Agenda item


The Director of Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report updating the Commission on the Transforming Cities Fund scheme.


Members of the Commission are recommended to note the report and pass any comments to the Director of Planning, Development and Transportation.


The City Centre Streets Programme Manager delivered a presentation updating the Commission on the ongoing schemes.


As part of the discussions Members noted that:

·         A Member of the Commission was in support of the schemes presented as they drove the objective of sustainable transportation in the city

·         Some Member of the Commission supported the Park and Ride Scheme as it provided a good option to those who were visiting the city. Additionally, Members were keen to see continued efforts and similar schemes for the inner city

·         Concerns were raised with the number of people using busses

·         Concerns were raised with the 5 ways junction on Woodgate where there was an issue with flooding when there were heavy rains

·         The Aylestone Meadows schemes which had not yet been funded should be made a priority as it would bring that part of the city into life and people have proven they would desire to use that route

·         The impact of proposals on existing roads and the consideration of restricting access during peak periods

·         A Member of the Commission also raised concerns over the development of the Beaumont Leys Park and Ride site on a greenfield site

·         The route being proposed for the Great Central Way Scheme connecting Lubbersthorpe way via a cycle lane should be supported.


In response to Members queries and concerns, Officers noted that:

·         Bus passenger numbers had decreased during the years and more during the pandemic, but new figures suggested bus usage was back to pre-pandemic figures

·         The Transforming Cities work was also working on delivering an attractive service for bus users and changing behaviours to have a positive impact

·         Councillors from the Country also supported the scheme for Aylestone Meadows as it would allow for residents from the county to also access the city in a more sustainable manner for work and leisure

·         The Park and Ride site was to be developed on a brownfield site and that the development of the site would include new trees and vegetation

·         24/7 bus lanes ensure motorist are aware of the restrictions and do not use them at all, avoiding the likelihood of penalty notices

·         The overall reconstruction of the 5 ways junction would address the flooding concerns as Severn Trent would ensure the drainage was sufficient

·         Where there is an introduction of new walking/cycling routes efficient lighting is introduced without disturbing the ecology of the area.


The Chair queried whether Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points are being considered as part of the proposals and whether accessibility groups had been consulted with. In response Officers noted that, LTAP had been engaged with and their contributions had been taken into account and that Officers were engaged with on street EV charging points provider Western Power in gathering info who had a 5-year contract to introduce EV charging points.


The Commission took the Opportunity to thank the City Centre Streets Programme Manager for his contributions and wished him all the best in retirement.



1)    That the presentation be noted, and

2)    That the Director for Planning Development and Transportation be requested to consider the comments and views raised my the Commission.

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