Agenda item


Presentation around using MECC as a means of upskilling the health and care workforces (and voluntary sector) in encouraging people to make positive changes to their health and wellbeing to prevent ill-health.


Amy Endacott (Programme Manager, Public Health, LCC) presented on this training as a means of upskilling health/care/voluntary sector workforces in encouraging people they are in contact with to make positive changes to their health and wellbeing. It was noted that:

·         The value of an upskilled workforce (both paid and voluntary) is vital to the prevention agenda.

·         This training is low cost and evidence based (by NICE) – and is included in the following key local documents:-

                      i.        The LLR 5 Year Forward Plan

                     ii.        The UHL Annual Prevention Report

                    iii.        The Health & Wellbeing Strategy and Action Plan

·         The “MECC Plus” national programme was developed locally into the current “Healthy Conversation Skills” package – and is focussed on enabling the workforce to spot opportunities to empower their service-users to be aware of their health/wellbeing and develop their own solutions. This is achieved by focussing on open questions, listening, regular reflection and support/signposting.

·         There are three levels of training:-

                      i.        a 45 minute e-learning package (1500 people have completed this across LLR).

                     ii.        a three hour face-to-face “HCS Lite”; 800 people have completed this across LLR – with around half of these being city-specific workforce. The completers for the City are mainly from Leicester City Council (Public Health, Housing, Adult Learning, Adult Social Care) and the voluntary care sector (Food Hubs, Open Hands, Leicester City in The Community etc).

                    iii.        a full six-hour course. This is the Train The Trainer aspect to the programme – and 45 LLR staff have completed this. For the City there are 11 in this network from within Public Health (Live Well Service and Community Champions) and Adult Social Care.

·         Another intended impacts is to build workforce confidence/knowledge – and this will then translate into an increase in referral to support services.

·         The programme in LLR commenced in 2019 (with some short break between then and now due to Covid-19 and capacity). Initial funding has all been utilised – but some Public Health funds are enabling the programme to continue. The current funding only allows for targeted work (and currently this is with food banks/hub and the voluntary sector).

·         The web pages have received nearly two million views.

·         Slides within the pack show the dashboard data from the survey results (pre and post course attendance).

·         Three case studies were presented:-

                      i.        Open Hands

                     ii.        Covid-19 Vaccine Confidence work – which utilised ICB funding to identify reasons for hesitancy and work alongside vaccination clinics.

                    iii.        “Proof of Concept” work – which is ongoing.

·         The Board was requested to input into the upcoming evaluation of the programme, help identify any funding pots to enable it to be sustained -  and generally endorse the concept.

Comments and questions from the Board:-

-       The member representing Healthwatch was keen for both Healthwatch and Voluntary Action Leicester to be involved.

-       The Member representing the Fire Service felt this training would be useful for the Community Educators – ideally linked to a set of priority messages (which could be chosen by The Board at the upcoming development session).

-       The Chair will be happy to have this item back for a future HWB once the evaluation is complete.

-       Dr Packham noted that a system-wide/population-level impact will not be achievable unless there is funding identified and allocated.


·         That the Board thanked the Officer for the report and asked that comments from the meeting are taken into account.

·         That the Presenting Officer will get in touch with the Member representing Healthwatch to ensure links.

·         That the Presenting Officer will link up with the Member representing the Fire Service (regarding training for the Fire Service’s Community Educators).

·         That Helen Mather and Cllr Russell will flag up the issue of funding for MECC at a future ICB meeting.

That Diana Humphries will include MECC in the agenda for the upcoming Development Session on reviewing the HWB priorities.

Supporting documents: