Agenda item


Councillor Blackmore submits a report on the further development of Area Committees.  The purpose of the report is to learn from and develop current Area Committees and to roll out to the six other areas.  The Cabinet is asked to consider a number of recommendations involving the setting up of Area Committees in nine areas of the city in 2006.


Councillor Blackmore submitted a report on the further development of Area Committees.  The purpose of the report was to learn from and develop current Area Committees and to roll out to the six other areas.    It was noted that three were already running and that Area 4 (Spinney and Stoneygate) would have its first meeting on 6 December and it was proposed that it would use the new approach contained in the report.


It was also noted that the proposals were agreed by the Leicester Partnership at their meeting last Wednesday.  However, as part of the discussion at that meeting, it was felt that young people should represent themselves rather than being represented by the Youth Service and Cabinet was asked to approve this amendment to the proposals in the report.


Councillor Blackmore also pointed out that the proposed terms of reference for the Committees included a provision that budget recommendations could only be made at a quorate meeting.  In addition, he proposed that there should also be a requirement that a Member be present from any Ward in which the expenditure was proposed.


Councillor Suleman also referred to representations that the Cabinet had received with regard to further membership of Area Committees and he noted that any additional membership of the Area Committee above the basic requirement was a matter for each Area Committee to determine.



that Council be recommended to agree the following:-


(1)that the Council and the Leicester Partnership set up Area Committees in nine areas of the city in 2006, as detailed in the report


(2)  That the Council aims to provide the public with coordinated opportunities for area based engagement with public service providers and to develop this aim the membership of Area Committees should consist of -


ward Councillors  (one of whom would Chair)



The neighbourhood / community representative for the Leicester Partnership

2 young people

other  partners as each Area Committee sees fit.



(3)That each Area Committee should develop area plans to implement the outcomes of the Strategy for Leicester and the Local Area Agreement, with a particular focus on meeting neighbourhood renewal floor targets. These plans should:


be based on data such as performance against NRF floor targets / Local Area Agreement outcomes and local issues

be a mixture of actions to tackle city wide and local priorities;

be developed through collaboration and consultation with partners and local communities; and

include action to tackle deprivation in priority neighbourhoods


(4)  that to develop community engagement in Area Committees:


they should be advertised widely once they are set up to encourage people to attend


meetings and events associated with Area Committees are designed to attract and engage people more effectively, for example by having themed meetings,  patch walks, social events, facilitated discussions etc.   


they should work with area youth service to bring young people’s issues on to the agenda, and make links with the three Area Youth Forums


(5)  That the Council agrees an indicative package of support to Area Committees set out in Section 3.4  to be funded from existing resources


(6)  That Members note that each Area Committee has been given a budget of £25,000 for improvement to benefit their area, as agreed at a previous meeting of Cabinet on 26 September 2005


(7)   That officers work with Members to develop proposals for delegated functions for Area Committees, to be agreed at a future Cabinet and Council meeting; and


(8)That Members agree the Terms of Reference for Area Committees attached at Appendix B of the report, these having been amended to reflect the proposals in this report, subject to the quoracy requirements being amended so that there is at least one Member present from any Ward affected by budget recommendations.

Supporting documents: