Agenda item


Councillor Scuplak submits a report on a proposal to designate a Conservation Area in Churchgate.  The Cabinet is asked to recommend to Council that the area shown on the plan attached to the report be designated as the Churchgate Conservation Area and also to adopt the Character Appraisal for the Church Gate Conservation Area as supplementary guidance to the City of Leicester Local Plan.


The full Character Appraisal document is attached for Members of the Cabinet only.  Copies are available on the Council's website at or by phoning June Gray on 252 7281.           


The relevant minute extract of the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee on 25 January is attached to the report.


Councillor Scuplak submitted a report on a proposal to designate a Conservation Area in Churchgate. 


The relevant minute extract of the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee on 25 January had been circulated to Cabinet.



(1)            that Council be recommended to formally declare the area shown on the plan attached to the report as the Churchgate Conservation Area; and


(2)that the Character Appraisal for the Churchgate Conservation Area be adopted as supplementary guidance to the City of Leicester Local Plan.

Supporting documents: