Agenda item


(a)            Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee – 8 January 2007


Building Schools for the Future – Update and Local Employment Scheme        


The following was agreed at the above meeting.  The full minute extract is attached at Appendix A1.


“That as the issue has corporate implications Cabinet and the Town Clerk

be requested to consider the opportunities available to benefit the City from

the Building Schools for the Future Programme”.


Councillor Suleman to respond


(b)              Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny Committee – 18 January 2007


2006/07 Capital Programme Monitoring


The following was agreed at the above meeting.  The full minute extract is attached at Appendix A2.


“that the committee expresses its concerns to Cabinet about the level of

slippage in Regeneration and Culture Department Capital Programme”.


Councillor Coley to respond


(c)               Resources and Corporate Issues Scrutiny Committee – 16 November 2006


Scrutiny Research Project:  Executive Briefing Note for Scrutiny Reports


The following was agreed at the above meeting.  The full minute extract is attached at Appendix A3.


“that Cabinet and all Scrutiny Committees be recommended to consider amending the existing report format to remove the summary report at the front because it did not serve its purpose and that on future reports a feedback section be attached to the rear for Councillors to give feedback to report authors”.


Councillor Coley to respond


(d)              Adult and Community Services Scrutiny Committee – 10 January 2007


Adult Social Care Performance 2006/2007


The following was agreed at the above meeting.  The full minute extract is attached at Appendix A4.


“that Cabinet’s attention be drawn to the fact that the departments rating to improve has declined and that further financial constraints might well have a serious impact on the capacity to improve”.


Councillor Gill to respond


(e)               Adult and Community Services Scrutiny Committee – 10 January 2007


Adult Learning - Update


The following was agreed at the above meeting.  The full minute extract is attached at Appendix A5. 


“that the information be noted and that the comments expressed regarding

 the future of free ESOL courses be fed back to Cabinet.”.


A briefing note is also attached with regard to ESOL training.


Councillor Gill to respond.


(f)                 Spinney Hills and Stoneygate Area Committee – 20 November 2006 and 29 January 2007


Highways – Response to Working Group


The following was agreed at the meeting on 29 January 2007.  Both minute extracts are attached at Appendix A6.


“that Cabinet be requested to consider the proposals of the Highways  Working Group which were supported by the Area Committee”.


a)            Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee – 8 January 2007


Building Schools for the Future – Update and Local Employment Scheme


The following was agreed at the above meeting


“That as the issue has corporate implications Cabinet and the Town Clerk be requested to consider the opportunities available to benefit the City from the Building Schools for the Future Programme”.


Councillor Suleman agreed that the Building Schools for the Future programme was a great opportunity for the City and reported that a full report on the programme and the opportunities it afforded would be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet 


b)            Economic Development and Planning Scrutiny Committee – 18 January 2007


2006/07 Capital Programme Monitoring – Period 7


The following was agreed at the above meeting


“that the committee expresses its concerns to Cabinet about the level of slippage in Regeneration and Culture Department Capital Programme”.


Councillor Coley referred to the report to the last Cabinet on the progress of the capital programme and that overall the Council was performing well.  He acknowledged that there were 2 key areas of slippage.  One was in relation to the Performing Arts Centre which had encountered delays beyond the Council's control.  The second was the St George's Infrastructure Liveability project and officers had been asked to prepare an update to Scrutiny and Cabinet members on the amount of slippage on this project, the reasons, action taken and any lessons learned.


c)            Resources and Corporate Issues Scrutiny Committee -  16 November 2006


Scrutiny Research Project:  Executive Briefing Note for Scrutiny Report


The following was agreed at the above meeting


“that Cabinet and all Scrutiny Committees be recommended to consider amending the existing report format to remove the summary report at the front because it did not serve its purpose and that on future reports a feedback section be attached to the rear for Councillors to give feedback to report authors”.


            Councillor Coley proposed that Scrutiny experiment with an amended report format over a 6 month period and give feedback to Cabinet.


d)         Adult and Community Services Scrutiny Committee – 10 January 2007


            Adult Social Care Performance 2006/2007


The following was agreed at the above meeting.


“that Cabinet’s attention be drawn to the fact that the departments rating to improve has declined and that further financial constraints might well have a serious impact on the capacity to improve”.


Councillor Ramsdale reported that he shared the Scrutiny Committee's concerns and that the pressure on Adult Social Care budgets was a nationwide issue.  He noted that provision had been made in the budget proposals for an extra £6.3 million to be spent on Social Care Services over the next 3 years.


e)         Adult and Community Services Scrutiny Committee - 10 January 2007


Adult Learning - Update


The following was agreed at the above meeting.


“that the information be noted and that the comments expressed regarding the future of free ESOL courses be fed back to Cabinet.”


Councillor Ramsdale agreed with the importance of ESOL courses and submitted a briefing note outlining the action being taken by the Council to try and change the policy of the Learning and Skills Council who funded these programmes.


f)            Spinney Hills and Stoneygate Area Committee - 20 November 2006 and 29 January 2007


Highways - Response to Working Group


The following was agreed at the meeting on 29 January 2007


“that Cabinet be requested to consider the proposals of the Highways  Working Group which were supported by the Area Committee”.


Councillor Mugglestone reported that he was happy to consider any individual requests in respect of parking enforcement.

Supporting documents: