Agenda item


The Director for Planning, Development and Transportation submits a report on the Traffic Regulation Order.


Members of the Commission are reccomended to pass any comments to the Director for Planning, Development and Transportation.


The Director for Planning, Development and Transportation Purpose submitted a report which enabled the Commission to give their views to be taken into account when considering whether or not to approve the proposed Traffic Regulation Order.


In summary it was noted that the works were planned to reconstruct the junction of Groby Road/Blackbird Road/Woodgate/Fosse Road North (known as “Five Ways”) for the purpose of enabling development at Waterside, to improve road safety, to improve the amenity of Woodgate, to improve amenity and access for pedestrians, cyclists, and access for public transport and for the strategic management of traffic flow.


It was reported that the scheme was presented to the Commission 23 March 2022 alongside other Transforming Cities Fund projects. The Commission supported the scheme, with some concerns raised regarding flooding.  Due to the changed nature of the roads, it was therefore proposed that a Traffic Regulation Order should be implemented, and the proposed Order was advertised from Monday 11th July 2022 to Monday 1st August 2022. 


It was confirmed that two objections were received within the objection period. One objection was received after the deadline and had been rejected from the formal process although the objectors’ points have been included in the consultation report for the scheme. Written replies were sent to objectors and a meeting was held with two of the objectors on Thursday 11th August 2022. Officers explained to the objectors the reasons for proposing the scheme and asked the objectors to reconsider their objections in light of the information given and it was noted that none of the objections had been withdrawn.


It was noted that objections had been received and officers had engaged with the objectors to explain the purposes of the order and to resolve their concerns.  In relation to the proposed prohibition of the left turn from Blackbird Road into Woodgate. It was also noted Officers had noted this objection but do not agree that while there would be some limited inconvenience to some residents, that this would not be disproportionate when compared to the benefits of the overall scheme.


In discussing the impacts of the scheme, members of the Commission expressed concerns as raised with them by constituents.  It was also clarified that although listed as a single objection, the representation received from the Woodgate Residents Association involved a significant number of residents.


The principal concerns raised related to the scheme potentially creating increased traffic through adjoining terraced streets, and this view was acknowledged, although in response it was considered that these concerns and the concerns of residents were disproportionate to the substantial benefits of the junction improvements.


The Deputy City Mayor (Transport, Clean Air and Climate Emergency) and the Director for Planning, Development and Transportation thanked the Commission for their deliberation on the scheme and confirmed that their comments would be considered when designing the final proposals. 


In conclusion the Chair advised and clarified that through the ongoing process, further adjustments and modifications could be made.



That Director of Planning, Development and Transportation be asked to take into account the views of the Commission when considering whether or not to approve the proposed Traffic Regulation Order.


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