Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' - Tuesday, 24 January 2006 5:00 pm

No. Item



Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Members were requested to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda.


No declarations were made.




Ian Marlow, Service Director, Housing


The Leader announcemed his regret that Ian Marlow, who had worked for the City Council for over 25 years, 15 as a second tier officer in the Housing Department, was terminally ill with cancer and unlikely to live more than a couple of weeks at best. As a result of this, he was ill health retired from the Council on Friday 13 January.


The Leader wished to record the Council’s personal thanks to Ian and his family for the commitment and support he had given the Council over many years.   The Leader went on to highlight some of Ian’s major achievements for the Council; in particular the improvements he brought about in the housing maintenance service in Leicester; the first Beacon Award for the Council in 2000; the window and door replacement programme and the apprenticeship scheme which under Ian’s stewardship, increased the number of young people offered apprenticeships from 15 to 60 per year.


The Leader also noted that Ian was an excellent ambassador for the Council and noted his work with the Major Cities Technical Officers’ Group to share ideas and bring about change in the maintenance of council housing throughout the Country. He also represented the Government on a working group that advised the Polish Government on maintaining and improving their housing stock.


As a celebration of Ian’s work on behalf of tenants and the City Council, the Leader announced that the Corporate Director of Housing had agreed, in consultation with Members from all political parties, to rename the Blackbird Road Depot the Ian Marlow Centre and also to introduce an Ian Marlow Annual Apprenticeship Award in the Housing Department with the winner receiving £250.


Director of Adult and Community Services

The Leader introduced Sally Burton, the City Council’s newly appointed Director of Adult and Community Services.



The Leader made reference to a visit he had made to 10 Downing Street and a recent Green Paper on employment issues which he welcomed comments on.



Councillor Metcalfe submits a report summarising the financial position of the Housing Revenue Account for 2005/06 and 2006/07.  The Cabinet is asked to consider the level of rents and service charges for 2006/07 for recommendation to Council.


The relevant minute of the Housing Scrutiny Committee on 12 January will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Steve Letten, Member Support Officer gave the meeting a brief presentation outlining the budgets available to the Community Meeting.


Ward Priority Fund - £6700 in 2008/09 (£10,000 in 2009/10) – to fund projects to support the Ward Action Plan being developed by the meeting. This funding was meant to be used to divert mainstream resources to meeting needs in the ward.


Community Fund - £3300 in 2008/09 (£5000 in 2009/10) – to fund projects to help the community at large or individual groups for example, older people’s trip to the seaside.


Community Cohesion Fund - £2000 in 2008/09 – to fund projects to; support or reinforce community integration eg. build links involving young people; and build confidence and a sense of belonging.


Steve also noted that there was an urgency procedure which could be utilised. This meant amounts of up to £500, could be agreed for funding outside of a meeting. Councillor Dempster however commented that it would be extremely rare that this facility would be used and that funding would normally come to the Community Meeting for consideration.


One application for funding had been received and was circulated at the meeting. It was a proposal to set up a community library at Barleycroft Healthy Living Centre. The request was for £3000 for specialist books. These were children’s books, large print and English for Speakers of an Overseas Language. Carlym Sandringham from the Healthy Living Centre spoke in support of the application.


The Chair proposed that £750 be provided for the library, and that officers contact the Children and Young People’s Services and the Adults and Housing Departments to see if any further funding could be provided.



Officer Identified


Submit proposal for £750 funding for Barleycroft Community Library to the Council’s Cabinet Lead Member for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods for decision.

Steve Letten, Member Support Officer

As soon as possible.

Contact the Children and Young People’s Services and Adults & Housing Departments for assistance for the library.

Steve Letten, Member Support Officer

As soon as possible.

That there be a general presumption against approving urgent budget items.

Ward Councillors / Steve Letten, Member Support Officer


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HOUSING CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2005-06 and 2006-09 pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Councillor Metcalfe submits a report informing the Cabinet of the position of this year’s Housing Capital Programme as at Period 7, revising the forecast for the 2005/06 outturn and proposing a 3 year Housing Capital Programme for 2006/09.  The Cabinet is asked to consider the proposals and make recommendations to Council.


The relevant minute of the Housing Scrutiny Committee on 12 January will be circulated as soon as it is available.


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Councillor Mugglestone submits a report detailing proposals for the Pork Pie junction and Glenhills Way for Cabinet’s consideration for recommendation to Council.


The relevant minute of Highways and Transportation Scrutiny Committee on 11 January will be circulated as soon as it is available.

Additional documents:


Councillor Mugglestone submitted a report detailing proposals for the Pork Pie junction and Glenhills Way for Cabinet’s consideration for recommendation to Council.


It was noted that the report had been considered by both the Highways and Transportation Scrutiny Committee and the Aylestone, Eyres Monsell and Freemen Area Committee and the relevant minutes of those meetings on 11 January and 18 January respectively had been circulated to the Cabinet.  Both Committees had concerns about the proposals.


It was noted that officers professional view was that the scheme as proposed in the report was the one that they would advise.  However, in the light of the comments of the Scrutiny Committee and the Area Committee, the Cabinet agreed to re-examine the scheme.



                        That having regard to the views of both the Highways and Transportation Scrutiny Committee and the Area Committee on this matter, officers be asked to bring back as a matter of urgency, a further report which provided costed options, with benefits and disbenefits of constructing the scheme in two phases, with the Area Committee being consulted on the report, if time permitted.




The meeting ended at 5.20 pm.