Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' - Monday, 24 January 2005 5:00 pm

No. Item



Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Councillor Getliffe declared a personal interest in the reports entitled ‘Report on the Outcome of Leicester Housing’s Stock Options Appraisal’, ‘Housing Capital Programme 2004/05 and 2005/08’ and ‘Housing Revenue Account – Budget 2005/06’ in view of him being a Council tenant. Councillor Draycott also declared a personal interest in the reports as a member of her family was a Council tenant.  However under paragraph 10 (d) of the Members’ Code of Conduct, they regarded themselves as not having a prejudicial interest as long as the discussion did not relate to individual tenancies.


Councillor Corrall declared a non prejudicial interest in the report entitled ‘Collection Fund Surpluses’ as a member of the Combined Fire Authority.


Councillor Willmott declared a non prejudicial interest in the report entitled ‘Performing Arts Centre’ as a board member of the East Midlands Development Agency.




The Leader announced that it was the intention of the Cabinet to set aside the sum of £63,000 for the refurbishment of the New Walk Museum.  In view of the display of the works of Picasso that was planned it was intended to commence this work as soon as possible, and a report regarding this would be submitted to the meeting of Cabinet on 14 February 2005.


The Leader also announced that the Cabinet wished to ensure that the Leicester Riders continued in their present location, and that it was the Cabinet’s intention therefore that a sum of £40,000 be set aside to ensure that the Riders remained in Leicester.



The minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2004 and the special meeting held on 11 January 2005, have been circulated to Members and the Cabinet is asked to approve them as a correct record.




                        That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2004 and the special meeting held on 11 January 2005, having been circulated to Members be taken as read and signed by the Chair as a correct record.



Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee – 8 December 2004


The following was agreed at the above meeting. The full minute extract and an Officer response are attached as appendix A.


Social Care and Health Performance 2003/2004



(1)       That the contents of the Annual Review Meeting letter be noted and referred to Cabinet for their consideration.


Councillor Getliffe to respond

Additional documents:


Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee – 8 December 2004


The Committee resolved the following at the above meeting.


- That the contents of the Annual Review Meeting letter be noted and referred to the Cabinet for their consideration.


Councillor Getliffe submitted a report to Cabinet in response to the recommendation from the Social Care and Health Scrutiny Committee.




(1)That the contents of the Commission for Social Care Inspection’s Annual Review Meeting letter with regard to the positive performance of the Social Care and Health Department for 2003/2004 be noted, and


(2)that the Cabinet express its thanks to the Social Care and Health department for their work in retaining their 2* rating.



Councillor Waddington submits a report informing the Cabinet of budgetary issues relating to special schools currently under review and seeks views on a possible interim solution prior to considering the longer term future of special schools in the City. Cabinet is recommended to note the current financial difficulties faced by special schools currently under review, note the comments regarding a preferred option for an interim measure resolving these difficulties and express an opinion on a preferred option for an interim solution to secure sustainable special school places, prior to considering longer term options for realigning special schools within the City.  


The relevant minute extract from the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 11 January 2005 will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Councillor Waddington submitted a report informing the Cabinet of budgetary issues relating to special schools currently under review and sought Members’ views on a possible interim solution prior to considering the longer term future of special schools in the City. The minute extract from the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 11 January 2005 relating to the informal consultation on realigning provision for pupils with moderate and severe learning difficulties was circulated.


Councillor Waddington recommended an amended version of the model 2 outlined in the report. This would include Emily Fortey and Piper Way schools merging, which was acceptable to the governors of the school; and also proposed that due to the small size of the school, consultation be carried out on the possible closure of Western Park. It was noted that the merger of Emily Fortey and Piper Way would not result in the closure of either of the schools building.


It was also felt that there should be no changes to the current arrangements with Oaklands and Netherhall schools, as more consultation was needed  before any significant changes should take place. Cabinet supported Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee’s proposal that a Working Group of Members be set up to look in detail at issues concerning Special Educational Needs.




(1)       That the current financial difficulties faced by special schools currently under review be noted,


(2)               that the proposed merger of Emily Fortey and Piper Way schools be consulted on,


(3)               that the closure of Western Park school be consulted on, and


(4)               that the Cabinet support the decision of the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee to set up a Working Group to look in detail at issues surrounding Special Educational Needs.



Councillor Bhatti submits a report informing Cabinet of the outcome of the Housing Stock Options Appraisal. The Cabinet is recommended to consider the report and any comments from the Housing Scrutiny Committee and make its recommendations to Council.


The relevant minute extract from the Housing Scrutiny Committee held on 20 January 2005 will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Councillor Getliffe declared a personal interest in this report in view of him being a Council tenant. Councillor Draycott also declared a personal interest in the report as a member of her family was a Council tenant. However under paragraph 10 (d) of the Members’ Code of Conduct, they regarded themselves as not having a prejudicial interest as long as the discussion did not relate to individual tenancies.


Councillor Bhatti submitted a report on the outcome of the Housing Stock Options Appraisal.  The minute extract from the Housing Scrutiny Committee held on 20 January 2005 was circulated. It was noted that the Housing Scrutiny Committee had endorsed the retention of the Council’s Housing Stock by the City Council. Councillor Bhatti thanked Councillors, Officers, Tenants and Trade Unions for their work on this consultation exercise. The Chair also thanked the Chair and members of the Housing Scrutiny Committee for their support.


The Cabinet felt that the outcome of the Appraisal reflected the confidence that tenants had in the Council. However, concern was expressed about the cost of the appraisal and it was requested that a briefing go to the Lead Member for Housing outlining how the increased cost had arisen and been funded.




                        That the Cabinet recommend to Council that Leicester City Council should continue to own and directly manage its stock.


HOUSING CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2004/05 AND 2005/08 pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Councillor Bhatti submits a report advising the Cabinet on the position at period 7 on this years capital programme, revises the forecast for the 2004/05 out-turn and proposes a three year housing capital strategy for 2005-08. The Cabinet is recommended to consider the comments of the Housing Scrutiny Committee and consider a number of recommendations outlined in the report.


The relevant minute extract from the Housing Scrutiny Committee held on 20 January 2005 will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Councillor Getliffe declared a personal interest in the report in view of him being a Council tenant. Councillor Draycott also declared a personal interest in the report as a member of her family was a Council tenant. However under paragraph 10 (d) of the Members’ Code of Conduct, they regarded themselves as not having a prejudicial interest as long as the discussion did not relate to individual tenancies.


The Corporate Director of Housing left the room for the duration of this item due to his position as Company Secretary of HomeCome.


Councillor Bhatti submitted a report advising Cabinet on the position at period 7 on this years capital programme, revising the forecast for the 2004/05 outturn and proposing a three year capital programme for 2005-08. The minute extract from the Housing Scrutiny Committee held on 20 January 2005 was circulated




That Cabinet approve and recommend to Council where a Council decision is required as follows:


(1)       the revised Housing Capital programme for 2004/05 and funding arrangements outlined in paragraph 3.2 of the Supporting Information, and authorise the Head of Legal Services to enter into any contracts necessary to maximise the spend against the revised programme,


(2)       the resources shown in appendix 2 of the Supporting Information, including the use of Housing maintenance DSO Profits, Housing Balances(£2.5m in 05/06 and £1.5m in 06/07 and £1.5m in 07/08) and £24m from utilising the Prudential Borrowing Framework to support the Housing Capital Programme (£12m in 2005/06, £6m in 2006/07 and £6m in 2007/08),


(3)       the Housing Capital Programme for 2005/08 outlined in Appendix 3, including a small level (3.5%) of over programming, and to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Housing in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Housing to authorise any contracts, and to authorise the Head of Legal Services to sign any contracts within the overall programme to achieve a maximum spend against the resources available,


(4)               The delegation of authority to the Service Director (Resources) in consultation with the Cabinet Lead for Housing and Corporate Director for Resources, Access and Diversity to approve, within the 2005/06 programme, a grant of £3m to Homecome to acquire properties in accordance with the Leicester Strategy for Affordable Housing and the Housing Needs Survey, but to limit the amount that can be used in the purchase of any individual property to 75% of the total purchase price and that the Council take a proportionate equity stake in any properties purchased, subject to the Town Clerk and Service Director (Resources) being satisfied that adequate controls and management arrangements are in place


(5)       to note that the 2005/06 Programme will be reviewed during the financial year and that 2006/08 Programmes will be subject to further ratification as part of the normal annual budget cycles (in particular commitment to use prudential borrowing will be reviewed at this time) and,


(6)       the delegation of authority to approve bids from Community Associations under the Capital Receipts Initiative allocation  to the Corporate Director of Housing in consultation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 154.



Councillor Bhatti submits a report summarising the financial position of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2004/05 and 2005/06 and seeks the approval of Members to setting rents for 2005/06, again based on the Government’s formula rents. Cabinet is recommended to consider the report and any comments from the Housing Scrutiny Committee and consider a number of recommendations set out in the report.


The relevant minute extract from the Housing Scrutiny Committee held on 20 January 2005 will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Councillor Getliffe declared a personal interest in this report in view of him being a Council tenant. Councillor Draycott also declared a personal interest in the report as a member of her family was a Council tenant. However under paragraph 10 (d) of the Members’ Code of Conduct, they regarded themselves as not having a prejudicial interest as long as the discussion did not relate to individual tenancies.


Councillor Bhatti submitted a report summarising the financial position of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2004/05 and 2005/06, and sought approval of Members to setting rents for 2005/06, again based on the Governments ‘formula rents’. The minute extract from the Housing Scrutiny Committee held on 20 January 2005 was circulated.




                        That Council be recommended:


                        (1)       to note the estimated working balance of £2.646m at the start of 2005/06 and approve the base budget for 2005/06 as detailed in appendix A,


(2)       to consider the issues outlined in the background information of the report and in particular the comments of the Housing Scrutiny Committee and the Housing Management Board,


(3)       to approve the setting of rents for 2005/06 on the basis of ‘formula rents’,


(4)       to approve that no increase be applied to the revised level of miscellaneous payments and charges to be applied in 2005/06,


(5)       to approve the prudential indicators for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) as detailed in section 8 of the supporting information,


(6)       to approve that £400,000 be added to the 2005/06 HRA budget (and £1,140,000 per annum in future years) to facilitate the inclusion of £12m of additional HRA capital expenditure in the 2005/06 Housing Capital Programme, to be financed by unsupported borrowing under the Prudential Framework, and,


(7)       to approve that a further £1.5m Capital Expenditure charged to Revenue Account (in addition to the £1m already included in the base budget) be added to the 2005/06 HRA budget to supplement the 2005/06 HRA Capital Programme.



Councillor Kitterick submits a report outlining the implications for the City Council of the provisions of Part 2 of the of the Traffic Management Act 2004, which places a duty on authorities to manage highway networks effectively to keep traffic flowing. Cabinet is recommended to note that the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture will determine which existing member of staff would be best suited to being designated Traffic manager for the purposes of the Act, agree the financial implications of the Act and agree to receive further reports when other secondary legislation is introduced.


The relevant minute extract of the Leisure and Environment Scrutiny Committee held on 2 December 2004 is attached.

Additional documents:


Councillor Kitterick submitted a report outlining the implications for the City Council of the provisions of Part 2 of the Traffic Management Act 2004, which placed a duty on authorities to manage highway networks effectively to keep traffic flowing.




(1)That the Cabinet note that the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture will determine and appoint an existing member of staff as Traffic Manager for the purposes of the Act,


(2)that the financial arrangements to implement the Act be agreed, and


(3)that further reports be received when other secondary legislation is introduced, and on the action plan and operation of the Traffic Manager.



Councillor Getliffe submits a report outlining the format and preparations for the forthcoming review of Older People’s Services. Cabinet is recommended to note the new format for the inspection outlined in the report and note the actions taken to prepare for the inspection.


Councillor Getliffe submitted a report outlining the format and preparations for the forthcoming review of Older People’s Services.




(1)               that the new format for the inspection outlined in the report be noted, and


(2)that the actions being taken to prepare for the inspection be noted.



Councillor Draycott submits a report seeking Cabinet approval to the Best Value Review Programme for 2005/06. Cabinet is recommended to note the comments of the Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee, agree that in light of the range of other improvement initiatives across the Council there is no requirement for a Best Value review programme for 2005/06, note that any review of a support service will be conducted within the Best Value principles focussing on outcome, note the strategic programme for improvement across the Council now in place and note that a further report will be produced in 12 months time.


The minute extract from the Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee held on 13 January 2005 will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report seeking Cabinet’s approval to the Best Value Review programme for 2005/06. The minute extract from the Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee held on 13 January 2005 was circulated, and the Committee’s view that Local Taxation and Housing Benefits should not be reviewed in light of the recent merger was noted. It was also noted that these comments would be taken on board in a future report to Cabinet regarding the review of support services.




(1)That, in light of the range of other improvement initiatives across the Council it be agreed that there is no requirement for a Best Value review programme for 2005/06,


(2)to note that any review of a support service will be conducted within the Best Value review principles focussing on outcome,


(3)to note the strategic programme for improvement across the Council now in place,


(4)to note the major elements of the planned programme of external inspection and audit, and


(5)note that a further report will be produced in 12 months time.



Councillor Draycott submits a report detailing the recommended taxbase for the financial year 2005/06, Cabinet is recommended to recommend Council agree a taxbase for 2005/06 of 74,696 properties expressed as the equivalent number of Band D properties.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report detailing the recommended taxbase for the financial year 2005/06, for the purpose of setting the Council Tax.




                        That Council be recommended to agree a taxbase for 2005/06 of 74,696 properties expressed as the equivalent number of ‘Band D’ properties.



Councillor Draycott submits a report showing a summary position comparing spending with the budget for all General Fund Services. The report is the second in the regular cycle of reports showing budget issues which have surfaced so far. Cabinet is recommended to note the changes made to the original approved budget for 2004/05, note the expenditure to date and the budgetary issues which have emerged so far this year, note the proposals put forward for preventing departments form overspending, approve the change in status for specific traded services within the Regeneration and Culture department, and the necessary consequential virements and amendments to the determinations appended to Finance Procedure Rules, approve the establishment of the job evaluation earmarked reserve and the Butterwick House reserve as proposed in the report, approve virements specified in the report and consider what other action is necessary to prevent departments from overspending.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report showing a summary position comparing spending with the budget for all General Fund Services.




(1)       that the changes made to the original approved budget for 2004/05 be noted,


(2)       that the expenditure to date and the budget issues which have emerged so far this year be noted,


(3)       that the proposals put forward for preventing departments from overspending be noted,


(4)       that the change in status for specific traded services within the Regeneration and Culture  department, as set out in paragraph 6.3.4 and the necessary consequential virements and amendments to the determinations appended to the Finance Procedure Rules be approved,


(5)       that the establishment of the job evaluation earmarked reserve, and the Butterwick House reserve be approved as detailed in paragraph 6.5.3 of the report, and,


(6)       that virements specified in section 6 of the report be approved.



Councillor Draycott submits a report updating Cabinet on the progress of the capital programme for 2004/05 up to 5 November (period 7). Cabinet is recommended to approve various proposals outlined in the report.

Additional documents:


Councillor Draycott submitted a report updating the Cabinet on the progress of the capital programme for 2004/05 up to 5 November (period 7).




(1)       That a revised level of programmed expenditure of £98.9 million be approved,


(2)       that the level of expenditure to 5 November 2004 of £40.8 million be noted,


(3)                 that the position relating to capital receipts be noted,


(4)                 that the following increases to the programme be approved:



An increase of £232,000 in the cost of the redevelopment of a Hard Ball Court scheme at Braunstone to £555,000, the increase to be fully funded by external contributions.


Regeneration and Culture

An increase of £823,000 of which £42,000 be used to fund the overspend relating to Braunstone Leisure Centre, £147,000 to fund the additional spending relating to Integrated Transport identified at period 4 and the balance of £634,000 to fund additional transport schemes, the increase to be funded by an external contribution.


Social Care and Health

£40,000 relating to a Learning Disability scheme to be funded by the NHS.


(5)                 that the forecast capital programme performance is 94% of the approved programme compared to a target of 90%,  be noted,


(6)                 that the latest prudential indicator forecasts for 2004/05 be noted, and


(7)       that the non-right to buy housing capital receipts (estimated at up to £1.8million) be utilised towards the financing of affordable housing or regeneration to ensure that 100% of such receipts are usable.



Councillor Draycott submits a report informing Cabinet of the action taken to ensure the Authority meets the requirement of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and seeks decisions regarding charges to be made when providing information under the Act, the Data Protection Act  1998 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Cabinet is recommended to support the actions taken to date, decide the levels of fees (if any) to be raised for answering requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, reconsider the Data Protection Act 1998 charges, and decide on the level of charges to be raised under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report informing the Cabinet of the action taken to ensure the Authority meets the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).


The Cabinet were of the view that as much information should be made available as possible, although there would be some commercially sensitive data which could not be disclosed in the public interest.




(1)          That the Act be welcomed and the Council’s long tradition of open government be extended to embrace its requirements,


(2)          that there be a presumption that all non personal Council information is open with recognition that the public interest and good government will occasionally require the non disclosure of some information, at least for a period,


(3)          that the actions taken to date as set out in the report be supported,


(4)                     that charges be made as follow:


(i)                 disbursements made for photocopying, postage etc be charged for all requests for information (RFI) under the Freedom for Information Act (FOIA) where the law allows at a reasonable rate to be determined by the Town Clerk having regard to any national guidance,

(ii)               for an interim period of six months no further fees be charged other than disbursements in response to requests for information under FOIA,

(iii)             for this interim period all requests for information under FOIA be answered, even when estimated that the cost of answering exceeds the £450 limit.


(5)                     that the above principles be applied to the new Environmental Information Regulations 2004 for the same interim period, and


(6)          that the Data Protection Act 1998 charges be reconsidered when the other charges are reviewed in six months.



Councillor Draycott submits a report identifying the estimated financial position of the Collection Fund Account as at 31 March 2005. Cabinet is recommended to approve the estimated collection fund surplus figure of £2,000,000 and approve the estimated shares payable to the Police Authority, the Fire Authority and the City Council as detailed in the report.


Councillor Corrall declared a non prejudicial interest in the report entitled ‘Collection Fund Surpluses’ as member of the Combined Fire Authority.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report identifying the estimated financial position of the Collection Fund Account as at 31 March 2005. It was noted that calculating the estimated surplus or deficit for this account was a statutory requirement, as the figure needed to be taken into account during the Council Tax setting process.




(1)       That the estimated collection fund surplus figure of £2,000,000, be approved, and


(2)       that the estimated shares payable to the Police Authority, the Fire Authority and the City Council as detailed in the report be approved.



Councillor Willmott submits a report providing information regarding the process of setting up a Commission to examine the relationship between the City Council and the local Voluntary and Community Sector. Cabinet is recommended to confirm the commissioning of a report by the Chief Executive in the form of a thinkpiece to set out a model relationship between voluntary and public sectors in a multicultural City, and agree the setting up of an independently chaired Commission to examine the relationship between the City Council and the local Voluntary and Community Sector.


Councillor Willmott submitted a report providing information regarding the process of setting up a Commission to examine the relationship between the City Council and the local Voluntary and Community Sector.




(1)       That the commissioning of a report by the Chief Executive, in the form of a ‘thinkpiece’ to set out a model relationship between voluntary and public sectors in a multicultural city, be confirmed and


(2)       that the setting up of an independently chaired Commission to examine the relationship between the local Voluntary and Community Sector be approved. 



Councillor Willmott submits a report setting out the background, process and findings of a fresh consultation exercise carried out with six voluntary sector organisations following the cessation or non renewal of their grant aid within the Corporate Budget Strategy 2004/05 to 2006/07 agreed by Council on 23 February 2004. Cabinet is recommended to consider various recommendations contained in the report concerning arrangements for future funding of these organisations based upon the findings of the new consultation exercise.  


Councillor Willmott submitted a report setting out the background, process and findings of a fresh consultation exercise carried out with six voluntary sector organisations following the cessation or non renewal of their grant aid within the Corporate Budget Strategy 2004/05 to 2006/07 agreed by Council on 23 February 2004. It was noted that the consultation process was now complete and that no further responses to those circulated to Cabinet had been received.




(1)          That the Council not enter into fresh Grant Aid contracts for Ajani Women and Girls’ Centre, Leicester Chinese Centre, Shree Sanatan Community Project, St Gabriel’s Community Centre and Turning Point Women’s Centre, and current funding be ceased with effect from 31 January 2005, reasonable and appropriate winding up costs to be paid by the Council,


(2)          that the Grant Aid contract with Voluntary Action Leicester for the Community Action Team be terminated with effect from 30 April 2005, reasonable and appropriate winding up costs to be paid by the Council,


(3)          that Early Years Services be commissioned from Ajani Women and Girls’ Centre up to £60,000 per annum,


(4)          that infrastructure services be commissioned to support the Lunch Club from the Leicester Chinese Community Centre up to £20,000 per annum,


(5)          that Early Years Services be commissioned from the Shree Santan Community project up to £37,000 per annum,


(6)          that Early Years (£15,000 per annum) and Youth Work (£25,000 per annum) Services be commissioned from St Gabriel’s Community Centre up to £40,000 per annum,


(7)          that Early Years Services be commissioned from Turning Point Women’s Centre up to £87,000 per annum, and


(8)          that funding to Voluntary Action Leicester be increased by £70,000 per annum to commission a generic Volunteer Centre, Officers and Officers asked to negotiate a formal contract for this service which reflects the needs of the City.



The Chair has agreed to accept one item of urgent business ‘Performing Arts Centre’. The decision is considered urgent in order for the project to be kept to timetable. The report is not available for despatch at the time of the agenda due to the need to make changes resulting from a special meeting of the Cabinet held on 11 January 2005.


The item will be taken in private session.


The Chair agreed to take one item of urgent business ‘Performing Arts Centre Project Progress and Key Decisions’. The report was considered urgent in order for the project to be kept to timetable, and recommended for consideration in the private session.







Under the law, the Cabinet is entitled to consider certain items in private.  Members of the public will be asked to leave the meeting when such items are discussed.


The Cabinet is recommended to consider the following reports in private on the grounds that they contain ‘exempt’ information as defined by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, and consequently that the Cabinet makes the following resolution:-


“that the press and public be excluded during consideration of the following reports in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, because they involve the likely disclosure of 'exempt' information, as defined in the Paragraphs detailed below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.”


Paragraph 9


Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services.



that the press and public be excluded during consideration of the following reports in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, because they involve the likely disclosure of ‘exempt’ information, as defined in the Paragraphs detailed below of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.


Paragraph 9


Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services.









Councillor Draycott submits a report.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report describing current technological developments and other issues which provide alternative methods for making payments to the Council and the implications that this would have on the existing cashiering service.


Concern was expressed regarding people who may find it difficult to open a bank account and how these changes could affect them. It was agreed that the Council should do as much as it could to publicise the availability of bank accounts for everyone. Officers were also asked to consider whether the Council could help people open bank accounts by providing proof of identification.




(1)       That approval be given, in principle, to the Council implementing a bill payment swipe card system, in time for an all in one swipe card system being developed,


(2)       that the encashment of Housing Benefit cheques be ceased, after giving a period of notice to enable present users of this service to resolve their banking arrangements and assisting them by embarking on an awareness campaign providing details of basic accounts available from high street banks,


(3)       that the actions being taken with regard to telephone payments linked to the Internet be noted,


(4)       that the approval be given for embarking on a campaign to encourage more payments via direct debit,


(5)       that the fact that these decisions will eventually lead to reduced requirements for cashiering staff both at Welford House cashiering office and Housing area offices be noted, and


(6)       to note that the decisions taken will be reflected in the design of the new centrally based accommodation facility.



Councillor Willmott submits a report.


Councillor Willmott submitted a report seeking Cabinet approval to agree to dispose of the freehold of part of the Saffron Lane Sports Centre to Developer A, as outlined in the schedule which was distributed at the meeting.


Concern was expressed regarding the potential loss of well used astroturf facilities, and what any potential new residential development would look like. It was noted that under normal circumstances, the Cabinet would have to accept the offer that was ‘best consideration’ but that there was discretion to accept a different offer if was felt that this would promote economic, environmental or social well being and a less intensive scheme to that submitted by developer A could be explored if it was felt to have these benefits.


It was agreed to delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Resources, Access and Diversity together with Councillors Willmott, Draycott, Connelly and Kitterick to consider replacing developer A as the preferred option according to an assessment of the potential well being benefits compared with a reduction in purchase price. It was also agreed that the issue of the loss of the two astroturf pitches should be addressed.




(1)       That the issue of the loss of the astroturf pitches be addressed, and


(2)       that the freehold disposal of the site approximately indicated on the plan to developer A or developer B be approved,


(3)       that authority be delegated to the Corporate Director for Resources, Access and Diversity in consultation with Councillors Willmott, Draycott, Connelly and Kitterick to decide whether to dispose to developer A or developer B according to an assessment of the potential economic, social and environmental benefits compared with a reduction in the potential purchase price,


(4)       that the Head of Legal Services be authorised to enter into resulting legal documentation, and


(5)       that authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Resources, Access and Diversity to approve any alterations to the terms and to take all necessary action to progress and complete the proposed disposal, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Members for Finance and Leisure.



Councillor Connelly submits a report.


Councillor Willmott declared a non prejudicial interest in the report as a member of the East Midlands Development Agency.


Councillor Connelly submitted a report asking Cabinet to give guidance and refer to full Council the decision on whether to proceed with the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) Project because the costs exceeded the sum estimated at the time delegated authority was given.




(1)       That Council be recommended to proceed with the Performing Arts Centre,


(2)       that Cabinet request Council to increase the Capital Programme provision for the scheme as detailed in paragraph 3.2a) of the report,


(3)       that the consequential impact of the scheme on the Council’s revenue budget, be noted and that Cabinet ask Council to agree that appropriate provision is made as a first call on the Council’s budget for 2005/06 to 2007/08, a first call on the Council’s Capital Programme for 2005/06 to 2007/08, or a combination of the two,


(4)       that authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Leisure and the Leader, to issue instruction to the contractor to start on site, subject to:


i)          the overall estimated cost of the scheme at that time being affordable within the capital programme provision as detailed in the report


ii)         Funding from the Arts Council England, ERDF, EMDA and LSEP as annotated with an asterisk in paragraph 6.6 of the report being secured unconditionally and irrevocably (subject only as to reasonable funder conditions relating to performance, outputs, draw down reporting and the like)


iii)        All property interests and consents necessary to the construction phase being secured or materially risk free to the satisfaction of the Town Clerk


(5)       that Cabinet request that the Council, in accordance with rule2 (10) of part 4C of the constitution, determines the extent of virement and in-year changes to the policy framework which may be made by Cabinet, insofar as such changes arise from this project; and recommend the extent of such discretion afforded to Cabinet shall amount to that detailed in paragraph 3.2d of the report


(6)       that authority be delegated to the Head of Legal Services to agree adjustments to the contract as required to give effect to the recommendations of this report and the Cabinet decision of the 11 January 2005,


(7)       that authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Resources, Access and Diversity in consultation with the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture, the Leader and the Chair and Party Spokespersons of the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee, to agree final terms for the lease-hold disposal of the PAC on the basis of a one to one disposal at less than best consideration, including any variation, amendment or addition to the terms currently reported,


(8)       that the Head of Legal Services be authorised to enter into all necessary contracts and agreements arising out of the Lease hold disposal, and


                        (9)       to ask Council to note the Cabinet decision of 11 January 2005 to set up an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 170.




The meeting closed at 6.40 pm.