Agenda item


The Service Director, Environment submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.


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The Chair’s introduction reflects on the context and achievements of the past two years. 2.2 The annual report details progress in specific areas over the year to end March 08. The business plan is divided into Core Work – ie the ongoing areas of responsibility for the LSCB, and development workstreams – ie those areas which were identified at the LSCB Development Day in October 07 as the priority for development. 2.3 The LSCB business plan is fully included in Leicester’s refreshed Children and Young People’s Plan for 2008-2009. 2.4 In section 4 of this report, some of the important developments since April 08 are outlined in more detail. 3. Recommendations (or OPTIONS) 3.1 That OSMB and Cabinet note the contents of the annual report and business plan. 4. Report 4.1 Since the development of the business plan for the current three year period, the decision was taken that the LSCB needed to look again at its roles and responsibilities, albeit in the context of very recent JAR judgements that we have an outstanding LSCB. This reflected that the growing role in a wider range of development work, and the increased demands on training made it likely that a significant increase in funding would be needed to support the work of the LSCB. 4.2 The LSCB Core Business Group undertook an initial review, followed by a further event involving the three Directors of Children’s Services with the LSCB Chair and Vice-Chairs (Service Directors in each LA). A key element of this work has been to define more closely the roles and responsibilities in promoting safeguarding services for the LSCB and positioning this alongside that of the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnerships in each Local Authority. This can then clarify and make explicit about where the LSCB will Lead on developing services Co-ordinate or assist in co-ordinating services Seek to influence service development Discharging its scrutiny role. 4.3 An initial outcome of work to date has been appointment of an independent consultant to review the LSCB strategy for safeguarding training, in the light of experience of its operation for the past 18 months, and in principle support from the three Directors of Children’s Services for additional funding for the LSCB, which will be flagged to Chief Executives in a meeting scheduled for 15th September. All of the above will inform this year’s LSCB Development day on 9th October 08. 4.4 Other key areas of work for further comment here are: 4.4.1 Development of the Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP): since April 08 mechanisms have been in place to log and collate all child deaths, and detailed work has continued to develop the processes and inter-agency agreements to enable the detailed reviews of all unexpected deaths required of each LSCB area. The Panel is currently operating as a working group to oversee this work which is supported by a consultant acting as a project manager. This is a major development and has significant resource implications. The appointment of an LSCB child death review manager, based within health, is underway, drawing on LAA monies to support the CDOP development. Development of a revised process for Serious Case Reviews: ,There is now considerably more scrutiny of the reports – both of the individual management reviews and of the overview report – by Central Government, with specific written evaluation of every completed SCR which focuses on how we involve families, and whether there is sufficient analysis of why services responded as they did. Working Together 2006 also made it mandatory for there to be an “ independent “ overview report writer for serious case reviews, and our longstanding arrangement that an LSCB officer drafts the overview report is no longer viewed as sufficiently independent. The key is the quality of the individual management reviews which feed into the overview report and