Agenda item


Councillor Gill submits a report on the recommendations of the scrutiny investigation into the Transport Efficiency Review.


Councillor Renold, Chair of the Operational Transport Review Group will present the findings and give a presentation of up to 5 minutes, following which Cabinet Members will have an opportunity to ask questions.  When Councillor Renold has withdrawn from the table, the Cabinet may choose to hold a discussion on the Report.


The relevant minutes extracts of the Adult and Community Services Scrutiny Committee on 21 June 2006 and of the Resources & Corporate Issues Scrutiny Committee on 22 June 2006 are attached to the report. The relevant minute extract of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee on 20 July will be circulated as soon as it is available.


The full report is attached for Members of the Cabinet only. Further copies are available on the Council's website at  or by contacting Jenny Sunderland on 252 6024.


Councillor Gill Submitted a report on the recommendations of the scrutiny investigation into the Transport Efficiency Review and invited Councillor Renold, the Chair of the Operational Transport Review Group to present the Group’s findings to Cabinet.


The relevant minute extracts of the Adult and Community Services Scrutiny Committee on 21 June 2006, the Resources & Corporate Issues Scrutiny Committee on 22 June 2006 and the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee on 20 July 2006 had also been circulated to the Cabinet.


Councillor Gill noted the Scrutiny Committee’s comments.


Councillor Renold, Chair of the Operational Transport Review Group presented the findings of the Operational Transport Review Group to Cabinet. He emphasised the lessons learnt and that such reviews should be adequately resourced and not rushed.


Councillor Gill thanked Councillor Renold for all the work he had done on this report and also thanked the work of the previous chair of the working group, Councillor John Blackmore. The Leader also thanked all Members who had taken part in the working group.



(1)that the recommendations in the main report of the Working Group (p8 and 9 Appendix A) be approved, subject to the following amendments and additions.


Recommendation Two – To be applied to significant budget changes as a result of organisational reviews, not all budget changes as some reviews only directly affect single or a few officers and small amounts of budget.


Recommendation Four – Different parts of the Operational Transport process (and different officers within it) have different informational needs and finding a one size fits all solution will be difficult. Prior to seeking a software solution in the market place Operational Transport should review practices in other local authorities and see how the most cost effective Authorities organise, manage and fulfil their information needs.


Recommendation Five   The expertise and setting of the standards regarding the Council’s duties on ‘safeguarding children and adults’ is a function of the two client departments (Adults and Community and Children and Young People). These departments need to agree the standards they expect, what activity will then satisfy those standards, setting out the potential financial and other implications. The Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture will ensure that the required activities are undertaken within the budget made available.


Recommendation Six – The management and location of Operational Transport is in the same department – Regeneration and Culture. However, two further departments (Adults and Community and Children and Young Peoples’) are also closely involved. These departments request all journeys and services from operational transport and have a day-to-day operational relationship with the Transport team. Options on the future location of Operational Transport will be included in the report to Cabinet in September 2006.


(2)that officers in Adult and Community Services be asked to explore how they can manage the £700,000 shortfall in funding for transport without impacting on front line services;


(3)that the report in September 2006 should include a position statement on the continuing work to find efficiency savings within the Operational Transport Service, using their budget set for 2006/7 as the baseline;


(4)that a proposed resolution regarding a requirement for Consultants to provide their conclusions in writing be included in the September report, following consultation with the Chair of the Working Group;


(5)that, in future, all ICT hardware and software procurements of substantial cost or impact, including corporate solutions across departments, only take place after consultation with corporate ICT services; and


(6)that the Working Group be thanked for their commitment to this process and all of their findings noted.

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