Agenda item


Kay Darby (Deputy Director Vaccinations and Immunisations, Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board) will present an overview of the winter vaccinations and immunisations programme across the Leicester population for adults and children and young people.


Kay Darby (Deputy Director Vaccinations and Immunisations, Leicester,

Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board) presented an overview of

the winter vaccinations and immunisations programme across the Leicester

population for adults, children and young people. It was noted that:

·         The Autumn Covid and Flu vaccination programmes had started early and were going well.

·         There was less appetite for Covid jabs this year despite all efforts to drive uptake. Kay’s team are working with Public Health and meeting weekly to monitor and address uptake.

·         There had been a phased reduction in the age for Shingles jab eligibility.

·         A dedicated Inequalities Lead had been appointed for School Aged Immunisations – and one aspect they would be looking at is self-consent for children in Year 8.

·         There were now Measles cases in all regions of the UK.  5 confirmed cases in LLR (4 of these are in the City) plus another four probable cases. There had been considerable community engagement in the areas where there are cases or where uptake of vaccinations is low.

·         Commissioning wouldl transfer to ICBs from April 2025 – and there were transition arrangements in place.


Comments and questions from the Board:-

·         The Chair was concerned about vaccination levels among staff (particularly in Health and Social Care) as this may impact resilience in the winter and cause transmission to residents/patients/clients. She asked that this be a focus for next year.

·         The Chair offered the support of the Board around the informed consent for young people aged 12 plus.

·         The Director of Public Health noted the work that had been done – but felt there were still stark inequalities that need to be addressed.

·         Members were pleased with the current levels of vaccination within Care Homes. The Presenting Officer noted the input of the Local Authority in this work – and that the lessons learnt from previous rounds of vaccinations was used to improve the uptake.

·         One Member noted that immunisation programmes were offered to all residents - but urged for a “Proportionate Universalism” approach whereby the funding, time and personnel be directed most intensively to those with greatest need.

·         One Member noted that a current study in East Leicester has highlighted negative opinions on vaccination/immunisation – and felt these would need to be countered by sophisticated engagement.

·         Members asked whether the lessons learnt from Covid were being utilised now, and perhaps it would be useful to stop, check and reflect. One Member noted that Public Health undertook qualitative studies about vaccine hesitancy during the peak of the pandemic, and this could be revisited. Another Member, however, felt that the current picture is very different to when that research was conducted. The Presenting Officer responded that there was evaluation built into every programme.

·         Members noted that the Board could help support a request for a more sustained uplift in gelatine-free doses of MMR (as the 20 doses allocated is insufficient for the City’s requirements).

·         The Chair drew members attention to the call at the last meeting for better collective sharing of social media assets as a Board. Members agreed to collaborate to develop and share consistent messages and myth-busting information.

·         Rachna Vyas commended both Primary and Secondary Care for noticing that staff were not used to diagnosing Measles – particularly for certain skin colours – and training was quickly put in place.

·           The Chair noted that vaccinations should be revisited as a topic rather than as part of a winter planning update.



·         That the Board thanked the Officer for the presentation and asked them to take Members comments into account.

·         That the Board would welcome a focus on driving uptake of staff vaccinations (and particularly those in Health & Social Care) as part of the planning for next winter - and will collectively support messaging aimed at addressing this. This applies to all agencies and the Voluntary and Community Sector.

·         That the Board will support self-consent of young people aged 12 plus – and can provide links to LCC’s Participation Team if that will be useful.An update to the Board on the impact of this was requested (in six months).

·         That Dr Packham will draft a letter to NHS England to ask for additional gelatine-free vaccination doses for the City – and The Chair will then sign this on behalf of the Board.

·         That Members will collaborate to develop and share social media assets that can give consistent messages and myth-busting information out to the public.


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