there will need to be greater planning and defining of the task and better support for report writers (who increasingly will include those working in early prevention services as well as schools and Children’s Social Care). Guidance on changes in structure and process will be advised later. Strengthening Work with Adult Services: A key area of development which links with the Parenting Strategy and the development of ISHs as well as core child protection work. The recently published Analysis of Serious case Reviews for 2001-2003 and for 2003 to 2005 both highlight that the co-existence of issues such as adult mental health problems, domestic violence, alcohol or drug misuse are critical in the majority of cases where children are seriously injured or die of abuse/neglect and the critical importance of engaging with services for those adults to prevent such harm. The work will include a conference for practitioners on 14th November 08. Safeguarding in Madrassas project: An ongoing project working with the federation of Muslim Organisations which continues to build. Individual visits have been made to over 40 madrassas, a whole day conference on Sunday 29th June (supported by the Behaviour Support Team and Psychology Service in AIP as well as Social Care) secured 70 madrassa leaders. Draft guidance designed for madrassas at different stages of development and a programme of tailored support for individual madrassas is now planned for Autumn onwards. Analysis of Children subject to child protection plans (formerly known as children on the child protection register): The LSCB annual report notes the work undertaken since the previous report on LSCB work to analyse and manage the rising numbers of children subject to child protection plans. Fluctuations in the numbers continue across all three Local Authority areas as can be seen from the charts in the report. This remains subject to close monitoring. Our key indicators of quality of performance remain good – ie children’s cases are reviewed appropriately; child protection plans are actioned such that children do not remain subject of a child protection plan for lengthy periods of time, and the need for repeat plans remains under control. 5. FINANCIAL, LEGAL AND OTHER IMPLICATIONS 5.1. Financial Implications There are no financial implications arising directly from this report, although the need for more funding for the LSCB has been flagged up in the 2009/10 budget setting process. Colin Sharpe, Head of Finance and Efficiency (Tel: (29) 7750)  5.2 Legal Implications There are no direct legal implications arising from this report. Kamal Adatia, Barrister, Head of Community Services Law (Tel: 0116 252 7044) 6. Other Implications OTHER IMPLICATIONSYES/NOParagraph References Within Supporting information Equal OpportunitiesPolicySustainable and EnvironmentalCrime and DisorderHuman Rights ActElderly/People on Low Income 7. Background Papers – Local Government Act 1972 Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report · 2007/08 & Business Plan · 2008/11 8. Report Author Pat Nawrockyi – Head of Service – Children’s Safeguarding Andy Smith – Interim Service Director, Social Care and Safeguarding extn: 29 8306     Ref: 08272a  PAGE 1 ^`tv‘£^ÑÛ  ? “ ¢ ´¶T‰åç "HKklöø{}ŠŒ®jl–— †‰Œ´µÓÄÝj k † ™   ä å ù ú ü !!$!'!óïêïêïêïïèïåïèßÝÝÛåÛå×ååßÛåÓåßÛåÓåßÛåßÐÌßßÁ¹ß´«´ß´ß´ß«ßOJQJmH sH mH sH 5^JmH sH ^JmH nH sH tH >*CJCJH*^J6^J5H* 5mH sH ^J\ 5H*\5\jCJUmHnHuCJKn… ¢£ÊKL^ÑÒÓÛÜýýýýýý÷÷÷÷÷ññïïñêêêâÙêêâê$„Ð^„Ða$$ & Fa$$a$ Æ' Æ'›"#þþÜìí67­®  ? “ • – ¡ ¢ € ™ µ å *+òíòíòíòèèííÊÊÊòíòÂÂÂÂí$ & Fa$$ Æ/€ûPþ ÐÀ ` 0Рp@ à"a$¤d\$$a$ $„Є0ý^„Ð`„0ýa$+NOæç÷ø‹Œ—˜‡ˆ‰´µ¶ÓòíííòäÜíÜíÜíÜÓíÎÌ»²$ Æ`úa$$ Æ`ú„Є0ý^„Ð`„0ýa$$a$$„Ð^„Ða$$ & Fa$$„h^„ha$$a$ $„Є0ý^„Ð`„0ýa$Ó†ÅÆÝ k m o … † ™    ä ìÙÈ¿µµÈÈÈ¿¤”‡‡ $ Æ`ú$Ifa$ Æ 9r `ú¤x¤x$If$ Æ`ú¤x¤x$Ifa$ „Ð7$8$H$`„Ð$ Æ`úa$$ Æ`ú„Є0ý^„Ð`„0ýa$$ Æ`ú„q„|úVD8^„q`„|úa$$ Æ`ú„ê„äÿVD+^„ê`„äÿa$ä å ù ú û ü !!!!‚\qkq‚(qZq‚„$ Æ`ú¤<¤<$Ifa$$If$ Æ`ú¤<¤<$Ifa$|$$If–lÖÖF”ÿ,¾Œ"˜’Î Ö0ÿÿÿÿÿÿöÖ ÿÿÿÖ ÿÿÿÖ ÿÿÿÖ ÿÿÿ4Ö laö !$!%!&!'!:!;!…ö¬ìñ 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