Agenda item





The Committee Administrator reported that Nick Bennett, representing the Leicestershire and Rutland Gardens Trust would no longer be attending the Panel. He had given details of a replacement, Ms. D. E. Martin who it was proposed to attend future meetings.


It was also noted that Tim Abbott, representing the Royal Town Planning Institute would also no longer be attending Panel meetings. His replacement was proposed to be John Dean former Chief Planning Officer of Leicester City.


It was noted that Jackie Scott, Chartered Architect would also no longer be attending Panel meetings. She proposed that local architect Chris Sawday be her replacement.


Terms of Reference


The Panel’s Terms of Reference were circulated at the meeting.


Steve Bowyer commented that the Terms of Reference didn’t detail how the Panel’s comments were taken forward. He recommended that a set of working protocols were developed to address this.


John Burrows expressed concerns that the Panel didn’t get informed about where a planning application refusal had been appealed. Officers commented that they often didn’t know about appeals and commented that it wouldn’t help the work of the Panel if they were notified. If further support from the Panel was needed it was sought as had previously happened. Members of the Panel however felt that it would be interesting to know what was happening with regard to appeals.


Steve Bowyer also commented on the Terms of Reference. He commented that they indicated that the Panel advised the Development Control Committee, not officers as was currently the case. Officers commented that the Terms of Reference would need updating to reflect current delegation arrangements.


Concerns were expressed that the way the comments of the Panel were reported in the Development Control papers did not give sufficient detail of the discussions. Officers noted that the comments of the Panel were kept brief to put forward a consensus view which would carry more weight than differing views.


Councillor Garrity said that she welcomed the opportunity to attend the Panel and that it enhanced her knowledge of those applications before the Panel. She noted that Councillors needed update training every year and felt that there may be an opportunity for a CAP representative to address the training meeting.



that a meeting be held with the Chair, Councillor Garrity, Judith Carstairs and Steve Bowyer to agree a set of working protocols for the Panel and Development Control.


Letter from Councillor Kitterick


A letter was circulated from Councillor Patrick Kitterick at the previous meeting outlining the reasons why the Labour group didn’t attend Panel meetings.


The Panel felt that this letter should be responded to. Rowan Roenisch circulated a number of reasons why she felt that it was important to have Labour Councillors attending the Panel. Overall it was felt that Councillors could enhance their understanding of planning applications by attending the Panel and that it, in no way prejudiced them making decisions on these applications at Development Control meetings.


Rowan Roenisch agreed to draft a letter which the Chair would sign.