Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - for meetings after 09/05/11, please see 'City Mayor & Cabinet' - Monday, 3 December 2001 5:00 pm

No. Item



Members are asked to declare any interests they may have in the business to be discussed and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Members were requested to declare any interests they may have in the business on the agenda and/or indicate if Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applied to them.


Councillor Osman declared a non-pecuniary interest in the item entitled, ‘Revenue and Capital Strategy 2002/03 to 2004/05 – Public Consultation’.


Councillor Willmott declared a non-pecuniary interest in the item entitled, ‘Leicester Regeneration Company’ as a Director of the company, appointed by the City Council.



The Minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 2001 have been circulated to Members and the Cabinet is asked to confirm them as a correct record.



                        that the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 19 November 2001, having been circulated to Members, be received, taken as read and signed by the Chair as a correct record.




Special Cabinet Meeting


Councillor Willmott referred to a special Cabinet meeting that had been called for 10 December at 2.30pm to consider two items of urgent business relating to property matters both of which would be considered in private session. However, press releases would be issued outlining the decisions taken.



Councillor Patel submits a report informing the Cabinet of the results of the above consultation exercise.  The Cabinet is asked to note the findings and that they will be taken into account when considering the capital programme and revenue budget from 2002/03 onwards.


Councillor Patel submitted a report informing the Cabinet of the results of a public consultation exercise regarding the Council’s revenue and capital strategy 2002/03 to 2004/05.


He also told the Cabinet there was strong public support for the proposed 4 revenue spending priorities, for better sporting facilities, for the Cultural Quarter development, the Council’s housing schemes and the level of the Council Tax rise.


The meeting was also informed that there would be a Government announcement on Wednesday (5 December) regarding the Council’s Standard Spending Assessment.



(1)that the findings from the exercise be noted; and


(2)that the Council will consider the findings when considering its capital programme and revenue budget from 2002/03 onwards.



Councillor Kavia submits a report outlining the proposals for the Ashton Green Phase 1 – Planning, Design and Development Requirements. The Cabinet is asked to consider the comments made via the consultation process and by the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee and to adopt the Ashton Green Phase 1 – Planning, Design & Development Guidance and Requirements as Supplementary Planning Guidance to the City of Leicester Local Plan.


Councillor Kavia submitted a report outlining the proposals for the Ashton Green Phase 1 – Planning, Design and Development Requirements.


Members of the Cabinet commented on the need to ensure good quality of design, that construction traffic was kept away from residential areas, that protected trees were treated appropriately and that a range of housing was  provided such as bungalows for the elderly and larger houses for extended families.


Officers stated that quality of design was central to the plans for the area and lessons had been learnt from previous developments. They also acknowledged the need for a plan to minimise disturbance to residents caused by construction work. A study was also about to be undertaken to ensure protection of greenery. It was also noted that there would be a range of housing in the area to meet different needs; however there was a Government requirement for high density in developments such as Ashton Green which posed some challenging design questions.


Members of the Cabinet also requested that any detailed development plans for Ashton Green be submitted to both the Cabinet and the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee to ensure the desired design requirements were realised.



(1)that the comments made via the consultation process be noted;


(2)that the comments made by the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee, be noted; and


(3)that the Ashton Green Phase 1 – Planning, Design & Development Guidance and Requirements be adopted as supplementary planning guidance to the City of Leicester Local Plan.


CITY ROOMS pdf icon PDF 35 KB

Councillor Holden submits a report that outlines the options that have been considered with regard to the City Rooms and details the views of the Finance, Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee and the Arts, Leisure and Environment Scrutiny Committee and seeks consideration of the long leasehold disposal of this property enabling private finance to be introduced. The Cabinet is asked to; note the options that have been explored with regard to the future usage of the City Rooms; note the comments of the Scrutiny Committees and consider the proposal that the City Rooms be marketed, with a view to a disposal on a long leasehold basis thereby attracting inward investment to secure its future; and receive a further report following the marketing exercise on the outcome and interest received.


Councillor Patel submitted a report which outlined the options that had been considered with regard to the City Rooms and sought approval to the long leasehold disposal of the property enabling private finance to be introduced. It was noted that a substantial sum of money would be required to bring the building into a state of good repair and ensure the required standards of access under the Disability Discrimination Act. Officers had considered a number of options and investigated other sources of funding, the latter of which had proved very limited.


Members of the Cabinet noted the comments made by Scrutiny Committees.

The Arts, Leisure and Environment Scrutiny Committee, after consideration, gave all party support to the proposed course of action, which ensured the Council ultimately, retained the building. The Finance, Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee made comments regarding the Council not investing in the City Rooms earlier and it was questioned why the Rooms were low priority, to which Officers noted this was a result of a Best Value review. They also gave support to the proposed course of action.


The work of Officers in carrying out the investigations on options for the future of the City Rooms in the light of the Best Value review was also acknowledged.


Councillor Willmott commented further that the he felt the course of action being taken was appropriate because of the large amounts of money required to refurbish the building. He also commented that the Cabinet was committed to ensuring a sympathetic use for the Rooms and would give further consideration to the results of the proposed marketing exercise.



(1)that the options explored with regard to the future usage of the City Rooms, be noted;


(2)that the City Rooms be marketed, as referred to in the report, with a view to a disposal on a long leasehold basis thereby attracting inward investment to secure its future; and


(3)that a further report be submitted to Cabinet following the marketing exercise indicating the outcome and the interest received.



Councillor Getliffe submits a report informing the Cabinet of the completion of phase two of the Mental Health Integration Project and providing an update on progress with the integration work programme. The Cabinet is asked to consider a number of recommendations with regard to entering into a partnership agreement with Leicestershire and Rutland Healthcare Trust, Leicestershire County Council and Rutland County Council for the provision of integrated mental health care.

Additional documents:


Councillor Getliffe submitted a report informing the Cabinet of the completion of phase two of the Mental Health Integration Project and provided an update on progress with the integration work programme.


The Director of Social Services informed the meeting that the Social Services and Personal Health Scrutiny Committee had broadly supported the recommendations contained within the report. He also commented there were difficulties with the proposed name for the organisation where it was hoped the “Leicester Shire” principle as used in other organisations which involved Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland, would prove agreeable to all involved. The Cabinet also agreed that there should be all party involvement on the Partnership.



(1)that entry be approved, into a Partnership Agreement under Section 31 of the Health Act 1999 using the ‘Integrated Provision’ flexibility to support the integration of services for working age adults provided currently by the following organisations:


Leicestershire and Rutland Healthcare Trust

Leicester City Council

Leicestershire County Council

Rutland County Council;


(2)that the need for a Memorandum of Agreement be supported, between the partner organisations that describes the responsibility, accountability, and liability of each party for service requirements, staffing, finance and assets;


(3)that it be noted, the negotiation and drafting of the Memorandum with related documents will have the full input of the Local Authorities’ Legal and Administrative Services and the Trust Solicitor, until satisfactory conclusion of the agreement was reached between the respective parties;


(4)that there be all party involvement on the board of the proposed Partnership, with the Cabinet Lead Member for Social Services and Personal Health taking the lead position;


(5)that it be agreed, subject to the satisfactory completion of a written Partnership Agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) as identified in the regulations, that the intended date for the start of the Partnership is 1st April 2002;


(6)that the Director of Social Services be authorised (in consultation with Cabinet Lead) to conclude negotiations and approve the final terms of the Partnership Agreement; and


(7)that it be noted the name preferred by Leicester City Council for the new organisation is the “Leicester Shire Partnership NHS Trust”, with the additional strap line “Providing mental health and learning disability services for the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.”



Councillor Kavia submits a report updating the Cabinet on progress with the establishment of the Leicester Regeneration Company. The Cabinet is asked to; approve that the full £250,000 be made available in this financial year; agree that any underspends in this budget be carried over from year to year and made available to the company, including into a possible fourth year, subject to the City Council’s contribution in each year not exceeding that of the other funding partners; note the arrangements for servicing the City Council’s input into the Company; agree that the Principal Assistant Director (City Development), be named as client officer; approve the contributions for the year 2001/2 be made in kind and that the funding mechanism for further years be determined at a later date; approve the procurement of consultants to produce a Masterplan and authorise the Head of Legal Services to enter into the necessary agreements.


