Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' - Monday, 17 March 2008 2:00 pm

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Follett.



Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Members were asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government

Finance Act 1992 applied to them.


No declarations were made.




There were no leaders announcements.



Councillor Willmott submits a report that describes the approach to planning the corporate, transport and children’s capital programmes.  Cabinet are asked to approve a number of recommendations included in the three reports attached. 

Additional documents:


Councillor Willmott submitted a report that described the approach to planning the corporate, transport and children’s capital programmes. 


The relevant minute extract from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board held on 13 March 2008 had been circulated to Members of the Cabinet.


Councillor Willmott thanked officers for constructing the Capital Programme and felt that it was an excellent programme.  He spoke of his intention to join together the Capital and Revenue Programmes more effectively in the future, and this in turn would benefit the people of Leicester. 


Councillor Coley asked whether the Cabinet felt that the Council Tax increase was excessive, and also asked how the £2,000,000 taken out of the Council’s reserves would be returned.  With regard to the first question, Councillor Willmott responded by stating that the rate of council tax increase imposed by the authority was very reasonable compared to that set by the police authority.  He stated that the a Band A Council Tax payer would pay an extra 67p per week and that Band A was the most common council tax band in the city.  Furthermore, he explained that the rise did not eclipse the Retail Price Index and stated that the rise in taxation would allow for many improvements to be made to service provision in Leicester.


In response to Councillor Coleys’ second point, Councillor Willmott stated that the Council’s balances were healthy and of a sound financial state.  He reported that £5,000,000 was held in the Council’s reserves, and that he felt that this was a financially responsible amount.  He stated that it was intended to increase the level of reserves to £7,000,000 and the careful management of finances would achieve this.




(1)                   Corporate Capital Programme


(1)That the capital programme shown at Annex A be recommended to Council.


(2)that the following status of the schemes in Annex A be recommended to Council.


(a)            Block A, being schemes which can proceed once the programme is approved, subject to compliance with Finance Procedure Rules;


               (b)    Block B, being schemes which can proceed             subject to a further approval by Cabinet with             regard to the detailed implementation of the             scheme (and having regard to any matters             described in paragraph 6 of this report);


(3)   that the following be designated as service resources for the purposes of this programme (being resources which fall outside the scope of the corporate programme): -


·        housing capital receipts with the exception of £2m in 08/09 and £1m p.a. in later years (as stated in the housing capital programme, these resources are being dealt with as part of the corporate programme and will primarily be used to support schemes which support or complement housing growth);

·        housing, education and transport elements of the Single Capital Pot;

·        profits made by the Housing Maintenance DSO;

·        any supported capital expenditure allocations awarded by central government for specific purposes;

·        third party contributions;

·        departmental revenue contributions.


(4)               In connection with the revised Finance Procedure Rules:


         (a) a lower decision limit of £250,000 be approved, being the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 247.




The meeting closed at 2.08pm.