Agenda and minutes

Braunstone Park & Rowley Fields Community Meeting - Wednesday, 25 November 2015 5:30 pm

Venue: Cort Crescent Community Centre, Cort Crescent, Leicester, LE3 1QJ

Contact: Laura Burt, Community Engagement Officer (Tel: 0116 2221876) (Email:  Elaine Baker, Democratic Support Officer (Tel: 0116 454 6355) (Email:

No. Item



Councillors will elect a Chair for the meeting.


The Chair will introduce those present and make any necessary announcements.


The Chair and any other Councillors who are present will make any declarations as required by the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Councillor Halford in the Chair

Everyone welcomed and introductions given

No declarations of interest were made




Received from Housing officers



The Action Log for the meeting held on 2 September 2015 is attached and Members are asked to confirm it as an accurate record.


The Action Log from the meeting on 2 September 2015 was received and noted.



An update will be given on the current situation.


All to note:-

·           Planning permission and listed building consent for development of the Hall was granted on 25 June 2015.  This is valid for three years;

·           Both permissions are subject to conditions, some of which require more details to be submitted before work can start on the site;

·           To date, no further application relating to Braunstone Hall has been received;

·           The 125 year lease of the Hall has been completed;

·           Highways will need to be instructed to build the new portion of road at the front of the Hall to link the stables to the access road; and

·           Some issues relating to access on to Hinckley Road are still to be resolved.



An officer will be present to address any issues in the Ward.


All to note:-

·           Checks were being made to see if Traffic Regulation Orders were in place for Winchester Avenue before consideration was given options to regulate parking in the road such as double yellow lines or pavement parking;

·           It was proposed to install bollards on the corner of Lavender Road and Winchester Avenue, to prevent pavement parking and improve sight lines for drivers;

·           Major patching works to be done in Rowley Fields Avenue during the 2015/16 and 2016/17 financial years.  Patching work also would be done in Imperial Avenue in 2015/16 and in Gooding Avenue in 2016/17; and

·           A consultation was underway on introducing speed humps and a 20 mph zone in Waltham Avenue/Folville Rise.

Highways officers asked to investigate the following:-

o    Vans parking on the pavement outside shops on Narborough Road were breaking the pavement and making it difficult to see on-coming traffic;

o    The possible installation of bollards at all junctions along Winchester Avenue, to prevent parking at its junctions with side roads;

o    Whether double-deck buses needed to be used along Rowley Fields Avenue, as they were damaging the road surface and creating a lot of noise;

o    Two large potholes in Braunstone Lane East, near Ellesmere College; and

o    Whether a request had been received from St Mary’s Infant School for signage on the approach to the school regarding vehicle speed and preventing unauthorised entry.

Ward Councillors to ask at the highways works planning meeting for road surfaces on some of the side roads off Winchester Avenue to be improved.

Ward Councillors to ask the Chair of Governors at Ellesmere College to send Highways officers details of the sign requested for the College entrance.  Road markings at the entrance to the College and the visibility of the entrance also to be considered.



An officer will be present to talk about opportunities for communities to become more involved in the sport.


As no officers were present for this item it was not considered.



Housing officers will be present to talk about any housing work being carried out in the Ward, along with any Housing Voids.


As officers were unable to be present for this item it was not considered.



Leicestershire Police will be at the meeting to provide an update on police issues in the Ward.


There also will be an update from the Braunstone Blues.


a)     Police Issues

All to note:-

·           Burglaries in the Ward were decreasing;

·           The number of motorbikes being raced around roads in the Ward had reduced, but this could be due to the recent weather; and

·           Currently there are no major crime concerns, but incidents of anti-social behaviour are being dealt with, along with seasonal incidents such as fireworks being let off in the street.

b)     Braunstone Blues

All to note:-

o    Braunstone Blues brings together the Police, Fire and Ambulance services to work on preventative measures;

o    The project had received funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner that would enable it to continue for two years;

o    A pilot project had been undertaken and the main project would be officially launched from 12.00 noon – 3.00 pm on 26 November 2015 at the Oak Centre;

o    The project covered issues such as fire prevention, home security and the avoidance of trips and falls.  The actual work to be done would depend on the need identified; and

o    The first themed event would focus on “Warm Winter” and would include the distribution of hat water bottles and the provision of advice on fuel poverty and services available to residents.

Representatives from Braunstone Blues asked to contact representatives of the Braunstone Adventure Playground to include users of the Playground in the work being done by Braunstone Blues.



The local City Warden will be present to provide an update on environmental issues within the Ward.


All to note:-

·           Residents repairing vehicles on the street as a business were being pursued;

·           Skips and scaffolding were being checked, to ensure that the relevant licenses had been obtained;

·           A lot of fly tipping was taking place on Aylestone Meadows, at Highway Spinney and at the junctions of Narborough Road / Compton Road / Wolverton Road;

·           Notices had been served requiring two properties to clear their back gardens; and

·           Work with Domino’s Pizza to keep the path clear outside the shop was ongoing.

All residents asked to report environmental issues as soon as possible to the City Warden service.



Councillors are reminded that under the Council’s Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


An update will be given on the Ward Community Budget.


·           Advertising Space in the Braunstone Alert (ref: 1572) – Grant of £756 to B-Connected supported

·           Promotion of Education and Wellbeing for Young Adults and Children on City Gypsy and Traveller Sites (ref: 1534) – Grant of £1,800 to the Gypsy and Traveller Site Management Team, in partnership with Streetvibe Youth, supported

·           Outdoor Play Equipment (ref: 1549) – Grant of £799.89 to Braunstone Community Primary School supported, subject to the applicant advertising the Community Meeting’s support in the play area.  Also suggested that the applicant considers:-

o    having an article in the Braunstone Alert to promote what is being provided for the children and generate community pride in the project; and

o    inviting young people from Streetvibe Youth to design and paint a mural in the play area.

·           The Shed (ref: 1544) – Grant of £230 to Coping with Cancer supported

·           Foodbank (ref: 1566) – Grant of £1,000 to Mosaic Church supported

·           Pastel Creations (ref: 1575) – Grant of £500 to Braunstone Art supported

·           Talk Time (ref: 1576) – Grant of £497 to B-Connected supported

·           Can You Dig It (ref: 1578) – Grant of £2,500 to B-Connected supported, the applicant to be advised that a further application for funding for this project could be considered in the 2016/17 financial year

All to note that approximately £3,500 remains in the Ward Community Budget for the 2015/16 financial year.

Applicants to note that all applications for grants must be received at least 10 days before the meeting at which they are to be considered.




Travellers at Braunstone Leisure Centre

All to note that the travellers at Braunstone Leisure Centre were visiting for a family event.  They had advised that they would be moving on 29 November 2015.  Notice would be served on them to move on if they had not done so by 30 November 2015.




The meeting closed at 6.54 pm