Agenda item


The Director of Housing submits a report to update the Commission on house building and acquisitions with a particular focus on new build council houses and the ongoing acquisitions programme.  The Commission is recommended to note the content of the report and to make any comments as they see fit.


The Head of Service presented the report, and it was noted that:

·       The Local Authority has a commitment to deliver 1,500 new social homes through a mix of acquisitions and developing new builds over the four-year term – both are progressing. The Saffron Velodrome development is now on site; Lanesborough Road development is awaiting badger survey results; the Forest Lodge Education Centre site has been demolished and a planning application submitted with the intention of being on site in 2025; the Southfields Newry site has been demolished and tender expected to enable to be on site in the New Year; and the Stocking Farm development has had the shops and garages demolished to prepare for new housing development and conversion of the farmhouse for adult social care.

·       A limited amount of Right to Buy receipts has limited the delivery of new affordable housing but the service continues to look at funding mechanisms including Homes England funding to source additional funding and deliver more homes.

·       Acquisitions generally correlate with the purchase of former council properties as they align with existing infrastructure and are suitable to meet the affordable needs of tenants. Other properties are considered for purchase through acquisition dependent upon demand on the housing register.

·       A robust process is in place to enable the Local Authority to consider building and land not in its ownership for potential viability; examples included land behind Welford Road; land development at the former Sainsburys site; the leys site and the purchase of Hospital Close with contractors now on site and anticipated to complete refurbishments in the New Year.

·       The Local Authority also support and encourage other affordable homes in the city including extra care provisions. Larger developments, such as Ashton Green, have a requirement for a percentage of new builds to be affordable and accessible and the service work to support registered providers to ensure developments in the city are suitable to current demand.

·       The New Local Plan is currently progressing which includes provisions sites for possible development of affordable housing although it should be remembered that this is likely to be for future allocation and not immediate.

·       Increasing costs continue to be a challenge and developments therefore require affordability and viability to be properly assessed to ensure the Housing Revenue Account balances.


In response to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:

·       Various developments are commencing on site and expect to have delivery of new homes over the coming year.

·       There is a strategic commitment to provide 1,500 new homes over four years. There are risks associated to development and acquisitions, including procurement, stability of the construction industry etc. but addressing the housing crisis is a strategic priority in the city enabling review and assessment of land to determine viability for all possible development or acquisition opportunities.

·       New build and acquisition provision is determined on demand of the housing register and financial viability. When developing itself, the Local Authority is able to address gaps that private providers do not, for example delivering adapted properties and ensuring properties meet national space and environmental standards.

The Commission commended the work of the division and requested a site visit be arranged to see some of the housing developments and acquisitions discussed.



·       The Commission noted the report.

·       The Commission to conduct a site visit to see the development of new council homes.

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