Agenda item


Councillor Draycott submits a report that presents the performance of the Council and its Partners in delivering services to citizens during the second quarter of 2007/08, i.e. end of October 2007. The information provided is set out to show performance against CPA, Corporate Plan, Local Area Agreement (LAA) and Departmental indicator sets. Information is also provided through the Cabinet performance indicator portfolios appended to this report. The report also provides an update on the treatment of corporate risks within the Council. Cabinet is recommended to congratulate those areas demonstrating continuous improvement in performance, review the second quarter performance results and consider the need for any special action on areas of concern, to note the risks identified as being matters relevant to the Council at this time, and to receive regular reports on actions taken to mitigate the identified risks as part of the regular performance management process.


The relevant minute extract from the Performance and Value For Money Select Committee to be held on 14 January 2008 will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report that presented the performance of the Council and its Partners in delivering services to citizens during the second quarter of 2007/08, i.e. end of October 2007 and also provided information through the Cabinet performance indicator portfolios.


The relevant minute extract of the Performance and Value Select Committee on 14 January 2008 had been circulated to the Cabinet and Councillor Draycott stated that she welcomed these comments.  She was in agreement with the Committee in respect of bringing back into use as many of the authorities existing empty homes as possible.  In respect of a further comment around staff sickness levels, she stated that the target of 12 average sickness days per year was to be reduced to 10.  In response to a request, Councillor Draycott reported that there was no problem with the Committee receiving regular reports on actions taken to mitigate the identified risks as part of the regular performance management process.



(1)               That those areas demonstrating continuous improvement in performance be congratulated;


(2)               that the second quarter performance results be reviewed and the need for any special action on areas of concern be considered;


(3)               that the risks identified as being matters relevant to the Council at this time be noted, and;


(4)that regular reports be received on actions taken to mitigate the identified risks as part of the regular performance management process.

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