Agenda item


Councillor Draycott submits a report that presents the performance of the Council and its Partners in delivering services to citizens during the second quarter of 2007/08.  Cabinet is recommended to congratulate those areas demonstrating continuous improvement in performance, review the second quarter performance results and consider the need for any special action on areas of concern, note the risks identified as being matters relevant to the council at this time and receive regular reports on actions taken to mitigate the identified risks as part of the regular performance process.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report that presented the performance of the Council and its partners in delivering services to citizens during the second quarter of 2007/08. 


Councillor Draycott summarised the performance report and referred to those areas of service that warranted praise or concern.  She was pleased to report that there had been a significant improvement in the Benefits and Housing service blocks.  She stated that one area of concern was the condition of footways, and that the department was looking at long-term resourcing of footways through the Star Chamber process.  She reported that Cabinet would be receiving a separate report on this particular issue at a future meeting.  A second area of concern was the number of days lost to sickness per employee.  Councillor Draycott stated that it was intended that the target of 12 days a year per employee for sickness absence be reduced to 10 days.  The final area of concern referred to by Councillor Draycott related to the increase in vehicle crime.  It was felt that this rise was predominantly due to the large number of thefts of satellite navigation systems from vehicles.


Councillor Willmott stated that a high level of performance was crucial for the authority and was particularly pleased with the improvements in Housing Benefits services.  He also stated that all was being done to maintain and improve performance including through securing additional resources, introducing new ways of working and careful scrutiny by Members.


Councillor Draycott reported that an updated version of the report would be presented at the next Cabinet meeting.



(1)      that those areas demonstrating continuous improvement in performance be congratulated.


(2)      That the second quarter performance results be reviewed and the need for any special action on areas of concern be considered.


(3)      That the risks identified as being matters relevant to the Council at this time be noted; and


(4)      That regular reports on actions taken to mitigate the identified risks as part of the regular performance management process be received. 

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