Agenda item


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Unfortunately the objector was unable to attend. The detail of the objection is attached. Recommendations It is recommended that: a. The objections to the proposed Order be over ruled b. The Service Director of Highways and Transportation confirm the Order to come into operation on the 9th of August 2004 Financial and Legal Implications Please see attached report dated 24th December 2003 Report Author/Officer to contact: Karon Grew, Principal Legal Officer, Ext 6367 WARDS AFFECTED CHARNWOOD, COLEMAN AND SPINNEY HILLS FORWARD TIMETABLE OF CONSULTATION AND MEETINGS: Development Control Sub-Committee 15th June 2004 THE LEICESTER TRAFFIC REGULATION (ST SAVIOURS ROAD AREA)(AMENDMENT) ORDER 2004 SUPPORTING INFORMATION 1. Report 1.1 In December 2003 the Service Director, Highways and Transportation approved the proposals in principle the making of the above Traffic Regulation Order, the effect of which will be to amend existing waiting restrictions as part of the review of traffic restrictions in Leicester City. 1.2 All legal procedures in connection with the Order have been completed. Following public advertisement of the proposals one objection was received. The objector was invited to attend an objector’s meet to be held on Tuesday 18th May 2004. The objector was unable to attend the meeting and his written objections have been considered herewith. The objector was concerned about the proposal to mark a “no waiting at any time” restriction outside his shop on St. Saviour’s Road and the way in which it would affect his business. There is already a daytime waiting restriction operational along the area of the road concerned. The traffic officer considered the objector’s request not to place additional waiting restrictions in front of the premises but this was not found to be feasible for the following reasons. The stretch of St Saviours Road immediately outside the property is on a tight bend, opposite the junction with Hillcroft Road and covers a pedestrian crossing facility located there. It was noted during the course of survey work that vehicles parked immediately outside the premises caused oncoming vehicles to negotiate the bend on the wrong side of the carriageway without a direct line of sight into the carriageway ahead. St Saviours Road is also a bus route and there remains a requirement to keep the road clear for the operation of buses. It is considered that the nature of the junction justifies the imposition of the restriction proposed due to St Saviours Road being a busy route that serves industrial, light commercial and residential properties. Furthermore, the no waiting at any time restriction that is proposed along this stretch of St. Saviour’s Road does not limit loading activity. Provided loading and/or unloading activity is taking place, vehicles remain free to service the shops located in the area when stationary on the restricted area. 1.4 In conclusion I would recommend that the objection be overruled, and that the proposals proceed. All legal procedures appertaining to traffic regulation orders stipulated within the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 have been adhered to. FINANCIAL, LEGAL AND OTHER IMPLICATIONS 1. Financial Implications Please see attached report dated 24th December 2003. 2. Legal Implications Traffic Regulation Orders are introduced under the 1984 Road Traffic Regulation Act and the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedures)(England and Wales) Regulations 1996. All aspects of that legislation have been complied with. 3. Background Papers – Local Government Act 1972 Legal File number E54470 – containing in part exempt information Report of the Traffic Officer dated 24th December 2003. - attached 4. Report Author – Karon Grew, Principal Legal Officer – Ext 6367  WARDS AFFECTED: 24 December 2003 CHARNWOOD, COLEMAN, SPINNEY HILLS Report for consideration by Service Director Highways and Transportation NEW LEICESTER TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER, ST. SAVIOUR’S ROAD AREA Report of the Traffic Group Manager Purpose of Report To seek authorisation to commence the statutory procedures required to amend the existing waiting restrictions in the St. Saviour’s Road area as part of the review of traffic restrictions in Leicester City. Summary 2.1 As part of the ongoing review of traffic regulation orders in the City work has commenced in the St. Saviour’s Road area. It is intended to consolidate the existing restrictions into the New Leicester Traffic Regulation Order, together with any changes considered appropriate. 3. Recommendations 3.1 That the Director approves the proposal in principle; authorises officers to commence the statutory procedures; and if objections are received, that a further report be submitted. 4. Financial and Legal Implications The cost of amending the traffic regulatio


The Monitoring Officer submitted a report that drew together various strands of work relating to standards and ethical governance for Members.


The Head of Democratic Services commented that there was a lot of work currently in progress with regard to Standards and Ethical Governance. In reference to Appendix one in the report the Head of Democratic Services mentioned that a number of changes that had been suggested had been implemented already.  A table in the report listing the work being done in relation to Standards and Ethical Governance was referred to.


The Chair queried whether the Code of Conduct training was compulsory for Members. A Member of the Committee stated that the training should be compulsory as Members had to sign the Code of Conduct and queried how could the Code of Conduct be signed if they had not undertaken the training.


The Chair commented that it should be decided that if someone became a Councillor then they would have to undertake training. A Member of the Committee stated that most new Councillors would be willing to undertake the training. The Chair suggested that the report be brought back and see if Code of Conduct training could be made compulsory. A Member of the Committee suggested that the recommendations be taken to Whips. The Chair commented that if compulsory training was brought in, the enforceability and what would happen if individuals did not undertake the training would have to be looked into.  (Amended following 12 November 2008 meeting): The Chair stated that, as it was difficult to enforce attendance at training, Members should be encouraged as far as possible to take part in training on a voluntary basis. The Monitoring Officer commented that he would look into the issue and see if could be included in the Political Conventions.



1)       that Members note the recommendations to form the Council’s CPA report relating to the Standards Committee.


2)       that Members note the “Good Governance in Local Government” action plan summary containing items relating to the Standards Committee.

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