Councillor Kavia submitted a report updating members on progress with the establishment of the Leicester Regeneration Company.


Members of the Cabinet noted that the funding proposed, up to a maximum of £750, 000, had been allocated over 3 years, but flexibility had been incorporated to allow underspends from the £250,000 allocated per year to be carried over and possibly into a fourth year.



(1)that the full amount of £250,000 be made available to the Company in this financial year:


(2)that underspends in this budget be carried over from year to year, and made available to the company, including into a possible 4th year, subject to the City council’s contribution in each year not exceeding that of the other funding partners;


(3)that the arrangements for servicing the City Council’s input into the Company be noted;


(4)that Alistair Reid, Principal Assistant Director (City Development), Environment and Development, be named as client officer;


(5)that for the year 2001/2 the contributions be made in kind and that the funding mechanism for further years be determined at a later date; and


(6)that the procurement of consultants, to produce a Masterplan which will facilitate the activities of the Company be approved and the Head of Legal Services be authorised to enter into the necessary agreements for the resulting appointment.



Councillor Draycott submits a report outlining issues regarding the provision of ‘affordable housing’ within City Centre housing developments and submitting proposals for how to promote suitable site regeneration and redevelopment.  The report also deals with a proposal from the Leicester Regeneration Company for a ‘moratorium’ on the requirement for private developers to provide ‘affordable housing’ in parts of the City Centre.  The Cabinet is asked to support the proposals.


Councillor Kavia submitted a report outlining issues regarding the provision of ‘affordable housing’ developments and submitted proposals for how to promote suitable site regeneration and redevelopment. This included an experimental proposal put forward by the Leicester Regeneration Company for a ‘pilot’ area including the Frog Island, St Georges and Old Town areas for a moratorium on requirements to provide ‘affordable housing’ until 31 March 2003.


It was noted that the Cabinet continued to be committed to the provision of affordable housing but that this ‘pilot’ project in three areas of the City would hopefully boost regeneration in the given period and subsequently improve the attractiveness of the area to Housing Associations and the private sector and therefore ultimately increase the provision of affordable housing.



(1)that the Cabinet give their support to the proposal put forward by Leicester Regeneration Company for a ‘pilot’ project affecting planning applications within the St. George’s, Frog Island and Old Town areas, to operate until 31st march 2003 subject to the applications having obtained formal planning approvals and commenced works on site for the full development agreed in their planning approval within 18 months of that approval;


(2)that elsewhere in the City Centre, the City Council will actively seek contributions towards ‘affordable housing’ in line with Circular 6/98 and the existing Supplementary Planning Guidance on Affordable Housing, and in tandem with the LRC will actively promote the provision of ‘affordable housing’ with developers and landowners;


(3)that the Cabinet give its support for the linking of public funds or assets to the delivery of broad regeneration outcomes that will include the provision of ‘affordable housing’; and


(4)that the Cabinet support the consideration of amendments to local ‘Supplementary Planning Guidance’, in particular for the role of viability appraisals.



Councillor Draycott submits a report seeking approval for proposals for the introduction and operation of tenancy review panels.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report seeking approval for proposals for the introduction and operation of tenancy review panels, arising form the adoption of a policy of ‘Introductory Tenancies’.



(1)that formation and operation of the introductory tenancy review panels as detailed in the report be approved;


(2)that the Director of Housing be authorised to form panels of managers authorised to carry out reviews and to appoint from time to time members from the panels to undertake reviews under section 129 Housing Act 1996 ensuring that:-


(i)no one involved in the decision to apply for an order shall carry out or make the decision on a review of that decision; and


(ii)the member of the panel appointed shall be someone senior to the officer who made the original decision.




The meeting closed at 5.50pm.