were to be made, no reductions to the service were envisaged due to efficiencies made elsewhere.


Ellen commented on the ten new homes recently completed in the ward that were now being advertised for tenancies.

In respect of other forthcoming schemes, it was noted that these included:


  • Internal redecoration of flats
  • Guttering and fascia replacements
  • Empty (void) property conversions
  • Eco-friendly fencing materials
  • External painting (as art of a growth bid)
  • Environmental improvements, possibly to improve the entrance to the Spinney at Avebury Hill


Chris Burgin (Service manager - Housing) referred to the significant changes being undertaken due to the Councils reduction in overall funding of £85m in the 2015/16 financial year, with further reductions in funding expected to be around £60m in subsequent years.


He referred to the need to ensure that tenants had value for money for their rent paid and commented on how the Councils spending reviews were being monitored to achieve this.


Comment was made on the decision to alter the repairs service, which now asked tenants to undertake a wider range of repair work for themselves, such as replacement bulbs and toilet seats, and for other minor repairs and responsibilities.  It was stressed that these alterations to the repairs policy ensured that the housing stock could be adequately maintained with reduced resources and that money would still be available for necessary and more significant repair programmes.


A review of the operation of the Council’s fleet of vans was explained, it was noted that the service involved around 300 vans across the city.  A GPS system was being considered to improve the service.


The meeting expressed a general view that a reassurance existed with the operation of the Council’s vans, in comparison to sub-contracted work.  Comments were expressed that tenants felt that the work undertaken by the Council’s own repairs team was be of a higher quality than the work contracted-out to others, and that the contract compliance was taken more seriously by the Council’s own workforce.  Officers agreed to consider these comments when looking at future policies concerning the operation of the fleet of vans and contract compliance. 


In conclusion and in reply to a question, the meeting discussed the limitations of advertising on Council vans.





Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward including a specific update on anti-social behaviour.


PC Anna Williams updated the meeting on crime statistics for the ward.


An increase in theft from unattended motor vehicles had caused the most significant recent concern.  It was reported that increased reports of vehicles boots being broken into had been received.  These crimes had caused particular concern as they were often unsuccessful attempted thefts as no visible contents or valuables were on show.  Residents and community representatives were asked to remove any valuables from the boots of cars, particularly overnight.


A discussion was held concerning the ongoing problems of anti-social behaviour caused by motorbikes and mini-bikes being ridden in the parks, particularly in the evenings.  The parkwatch patrols were considered to be way in which the problem could be tackled and increased reporting was encouraged.  Volunteers were sought to join the parkwatch patrols and the facebook page was highlighted as a way in which regular park users, such as dog-walkers, could get involved.


It was confirmed that there were currently no known neighbourhood watch areas within the ward.  The Police commented that schemes were encouraged but advised on the significant commitment required by residents to run schemes with basic police support.





The City Warden will give an update on issues in the Ward.


Noel Cazley (City Warden) updated the meeting on his environmental and enforcement activities in the Ward.


It was reported that dog fouling still caused the most concern and Noel asked for greater reporting.  He commented on the operation of the ‘Fido’ poop-scoop van which was helping to improve the situation.


Details of enforcement action to clear a property in Raven Road were described and before and after images were circulated.  An explanation of the lengthy legal process was provided which was complicated by the implications of finding the private land and property owners to serve the appropriate default notices.


Fly tips reported in Avebury Hill were being dealt with following reports and concerns being expressed.


Although the ward was not being considered as part of the Council’s Pavement Parking Enforcement experimental zones, problems in the Imperial Avenue area were reported and Councillors agreed to take the matter forward with a view to greater enforcement being undertaken.  It was clarified that the parking enforcement teams operated separately from the City Wardens.


In conclusion, a resident reported on the need to remove recently fly tipped materials at the area adjacent to the Manor House entrance at Compton Road.





Ward Councillors will provide an update and feedback on local ward issues as follows:


a)    Braunstone Hall

b)    TNS – Adventure Playground

c)     Polling Districts

d)    Get Growing Campaign

e)    Community Trigger – Louise Lovell


Ward Members reported the following:


·      Braunstone Hall


The Braunstone Hall planning application had been explained in an exhibition/display at the Stable Block Yard.  The concerns of the Ward Members as appended to the Agenda pages were reiterated:


·      Transforming Neighbourhoods Review


The consultation process was underway and expressions of interest had been sought on the future operation of many of the Council’s community facilities.  It was clarified that Manor House was not include di n the current tranche of buildings being considered.  It was hopeful that community facilities would continue to operate following the submission of business cases.  The Council’s support to community associations who wished to  become involved in the process was explained.


Consultation meetings to further explain the process of the review were being convened and residents, community representatives and organisations were encouraged to attend.


·      Adventure Playgrounds


Details of the Council’s recent decision to defer the external procurement of the provision of adventure playgrounds were discussed.  It was noted that the debate concerning the future of the playgrounds was ongoing but that the original funding had been reinstated.


·      Polling Stations


It was reported that the local elections for Ward Councillors would be held on 7 May 2015, alongside the general Election and election of a City Mayor.  Details of likely polling districts and stations within the Ward were explained.


·      Get Growing Grant


Details of available funds to encourage residents to grow their own food were circulated.


·      Community Triggers


The Safer Leicester Partnership circulated details of the Community Triggers scheme arising from the Anti-Social Behaviour Police and Crime Act 2014 which came into force in October 2014.





Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget. A summary of grant applications submitted for consideration since the last meeting is attached.


Previous applicants of supported bids in the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Ward will be invited to give feedback or a presentation of achievement.


The following applications for Ward Community funding were received and determined as indicated:


Application Ref 1240

Bench replacements


SUPPORTED in the sum of £650


Application Ref ????
Green Border hedge replacement


SUPPORTED in the sum of £750


Application Ref 1269

Skatepark lighting


SUPPORTED in the sum of £940.64


Application ref 5066

Community ‘Get Together’









The meeting expressed thanks to Councillors for their work in securing improved CCTV in Central Way





To note that the next meeting will be held on:-


Tuesday 17th March 2015 at 5.00pm at Christ Church URC, Dumbleton Avenue, Rowley Fields, Leicester. LE3 2EG



The date of the next meeting was noted as 17 March 2015